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Remote agent problem?

Level 2
I just applied an Exchange-related hotfix which I downloaded from the Veritas site. This required that I re-deploy remote agent to all of my servers. Since then, my backup job keeps failing when trying to backup the Exchange Mailboxes on my mail server. Also, my mailservers are no longer listed in the remote selections area of the backup job properties. I ended up re-installing remote agent locally on my two mail servers but the problem persists. Thanks in advance for any help.

Level 3
I've been fighting a simular problem now for over a month without any good resolutions. I've just spent the morning searching, and all I find is "Veritas Support has no answers" which I find very disturbing. There are ton's of postings in the news groups about the remote agent failing on exchange server, most seem to have happened after installing SP1 for 9.1.

I did however find a posting to where the tech installed the advanced remote agent ver 9.0 on his exchange box and left the media server at 9.1 sp1, which resolved his issue. Kind of makes sence, though you would think you could also go back to pre sp1 for the remote agent on Exchange.

I'm totally open to what anyone has to offer.

Presently, I show the following for agent versions on this particular system:
media server: 9.1.4691.35
exchange server: 9.1.4691.14
other servers: 9.1.4691.0

Level 6

You may try re-entering the license key for Exchange on the meda server and recycling the services.
Verify that the remote agent servce and the exchange services are started.
Apart from that which hotfix has ben installed and what is the exact error message in Exchange backups.
Are there any errors in the system and event logs?

Level 6

In reference to our previous reply to your post, we would request you to update us on the progress.

However, if we do not receive your intimation within two business days, this post would be assumed answered and archived.


Level 3
I still have the problem, however since there where no timely replys I have opened a case.

Level 6

As you have already opened a new case, please let us know if you would like to continue with this Forum.

NOTE: If we do not receive your intimation within two business days, this post would be assumed answered and archived.

Level 6
As per our previous reply, marking the case as assumed answered and moving it to answered questions pool.

Level 3
For those that may have a simular problem, we found that the main issue was that of the media server.

We installed a new media server, using a totally different server and performed a backup of exchange. This backukp worked flawlessly.

Unfortuantly, this newsgroup nor Veritas Escalated support did not help resolve the issue. This posting was up for over a month before it was even answered. :(

Case closed, I would suggest moving to "Never answered" with solution provided by poster.