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Remote Agent for NT4 work around for 12?

Level 2
There was a work around for NT4 servers that could be used with 11D - using the 10D agent on the NT4 box and choosing the NT4 selctions via user defined selections -
Recently upgraded to 12 and now that work around is failing.
Now before everyone gets on their high horse about what the ***** are you still doing with a NT4 box out there - lets just move past it and say it's the only one, but it is a critical and necessary evil for this client. Which is all the more reason why we have backup solutions like BUEX right? Only now, even that safety net has gone away.
Do I have to back down to 11D again? Or is there another workaround for 12?

Level 6
Don't remember if NT4 NTBackup supported Backup-to-Disk or not. 
If so you could use that to a network share, and then grab the BKF files with v12
Of if you have an unused v8.6 or v9x BackupExec serial lying around, you could install that on the NT4 box and again B2D to a network share
That's about all that I can think of