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Problem with Performance with Veritas Backup Exec

Level 2
Hy there,

I had on 05/23/2005 a total Backup-Time of 9:14:28.
On 05/30/2005 I had a total Backup-Time of 11:01:44.

The Backup is growing up from 64GB to 66GB.

The Problem is found in MS Exchange Backup.

I did not changed something in this range (because im on Military-Service). And other people haven't the access to do someting.

Could you please give me hints to solve this problem, because between this both days are all Backups during more than 12 houre and was cancelled by the system (max. duration of backup is 12 hour at the moment).

Thanks for your help and tips and sorry for my bad englisch.

Kindly Regards

Additionally: We have a SBS 2003 and the Backup-Server is the Exchange-Server (SBS)

Level 6

We presume that you want to improve backup performance.
- Is Exchange on the same server as Backup Exec?
- Refer the following technotes.
What Backup Exec settings can be modified to reduce the amount of time it takes for a backup to run?

How to correct slow backup performance, slow virus or pre-job scans, and agent initialization problems on fragmented Windows NT, Windows 2000, and Windows 2003 server partitions

NOTE : If we do not receive your reply within two business days, this post would be marked assumed answered and would be moved to answered questions pool.

Level 2
Hy Amruta,

I'm now back from military service (sorry, for the delay).

About your questions, yes, the Exchange is on the same server as the Backup Exec.

I've looked at the Exec Settings, it's all fine.

About the second title, it's not the solution, because I made it everyday automated AND the problem is with the Exchange Server.

Additionally: Nobody changed nothing, but the time from the Backup is increasing from 8 to 9 hours to 12 hours...

I didn't found the solution why the speed is decreasing.

Many thanks for your help.


Level 6
Hello Diego,

It seems the Exchange (installed on the same server) takes a long time to backup. Had you changed anything on this server which might have caused the slow speed of backup? What time do you run this job? Is it a scheduled job?
Addititonally you can refer to the following technotes which might help resolve the problem. In case the backup clashes with the Exchange database maintenance:

Title: Slow backup performance occurs when backing up Microsoft Exchange 2000 and Exchange 2003 servers between 1:00 am and 5:00 am.

You can also refer to the following:
Slow throughput while backing up Microsoft Exchange mailboxes

Hope this helps. In case the problem persists, do write back at the forum with details.

However if we do not receive your update within two business days, this post would be marked ‘assumed answered’ and would be moved to ‘answered questions’ pool.


Level 2
Hy Priya,

nothing was changed on the Exchange Server.

the Job starts normally dailly (scheduled) at 21 o'clock and had a maximum time up to 12 hour (at the moment is changed).

Problem, the backup of the exchange start at the same time, as the cleanup agent roll (it was never before a problem.... I couldn't understand why...). I've changed the time of the cleanup agent and also the time of backup.

I let you tomorrow now, if this was the solution or not.

Many Thank for your help.

Kindly Regards

Level 2
Hy @all,

my problem is solved... It's really true, that the Exchange made his cleanup at the same time, as the Backup was running.

The Problem was, that the Backup was growing up with the speed (it do it faster, every day a little bit faster) and that was the problem with the time difference, because I haven't the problem befor.

In this case, many thanks for your help and I'm sorry, that I haven't found the Problem byself, because it was writing more than 1 time, that the cleanup agent from Exchange made some problem, if the cleanup agent run at the same time, as the backup is runnnig.

Many thanks for your help ;)

I wish you a wunderful day.

Kindly Regards