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Replace Media

Level 2
Can anyone help me figure out how to replace media using BE V9 please?. I just want to replace a few tapes from a Weekly incremental backup without having to set the whole thing up from scratch.

Each tape is labeled and only these tapes can be used on there corresponding day. I tried labeling a new one and replacing it in the media set but it didn't pick it up.

Any help will be appreciated, Thank You

p.s. I am new to Backup Exec and cant find any info for doing this via the net or the two books supplied with BE.

Level 4
What can be understood from the problem, it seems that you want to used different tapes for the backups and after you label and assign them to media sets the jobs does not pick up those tapes.
IF this is the case then you are not confguring the jobs properly.
After the media is labeled, the media is a scratch media and is overwritable, not appendable. If you make that media a part of scratch media, that media take the property of that media set( mean its Overwrite prootected or appendable as per the properties of that media set).
If you want to use a particular media to be used in the backup job, configure the media as scratch media, make the job overwritable (make sure no other media is overwritable), run the bakcup job. It should pick up that media only.

Level 2
Thank you for your response. I tried what you said but I didnt leave it in scratch media. I copied it over to our usual media set but it didnt work. I got the error:

"Error - Mount failed.
User canceled a Physical Volume Library operation."

Should I have left it in Scratch media and would the scheduled job have picked it up?

I will now further clarify the problem:

My predecesor setup a 2 week incremental scheduled job and 4 friday scheduled jobs. Many of the tapes now need replacing. Each tape is labeled, e.g. Monday Wk 2, etc and only the correct tape will work each night.

I would like to replace some tapes from the Weekly but I cannot figure out how?

Can you provide me with some instruction please.

Thank You

Level 6

This error could occur if Backup Exec has been configured for automatically responding to various media requests, and the request for additional media to continue the job was cancelled. This problem may also occur due to tape capacity issue for the respective backup job.
Following guidelines will be useful to resolve this issue:
- Perform backup on a fresh media and verify if the problem still appears.
- To isolate the exact cause of the issue, check if NTbackup ( native Windows 2000 backup utility) can perform backup on the respective media, stopping all Backup Exec services.
- Perform a small backup and check the results.
- Move the media on which you intend to perform backup operation into Scratch Media and then perform the backup job.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Do not move the fresh tape or scratch tape into media set before running a backup job. Specify the Media set name when configuring the backup job properties. This will write the "Overwrite Protection Period" and "Append Period" to the tape header after the backup job finishes.
- Refer to the following technotes to resolve this issue:



NOTE : If we do not receive your reply within two business days, this post would be marked assumed answered and would be moved to answered questions pool.

Level 2
Thank you for your response.

I will try a new tape and run it from scratch media tonight. Will let you know tomorrow how it turns out.