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Please insert overwritable media

Level 4
Hi !

All of a sudden i get the message "Please insert overwritable media into the robotic library using the import command on all of my full jobs to tape.

IBM TS3200
BAckup exec 12.5 SP2

All my jobs has worked like a charm since dec 2008 whithout any problems
The setup is that causes a problem is my full jobs to tape, 3 of them

Currently the 3 jobs have this setup for Overwritable and APPEND and they are linked to their own media set
Append have i changed only for test,  before all problems append was set to  0

Job A  OP 4 weeks Append infinite allow append
Job B  OP 2 weeks Append ininite allow append
Job C  OP 2 weeks Append infinite allow append

I can see a bunch of tapes that are overwritable and even scratch media for each job. But as soon as i start one i get  "Please insert overwritable media popup".
And it feels like its not  even looking for tapes, it takes about 10 secs for the popup to apper. Also tried the Import command  from backup exec whitch leaves the tape in the I/O slot.
And from the Robotic GUI that moves the tape to the drive but backup exec dosent see it .

If i go to tools/options and then Device and Media   Keep data infintley is select but i guess it should be so  or ?  the only option there is to choose one of my  media sets ? and there are one for each !

Also tried upgrade to SP2, ran a repair of backup exec , inventory like a hundred  times :)  no luck so if anyone know whats up please help !

Check attacthed pics

Christer Sundqvist


Level 6
If you are running jobs defined as Append, to an Appendable Media set, eventually the media will fill up with non-overrwriteable data, since the OPP is reset each time an Append Job finishes. 

If you are doing this to disk, you will fill your disk with non-overwriteable BKF files, since all media in an append "family" share the same OPP,  which, again, is reset each time a job finishes

Level 6
If you run an erase job of a couplke of those overwritable media and they get put in the SCRATCH pool, will the job run then?
What if you create a new job to test?  Maybe your old jobs got corrupted somehow?

Level 4
Hi !

Yes but right now there are available media and i still cant get any of the jobs running !


Level 6
Are your jobs overwrite or append?