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Pausing the job when changing tape

Level 2

A 6TB NetApp volume need to perform weekly backup using backup exec.

The backup job need to run for 41 hours each time.


The tape driver always request clean when performing the backup, and the backup will fail after the cleaning.

We had replaced the tape drivers and the problem still exist.


All the tapes are new, and the tape library are also new.

After discuss with vendor, they think the root cause is the 40 hours non-stopping each time.


Spliting the backup job is not possible, as the Netapp design, files may not able to restore if we does not backup by volume.


Since backup exec can pause the backup when the media is not enough, and wait for new media insert.

In a long backup, backup exec wil change the tape after finish writing a tape

Is it ok to set a waiting time (eg. 15mins - 30mins) between ejecting the old tape and inserting the new tape?


Thanks very much!

Ray Hung


Level 6
Partner Accredited

Pausing an active job feature is not available at present with BE. 

There is an idea requesting this feature in Ideas section. Enough thumbsup votes on it may push symantec to implement it in upcoming versions.


After discuss with vendor, they think the root cause is the 40 hours non-stopping each time

I don't think this is true. Requesting number of times for cleaning within a less span of time in general indicates a hardware issue. Verify the tape devices with diagnostic utilities.


Level 6

Yes that is Absolutely fine.


But As it is a tape Library, The tapes would be automaticaly Picked Up.


however yes You may have it setup in that way when the Media alert Pops Up...

Clear the automatically clear alert :

Level 6

Yes what Kiran Says is true. It cannot be a reason that a tape drive cannot work extensively..!!

   VIP    Certified

Is it ok to set a waiting time (eg. 15mins - 30mins) between ejecting the old tape and inserting the new tape?

What is the purpose of doing do?  The job will wait forever until you changed the tape and respond to the alert.  Normally, the auto-response for the media insert alert is set so that you cancel the job by refusing request to change media.

Level 2

Thanks very much for reply.


The tape library is Dell TL2000 with 2 LTO5 drive, and the tapes are HP & Dell LTO5

TL2000 and the LTO5 drive starts to use on Aug 2011 (come with Dell LTO5 tapes)

and all the LTO5 tapes are new


Althought Dell replace the tape drive for us many time, the problem will exist again when used those drives for 2 weeks.

It seems not the compatible problem with HP tapes as the problem also exist the Dell LTO5 tapes (come with the TL2000)


Will there any compatible problem with Backup Exec and TL2000?

or the TL2000 have problem?


Partner    VIP    Accredited



You unfortunately don't state which version of BE you're using. Here are HCl's for 2010 (all versions) and 12.5. You will have to verify yourself and make sure that the Dell unit is listed.:

2010 R1/R2/R3



Also make sure you're using the Symantec drivers for the device and that you're both fully patched, and running the latest Symantec DDI package for your version.

If youre device ISN'T on the HCL of your version, and you're running an older version, check to see if it is showing on the 2010 R3 list and consider upgrading.

Lastly...check for any errors on the actual server being backed up...

