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No available mediaserver

Level 4

Hi all,


we have a problem with our Symantec BE 12.5 (SP4 + latest updates).

I replaced the drive of our HP 1/8 autoloader, and suddenly BE tells me that there are no available mediaservers. I checked the Windows service "removable storage" already, it´s correctly disabled.
I get the same error message when the serivce is enabled.

The device itself seems to be installed correctly, I used the latest Sym. driver which came with the SP4.
I also checked the BE services, they are installed and working properly.

Windows 2003 Server (32bit)
Symantec 12.5 (SP4 + latest updates)
HP 1x8 G2 Autoloader (LTO4 Ultrium Tape Drive).

many thanks in advance and have a good day


Level 6

Kindly attempt the below...

Please go to the devices tab in Backup Exec and right click the server name then click on PAUSED. Close the console and relaunch after about a minute. Unpause the server. Attempt to the run job, you may want to restart all services if the pause / unpause does not work right away.

Also ensure that the device is online and "READY" in backup exec. Ensure that a tape is not stuck in the drive of the autoloader from the physical device.

Note: This was a known issue and has been addressed by way of a HF. I am unsure of why this would occurr in BE 12.5 SP4.


Do keep us posted, I shall research some more as and when necessary.

Level 4

thank you for your help.

When I tried to Pause the server, I received an error message "Server cannot be paused". But the server went into the paused state. Aftrer unpausing the server I received another error message "Server cannot be enabled" (<< not exactly, sorry for my broken english)

Anyhow, after pausing the server, the error message still occours.
I forgot to mention in my previous post:
- I already did a Repair Installation of BE
- Restarted the loader
- restarted the server several times

Now, I have a differnt problem.
The state of the job is: "Ready;Paused"

I will restart both machines (Loader and Server) again, to see if it still occours.


Employee Accredited Certified

Level 4

after removing the hotfix, I did not receive any error messages when I pause/unpause the server. Thanks for the link..
But the actual problem is still not fixed.

the jobs are still in the state: "ready - no mediaserver available"

Any ideas?

Employee Accredited Certified

Open Beutility and check the status of the server of its still in the Paused status.

If the status is Running then perform a powercycle of the server and the device.

Level 4

regarding BEutil.exe the server is in running state. I can see all the versions and revisions.

Should I delete the existing one and create a new one?
I just want to avoid to create the media sets and and things like that?

Partner    VIP    Accredited

Hi Axel,


I saw you repaired BE, but did you do a repair of the BEDB using BEutility.exe as well? This would fix up any issues with the DB.

THe other option is to completely remove (logically & physically from the server + BE) the autoloader. Once done, see if this allows you to get BE to a working state. You'll need to uninstall the drivers in Windows + delete the device from Device Manager + BE's Devices.

If you get it running again, reconnect the autoloader, and see if this still works, and for good measure reinstall the SYmantec drivers for the device.



Level 4

I repaired also the BEDB incl. indices. But that also didn´t work.

I have to drive to work (as I am actually on holiday) to remove the loader from the server.
this is going to take a while smiley
I will keep you up to date.

Level 4

Current Status:

After removing the physical drive and loader from the machine, I started a test Backup2Disk job >> worked.

I deleted the Symantec Driver and restarted the machine. Afterwards I attached the loader and installed the driver and finally restarted the server again.

The job status is still: ready; no mediaserver available

I am going to test the HP backup express if that works, so I have a working backup at least.

I would appreciate any ideas or comments on this thread.
thanks in advance


Partner    VIP    Accredited

...and I take it that under media pools in BE you can see the drive listed correctly?

Employee Accredited Certified

Try the following steps :-

-- put the job targetted t o Tape Drive on hold

-- Launch SGMON.exe from C:\Program Files\Symantec\Backup Exec\

-- Select Bengine,agent browser,beremote and device and media

Also click on tools -> option in SGMON and highlight device and media

Select verbose logging

-- Start the Job and when you get the message "media server is unavailable" then check the SGMON for 1 min and close it

Note :- Disable verbose logging before closing SGMON

-- Open the SGMON Log from C:\Program Files\Symantec\Backup Exec\Logs

-- You might (I am guessing) see an error about incompatible media

(Your Issue could be different also)

-- Upload the SGMON log and also if you get the incomptible media error then check

the Tape unit for a incompatible cleaning Tape, remove it if you find any and run the backup to test

Let us know how it goes

Level 4

Now the Job status tells me "there are no non active drives available" - I am getting crazy.
Attached you will find the log that I luckily did before.

Level 5
Employee Accredited Certified

If the backup to disk is also not working when the autoloader is connected most likely there a tape is stuck in the drive. Most of the issues where "Ready; no media servers available" occurs due to stuck of tape in the drive. There are hardly other issues with the tape autolader if you have checked other things like firmware, drivers.

You need to physically eject the tape and than try the backup again by checking the autoloader is not giving you any errors on its console.


Employee Accredited Certified

Are you getting this error "ready; no idle devices are available". " Please check if any Tape is stuck in the Drive

Tape out all Tapes

Initilize the library

Make sure if the library is running on random/automatic mode

Then put the Tapes one by one and see if you report  the same problem

Also it seems that verbose was not selected for device and media in the above log when you turned on logging through SGMON

Can you try one more time. From Tools -> Settings in SGMON and then highlight device and media and tick verbose and click ok and run the job and upload the SGMOn log


Level 4

I will post the log as soon I get the original error message.

As you noticed, I am not an expert with BE.
Attached you will find a current screenshot from the device Tab.
The other pictues shows the current tapes within the loader.

I don´t know why the drive is in use. I will unload the tapes by tomorrow morning.

Partner    VIP    Accredited

Pause your server under Devices for a minute or so, and then unpause it. See if this makes a difference.

Also make sure that RSM is disabled in Windows.