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Rolling back installation with S.P.2 for BE 9.1

Not applicable
Hi All,

running BackupExec 9.1 s.p.1 on SBS 2003; Tried to upgrade to s.p.2 and the install process almost completes 100%, when, I assume, at the last step just gets interapted and fails with error message

Here is the log file:

03-10-2005,13:46:16 : Executing CheckPatchDependencies_MSI.
03-10-2005,13:46:16 : Executing CheckPatchDependencies.
03-10-2005,13:46:16 : Executing GetProductGuid.
03-10-2005,13:46:16 : Executing GetInstalledPatches.
03-10-2005,13:46:16 : Executing GetDependentPatches.
03-10-2005,13:46:16 : Executing CheckForDependencies.
03-10-2005,13:46:16 : All dependencies have been met for this patch.
03-10-2005,13:46:16 : Checking to see if the user has administrator privileges.
03-10-2005,13:46:16 : Checking to see if the Backup Exec UI is running.
03-10-2005,13:46:16 : Executing SetCustomActionData_MSI.
03-10-2005,13:46:16 : Executing DLO_PrepPatch to verify DLO database for patching.
03-10-2005,13:46:16 : There is no BE_DLO.mdf file to check DB version against. Patch process will be able to install updated file IF needed.
03-10-2005,13:46:16 : Executing ECM_PrepECM.
03-10-2005,13:46:16 : Executing CreateECMRegistryKeys.
03-10-2005,13:46:16 : Executing SetWBTVersion_MSI
03-10-2005,13:46:16 : Executing AddECMRemoveFiles.
03-10-2005,13:46:16 : Executing CA PrepBEMain with target BEMain_PrepBEMain.
03-10-2005,13:46:16 : Executing CopySAPR3MediaToAgentsDir
03-10-2005,13:46:16 : Executing SetRegKeys.
03-10-2005,13:46:16 : Executing MakeBEDBBakFile.
03-10-2005,13:46:16 : Executing CA PrepRAMain with target RAMain_PrepRAMain.
03-10-2005,13:46:16 : Executing CopyRAWS32Media
03-10-2005,13:46:16 : Executing CopyRAWS64Media
03-10-2005,13:46:16 : Executing SetRAMainRegKeys.
03-10-2005,13:46:16 : Executing RAMain EnumkeyUpdate.
03-10-2005,13:46:16 : Executing RAMain EnumkeyUpdate.
03-10-2005,13:46:16 : Executing CA PrepIDR with target IDR_PrepIDR.
03-10-2005,13:46:16 : Executing IDR_SetRegKeys.
03-10-2005,13:46:16 : Executing IDR_StreamMyCDSetup.
03-10-2005,13:46:16 : Executing CA PrepAutoLdr with target AutoLdr_PrepAutoLdr.
03-10-2005,13:46:16 : Executing NetCHGR_AddToServiceGroup.
03-10-2005,13:46:16 : Executing VSD_InstallVSDTable.
03-10-2005,13:46:18 : Executing CHGR_CopySCSIDriver.
03-10-2005,13:46:19 : Executing CHGR_CopyOEMSetup.
03-10-2005,13:46:19 : Executing CHGR_SaveInstallInfo.
03-10-2005,13:46:19 : Executing CA PrepMSExch with target MSExch_PrepMSExch.
03-10-2005,13:46:19 : Executing MSExch_SetRegKeys.
03-10-2005,13:46:19 : Executing IsSBS()
03-10-2005,13:46:19 : Small Business Server Edition (Premium)
03-10-2005,13:46:19 : Executing ConfigureSBSServer()
03-10-2005,13:46:19 : Executing GetSBSServerVersion()
03-10-2005,13:46:19 : Executing IsIE5()
03-10-2005,13:46:19 : Executing SBS_UpdateBackupKey()
03-10-2005,13:46:19 : Executing SetSBSLinkOnReg()
03-10-2005,13:46:19 : Configure SBS Server successfully.
03-10-2005,13:46:21 : Executing SetMSMInstallDir
03-10-2005,13:46:21 : Executing SetBewsaTargetProperty.
03-10-2005,13:46:21 : BEWSATARGET.52386FC2_5A96_4505_896E_E5A5D41757DC
03-10-2005,13:46:47 : Executing StopBEServices_MSI.
03-10-2005,13:46:47 : Stopping BE services.
03-10-2005,13:47:16 : Copying symbol files.
03-10-2005,13:47:16 : Unable to copy symbol files.
03-10-2005,13:47:19 : Executing InstallBEServices_MSI.
03-10-2005,13:47:19 : Installing BE services.
03-10-2005,13:47:19 : Backup Exec with a site license serial number will not install the Backup Exec Naming Service
03-10-2005,13:47:19 : Executing InstallBEDB_MSI.
03-10-2005,13:47:19 : Installing BE database.
03-10-2005,13:47:19 : Executing BE_AttachDB.
03-10-2005,13:47:19 : Executing Attach_BEDB.
03-10-2005,13:47:22 : SQL Server running.
03-10-2005,13:47:22 : DRIVER={SQL Server};SERVER=MOON\BKUPEXEC;Trusted_Connection=Yes
03-10-2005,13:47:22 : Connected to SQL Server.
03-10-2005,13:47:22 : A previous BEDB database was found. Detaching current BEDB database now.
03-10-2005,13:47:22 : The original BEDB database was detached. The new BEDB database will now be attached.
03-10-2005,13:47:22 : Attaching BEDB to SQL Server.
03-10-2005,13:47:22 : EXEC sp_attach_db 'BEDB',@filename1 = N'C:\Program Files\VERITAS\Backup Exec\NT\Data\BEDB_Dat.mdf', @filename2 = N'C:\Program Files\VERITAS\Backup Exec\NT\Data\BEDB_Log.ldf'
03-10-2005,13:47:23 : BEDB has been succesfully attached to SQL Server.
03-10-2005,13:47:23 : Executing BE_SetSQLMaxMemory.
03-10-2005,13:47:23 : Executing SetSQLMaxMemory.
03-10-2005,13:47:23 : SQL Server running.
03-10-2005,13:47:23 : DRIVER={SQL Server};SERVER=MOON\BKUPEXEC;Trusted_Connection=Yes
03-10-2005,13:47:23 : Connected to SQL Server.
03-10-2005,13:47:23 : Setting SQL server max memory to 255 MB
03-10-2005,13:47:23 : SQL Server max memory has been set.
03-10-2005,13:47:23 : Executing BackupDBFiles_MSI.
03-10-2005,13:47:23 : Executing BE_BackupDBFiles.
03-10-2005,13:47:23 : SQL Server running.
03-10-2005,13:47:23 : DRIVER={SQL Server};SERVER=MOON\BKUPEXEC;Trusted_Connection=Yes
03-10-2005,13:47:23 : Connected to SQL Server.
03-10-2005,13:47:29 : SQL Server stopped
03-10-2005,13:47:32 : SQL Server started
03-10-2005,13:47:32 : Executing CA ConfigBEMain with target BEMain_ConfigBEMain.
03-10-2005,13:47:32 : Executing RegCOMServers.
03-10-2005,13:47:33 : BERegisterDll called for C:\PROGRA~1\VERITAS\BACKUP~1\NT\ipvlapi.dll
03-10-2005,13:47:33 : BERegisterDll: loaded C:\PROGRA~1\VERITAS\BACKUP~1\NT\ipvlapi.dll
03-10-2005,13:47:33 : Getting ProcAddress for DllRegisterServer.
03-10-2005,13:47:33 : BERegisterDll: Successfully called the registration function.
03-10-2005,13:47:33 : BERegisterDll called for C:\PROGRA~1\VERITAS\BACKUP~1\NT\becatdrv.dll
03-10-2005,13:47:33 : BERegisterDll: loaded C:\PROGRA~1\VERITAS\BACKUP~1\NT\becatdrv.dll
03-10-2005,13:47:33 : Getting ProcAddress for DllRegisterServer.
03-10-2005,13:47:33 : BERegisterDll: Successfully called the registration function.
03-10-2005,13:47:33 : BERegisterDll called for D:\Program Files\Common Files\SYSTEM\Ole DB\sqlxmlx.dll
03-10-2005,13:47:33 : BERegisterDll: loaded D:\Program Files\Common Files\SYSTEM\Ole DB\sqlxmlx.dll
03-10-2005,13:47:33 : Getting ProcAddress for DllRegisterServer.
03-10-2005,13:47:33 : BERegisterDll: Successfully called the registration function.
03-10-2005,13:47:33 : BERegisterDll called for D:\Program Files\Common Files\SYSTEM\Ole DB\sqloledb.dll
03-10-2005,13:47:33 : BERegisterDll: loaded D:\Program Files\Common Files\SYSTEM\Ole DB\sqloledb.dll
03-10-2005,13:47:33 : Getting ProcAddress for DllRegisterServer.
03-10-2005,13:47:33 : BERegisterDll: Successfully called the registration function.
03-10-2005,13:47:33 : BERegisterDll called for D:\Program Files\Common Files\SYSTEM\Ole DB\oledb32.dll
03-10-2005,13:47:33 : BERegisterDll: loaded D:\Program Files\Common Files\SYSTEM\Ole DB\oledb32.dll
03-10-2005,13:47:33 : Getting ProcAddress for DllRegisterServer.
03-10-2005,13:47:33 : BERegisterDll: Successfully called the registration function.
03-10-2005,13:47:33 : Executing AddBackupOperatorSecurityRights.
03-10-2005,13:47:33 : Executing AddBackupOperatorSecurity.
03-10-2005,13:47:33 : Executing BE_PerfSetup.
03-10-2005,13:47:33 : C:\PROGRA~1\VERITAS\BACKUP~1\NT\BEPerfSetup.exe -Refresh D:\WINDOWS\system32
03-10-2005,13:47:34 : Executing CA ConfigRAMain with target RAMain_ConfigRAMain.
03-10-2005,13:47:34 : Executing RAMain RegisterDlls.
03-10-2005,13:47:34 : BERegisterDll called for C:\PROGRA~1\VERITAS\BACKUP~1\NT\storex.ocx
03-10-2005,13:47:34 : BERegisterDll: loaded C:\PROGRA~1\VERITAS\BACKUP~1\NT\storex.ocx
03-10-2005,13:47:34 : Getting ProcAddress for DllRegisterServer.
03-10-2005,13:47:34 : BERegisterDll: Successfully called the registration function.
03-10-2005,13:47:34 : BERegisterDll called for C:\PROGRA~1\VERITAS\BACKUP~1\NT\schedu.dll
03-10-2005,13:47:34 : BERegisterDll: loaded C:\PROGRA~1\VERITAS\BACKUP~1\NT\schedu.dll
03-10-2005,13:47:34 : Getting ProcAddress for DllRegisterServer.
03-10-2005,13:47:34 : BERegisterDll: Successfully called the registration function.
03-10-2005,13:47:34 : BERegisterDll called for C:\PROGRA~1\VERITAS\BACKUP~1\NT\scheduiur.dll
03-10-2005,13:47:34 : BERegisterDll: loaded C:\PROGRA~1\VERITAS\BACKUP~1\NT\scheduiur.dll
03-10-2005,13:47:34 : Getting ProcAddress for DllRegisterServer.
03-10-2005,13:47:34 : BERegisterDll: Successfully called the registration function.
03-10-2005,13:47:34 : BERegisterDll called for C:\PROGRA~1\VERITAS\BACKUP~1\NT\schedmgrur.dll
03-10-2005,13:47:34 : BERegisterDll: loaded C:\PROGRA~1\VERITAS\BACKUP~1\NT\schedmgrur.dll
03-10-2005,13:47:34 : Getting ProcAddress for DllRegisterServer.
03-10-2005,13:47:34 : BERegisterDll: Successfully called the registration function.
03-10-2005,13:47:34 : BERegisterDll called for C:\PROGRA~1\VERITAS\BACKUP~1\NT\NotificationUI300U.dll
03-10-2005,13:47:34 : BERegisterDll: loaded C:\PROGRA~1\VERITAS\BACKUP~1\NT\NotificationUI300U.dll
03-10-2005,13:47:34 : Getting ProcAddress for DllRegisterServer.
03-10-2005,13:47:34 : BERegisterDll: Successfully called the registration function.
03-10-2005,13:47:34 : BERegisterDll called for C:\PROGRA~1\VERITAS\BACKUP~1\NT\RecipientUI300U.dll
03-10-2005,13:47:34 : BERegisterDll: loaded C:\PROGRA~1\VERITAS\BACKUP~1\NT\RecipientUI300U.dll
03-10-2005,13:47:34 : Getting ProcAddress for DllRegisterServer.
03-10-2005,13:47:34 : BERegisterDll: Successfully called the registration function.
03-10-2005,13:47:37 : BERegisterDll called for C:\PROGRA~1\VERITAS\BACKUP~1\NT\exportmodeller.dll
03-10-2005,13:47:37 : BERegisterDll: loaded C:\PROGRA~1\VERITAS\BACKUP~1\NT\exportmodeller.dll
03-10-2005,13:47:37 : Getting ProcAddress for DllRegisterServer.
03-10-2005,13:47:37 : BERegisterDll: Successfully called the registration function.
03-10-2005,13:47:37 : BERegisterDll called for C:\PROGRA~1\VERITAS\BACKUP~1\NT\crtslv.dll
03-10-2005,13:47:37 : BERegisterDll: loaded C:\PROGRA~1\VERITAS\BACKUP~1\NT\crtslv.dll
03-10-2005,13:47:37 : Getting ProcAddress for DllRegisterServer.
03-10-2005,13:47:37 : BERegisterDll: Successfully called the registration function.
03-10-2005,13:47:37 : Executing RAMain SetReportFilesToReadOnly.
03-10-2005,13:47:37 : Executing CopyBELogoBmps.
03-10-2005,13:47:38 : Executing CA ConfigIDR with target IDR_ConfigIDR.
03-10-2005,13:47:38 : Executing IDR_LaunchMyCD.
03-10-2005,13:47:38 : D:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\{201E698C-B88E-41AE-8C46-3BBACADCD6E7}\\setup.exe -NOREBOOT
03-10-2005,13:47:38 : Executing LaunchTapeinst_MSI.
03-10-2005,13:47:39 : Executing CA ConfigAutoLdr with target AutoLdr_ConfigAutoLdr.
03-10-2005,13:47:39 : Executing VSD_InstallDrivers.
03-10-2005,13:47:39 : C:\Program Files\VERITAS\Backup Exec\NT\loader
03-10-2005,13:47:39 : Executing SetupAutoloader.
03-10-2005,13:47:39 : Failed to create SCSIChanger service.
03-10-2005,13:47:39 : Executing StartAutoldrDrivers.
03-10-2005,13:47:39 : D:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\{201E698C-B88E-41AE-8C46-3BBACADCD6E7}\\startchgdrv.dll
03-10-2005,13:47:39 : Unable to start changers at this time.
03-10-2005,13:47:39 : Executing DisableDLOSvc_MSI.
03-10-2005,13:47:39 : DLO option has been disabled. Removing DLO service and DLOAgent share.
03-10-2005,13:47:39 : WARNING: Unable to remove DLOAgent share.
03-10-2005,13:47:39 : WARNING: Unable to remove service DLOAdminSvcu. The service does not exist.
03-10-2005,13:47:39 : Executing migration of data from 9.x
03-10-2005,13:47:39 : Loaded C:\Program Files\VERITAS\Backup Exec\NT\bemigl.dll
03-10-2005,13:47:39 : Got the proc address for MG_NonUiInit
03-10-2005,13:47:39 : Got the proc address for MG_Start
03-10-2005,13:47:39 : In BeMigl MG_Init
03-10-2005,13:47:39 : In BeMigl Init
03-10-2005,13:47:39 : Got Module handle for bemigl.dll
03-10-2005,13:47:39 : Xml File name:
03-10-2005,13:47:39 : C:\Program Files\VERITAS\Backup Exec\NT\migconfig.xml
03-10-2005,13:47:39 : Number of libraries to load 3
03-10-2005,13:47:39 : Adding C:\Program Files\VERITAS\Backup Exec\NT\pvlupgrade.dll to the library list
03-10-2005,13:47:39 : Adding C:\Program Files\VERITAS\Backup Exec\NT\jobmigration.dll to the library list
03-10-2005,13:47:39 : Adding C:\Program Files\VERITAS\Backup Exec\NT\catupgrade.dll to the library list
03-10-2005,13:47:39 : exiting ReadXMLFile
03-10-2005,13:47:39 : In setpercentcomplete no pMigUI returning.
03-10-2005,13:47:39 : Migration running in silent mode
03-10-2005,13:47:39 : Initializing migration library 0
03-10-2005,13:47:39 : Assigning function pointers.
03-10-2005,13:47:41 : In setpercentcomplete no pMigUI returning.
03-10-2005,13:47:41 : Querying version data
03-10-2005,13:47:41 : Initializing migration library 1
03-10-2005,13:47:41 : Assigning function pointers.
03-10-2005,13:47:44 : Initializing migration library 2
03-10-2005,13:47:44 : Assigning function pointers.
03-10-2005,13:47:46 : Executed lp_MG_NoUiInit
03-10-2005,13:47:46 : In BeMigl MG_Start
03-10-2005,13:47:46 : Running migration library 0
03-10-2005,13:47:46 : library Name C:\Program Files\VERITAS\Backup Exec\NT\pvlupgrade.dll
03-10-2005,13:47:46 : In setpercentcomplete no pMigUI returning.
03-10-2005,13:47:46 : ADAMM upgrade started
03-10-2005,13:47:46 : In setpercentcomplete no pMigUI returning.
03-10-2005,13:47:46 : Backup Exec Device & Media Service Database, version 9.000001 is up to date. No changes are required.
03-10-2005,13:47:46 : In setpercentcomplete no pMigUI returning.
03-10-2005,13:47:46 : ADAMM upgrade ended
03-10-2005,13:47:46 : Success 0 running migration library 0
03-10-2005,13:47:46 : Running migration library 1
03-10-2005,13:47:46 : library Name C:\Program Files\VERITAS\Backup Exec\NT\jobmigration.dll
03-10-2005,13:47:48 : USE MASTER
EXEC xp_cmdshell '"C:\Program Files\VERITAS\Backup Exec\NT\RunSQLScript.cmd" MOON\BkupExec BEDB DBUpgrade.sql'
03-10-2005,13:47:48 : In setpercentcomplete no pMigUI returning.
03-10-2005,13:47:48 : Job Migration Success
03-10-2005,13:47:48 : Success 0 running migration library 1
03-10-2005,13:47:48 : Running migration library 2
03-10-2005,13:47:48 : library Name C:\Program Files\VERITAS\Backup Exec\NT\catupgrade.dll
03-10-2005,13:47:51 : Logging: catUpgrade : Delete data of catalog index catmedia table

03-10-2005,13:47:53 : Logging: catUpgrade : Delete data of catalog index BackupSet table

03-10-2005,13:47:55 : Logging: catUpgrade : Delete data of catalog index CatResource table

03-10-2005,13:47:55 : In setpercentcomplete no pMigUI returning.
03-10-2005,13:47:55 : Success 0 running migration library 2
03-10-2005,13:47:55 : Executed lp_MG_Start
03-10-2005,13:47:55 : Leaving UPG_9xMigrate
03-10-2005,13:47:55 : Executing VerifyBEDBVersionMatch_MSI.
03-10-2005,13:47:55 : Executing BE_VerifyBEDBVersion.
03-10-2005,13:47:55 : Executing VerifyBEDBVersion.
03-10-2005,13:47:55 : SQL Server running.
03-10-2005,13:47:55 : DRIVER={SQL Server};SERVER=MOON\BKUPEXEC;Trusted_Connection=Yes
03-10-2005,13:47:57 : Connected to SQL Server.
03-10-2005,13:47:57 : ADAMM Version Number = 9.000001
03-10-2005,13:47:57 : BESERVER Version Number = 9.000001
03-10-2005,13:47:58 : Executing StartBEServices_MSI.
03-10-2005,13:47:58 : Starting BE services.
03-10-2005,13:48:00 : Executing CMSExchOperations::CopyRAWS64Setup
03-10-2005,13:48:00 : E:\WINNT\INSTALL\RANT64\Setup.exe
03-10-2005,13:48:00 : C:\Program Files\VERITAS\Backup Exec\NT\Agents\RANT64\Setup.exe
03-10-2005,13:48:03 : Executing StartBEServices_MSI.
03-10-2005,13:48:03 : Rolling back start of BE services.
03-10-2005,13:48:12 : Executing StopBEServices_MSI.
03-10-2005,13:48:12 : Rolling back stop of BE services.

Level 6
One possible reason for the above error is corruption in the Catalog folder.

The following steps can be performed for the resolution of this problem:

1. Stop the Backup Exec services

2. Rename the Catalog folder which is normally located in C:\Program Files\Veritas\Backup Exec\NT folder

3. Start the Backup Exec services. This will recreate the Catalog folder.

4. Run the Service Pack 2 installation again.

We hope this helps.Let us know if the problem still exists and revert back with the error message.

Level 3
I got the same problem, renaiming the catalog folder was not working, the only working think was to completly reinstall backupexec. But not repair the install, remove backupexec and install it new.

Hope you find a better solution, but for me it was the only working one !

Not applicable
I have had the same problem, with the same results log. Does anyone have any more insight into this problem? Reinstalling the application is not an option here as our configuration needs to remain static. I would, however, like to apply updates as they are released. The SP2 install prompts me for media. After inserting the BUEXEC 9.1 CDROM and selecting the appropriate MSI file, the installation aborts with the message "Error 1706.No valid source could be found for product VERITAS Backup Exec for Windows Servers. The Windows Installer cannot continue." Any advice would be much appreciated.

Ronnie Harper