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Notification problem

Level 4
Hi All,

Using BE 9.1. We use email notifications for checking our backups.
Our AV software is causing a problem with this.
I made sure that bengine.exe was white-listed within the AV software.
Are there any other services/exe's that are used for the notification process? Has anyone else had this problem?
If I turn off the AV on the backup servers the notifications work fine but this is not something i'm prepared to do long term for obvious reasons!

Please help.

Level 6
I'd also allow Notification Server, since I think this is the service which actually sends out the notifications, and possibly Alert Server, since that could potentially be connected.

Which firewall software are you using? Could you not simply allow smtp (port 25) traffic out of the firewall from that machine?

Level 4
Thanks Keith but neither of these services are installed on my servers.
The notifications worked without these services installed before.
Any other ideas?
I could add the notification & alert services/exe's to the white list but is there any point if the services are not installed?


Level 6
Weird! I thought that was how the notifications worked! So if those services aren't installed and it still works I have no idea how it works.

As I said in my edit of my previous post (you were just too damn quick replying! :-), have you tried just allowing SMTP traffic out through the firewall?

Level 4
There is no Firewall involved Keith.
Both SMTP server and Backup server reside on local lan.

Level 6
Ahhhh, sorry I completely misread the post and thought you'd said firewall rather than AV, probably because I can't think of how the AV system would or should adversly effect the notifications.

The only thing I can suggest is to go through the logs from the AV scanner, but obviously depending on which AV software you're using this might be impossible. I think Norton has some level of logging its activity, but I have a feeling a lot of them don't really both, which is a bit of a pain.

Sorry I can't think of anything more helpful.

Level 2
I'm assuming you've received notification from your AV (or seen it in the logs) that it's blocking email from the Veritas engine that you know this to be the problem? Which AV software are you using? To which account do you send the messages? I send mine to administrator but they come through Outlook 2003 (running on Exchange 2003 server) as Posts not emails.

I'm assuming you don't have any filters in Outlook that might actually be doing this? Have you checked your junk mail folder to make sure it's not getting blocked by your mail client as opposed to your AV software? The help in that window is very thorough. Perhaps you've just misconfigured or perhaps you can reconfigure and try whitelisting the new sender you add...? just a few quick thoughts.

I'm also assuming you're sure you set up your EMTP mail server, port and sender info correctly in the Alerts section of BE?

Level 4
Well got it going.
Had to add in beserver.exe & benetns.exe into the AV exclusions along with bengine.exe.
I am using McAfee Virus Scan along with EPO.
Thanks for all your suggestions