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Remote Agent stops with Multiple WMI-Repository-Folders

Level 2
Hello Veritas,

I stumbled over the following behavior which I would like to alert you of.

Before trying to rebuild the WMI-Repository under "C:\WINDOWS\system32\wbem\Repository" on 2 Windows 2003 servers I made copies unter "C:\WINDOWS\system32\wbem\Repository.sik".
The next day the Backup of those 2 machines failed; after investigating the issue I knew that the remote agents on those machines failed (the services stopped).
After some tests I came upon the reason for the crash, the Remote Agents do not crash if the folder "C:\WINDOWS\system32\wbem\Repository.sik" is moved somewhere else.

I'd suspect this is an error in the Remote Agent. It would be nice if there'd be a fix in a service pack before someone else stumbles over this issue, which is not too easy to figure out (who'd suspect something like that?).

Regards, Manuel Martin

Level 6

What is the error in job log?

Are there any errors in application and system logs?

To isolate the issue try running backup of Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) through the WMI properties.

Also refer this technote:

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Level 2

here's an example:

Sichern - KAHLESSOFO: Initialisierung fehlgeschlagen: "\\KAHLESS\Shadow?Copy?Components". Advanced Open File Option verwendet: Ja.
OFO: Schnappschußfehler (0xfffffe1f): Gerät nicht gefunden.

Anschluß nicht möglich an \\KAHLESS\C:
Anschluß nicht möglich an \\KAHLESS\C:
OFO: Initialisierung fehlgeschlagen: "\\KAHLESS\Shadow?Copy?Components". Advanced Open File Option verwendet: Ja.
OFO: Schnappschußfehler (0xfffffe1f): Gerät nicht gefunden.

Anschluß nicht möglich an \\KAHLESS\D:
Anschluß nicht möglich an \\KAHLESS\D:
OFO: Initialisierung fehlgeschlagen: "\\KAHLESS\Shadow?Copy?Components". Advanced Open File Option verwendet: Ja.
OFO: Schnappschußfehler (0xfffffe1f): Gerät nicht gefunden.

Please note, that there's no problem with backing up WMI
If there's no folder %systemroor%\system32\wmi\repository.sik which is a copy of the repository nothing bad happens... Otherwise, the Remote Agent dies. Please try to reproduce that.

Regards, Manuel Martin

Level 6

Besides what you have mentioned this issue could also occur when the backup is configured to back up via a User Defined Share to one of the administrative shares.
To work around this issue, either make the selection by browsing to the resource through the network tree under the remote selections or by creating a User Defined Share to a regular share or directly to the drive.
instead of:

Please try this solution and tell us if it helps, meanwhile we will try to simulate the issue as mentioned by you
Thank you

Additional Information :
For information on the recent VERITAS Backup Exec security vulnerabilities, including links to the downloads for the necessary hotfixes, please refer to the following document:
Patch summary for Security Advisories VX05-001, VX05-002, VX05-003, VX05-005, VX05-006, VX05-007

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Not applicable
I ran across this same issue and it was very difficult to find the problem. The event log showed "faulting application beremote.exe, version 9.1.4691.49, faulting module bedsnt5.dll, version 9.1.4691.50, fault address 0x0004fce2."

I had downloaded and ran wmifix.bat to resolve a wmi error on the server and the bat file created a repository.old directory under wbem. Once I deleted the .old directory the beremote agent stopped failing.

This would appear to be a bug with either the bedsnt5.dll or the beremote.exe. There should be a way for Veritas to address this issue and resolve this strange behavior.

Level 6
Hello Manuel,

Can you please update on the issue ?


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Level 2

of course I have resolved my issue by removing the folders triggering this problem, but other users will have a hard time figuring this out, like Melissa Anderson or myself (see her post in this thread).
An the long run we'll need a patch. An update or message once the patch's out would be nice.

Regards, Manuel Martin

Level 4
Does anyone no where I can get this wmifix.bat file from that Melissa Anderson mentions.

Level 3
I ran across this issue when Windows 2003 SP 1 was installed. You need to remove the repository.001 folder.