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SBS 2003 Server Crashes

Level 2
Every time I attempt to run a backup job, be it to tape or a hard drive, after a few minutes of running a job, the server crashes. With the error below.

The server runs fine day in day out, as long as no backup job is launched !!!!!!!!!

Error Code 0x0000007f
Parameters 1 to 4 are all 00000000

From what I can discover this is a divide by 0 error !!!

Server is fully patched, Small busines server 2003, not running any Symantec antivirus products on it. Backup is version 10d, with patches sp1, hotfix 26,31,33,34,37 installed

Any solutions before I chuck the software for something else

Level 5
Go into system properties - advanced - startup and recovery and have the system halt when it crashes. This will create a memory dump file.

You then can download the Microsoft Debugging tools and open the crash dump to determine the problem.

Have you updated all the SCSI driver, tape drivers, firmware.

Also are you using AOFO, if so unslected AOFO in the job and see how it runs.

Sounds like a hardware or memory issue.

Level 2
Hi Steve
The dump will have to wait until I am on site, as if I halt the server it is not going to restart.

Unlikely to be a tape issue as the problem occurs if I do a backup to a hard drive.
Will check out the other items on the list. I am not sure about it being a hardware or memory issue however, as the server runs fine day after day, as long as no backup job is started.


Level 5
If its a backup to hardrive then I suspect maybe its to a usb/firewire device. I suspect that is where the problem is USB drivers/card, etc.

Only think I know that reboots server is AOFO, but what happens if you create remote backup to disk folder to workstation or another server and run the job. If you dont get the reboot then I suspect your local backup to disk device or hardware in between it.

Level 2
Hi Steve
my backup was to a workstation \ hard drive and still crashed.
I have been doing some investigations of the memory.dmp, and I think the offending driver may be an AVG antivirus driver.

This would make some sense as it would be scanning the file\ area when for example the backup software went to access it.

Will come back as soon as I have more info and a chance to check it out

Level 6
Hello Alan,

We will await an Update from you.
