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Level 6



We want to install Backupexc 2010 R2 on a server that has SQL 2008 already install on it, so my question is how can we direct the installation to the our SQL 2008 instead of installing the SQL express edition? when we try to install the BAckup exc with SQL express then we get this error:

04-11-2011,14:40:30 : V-225-53: ERROR: Failed to install SQL Express BKUPEXEC instance with error 29508. ***To search for information about this error, click here
04-11-2011,14:40:30 : Please review C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Setup Bootstrap\LOG\Summary.txt for more details

Any idea how to use SQL 2008 instead of SQL express?




Accepted Solutions

Level 6
Partner Accredited

Is your library connected to the media server properly?

If connected you can see the tape drives in the device manager under Other devices. You can try to get the drivers from dell site. If you are using windows 2008 server, i believe it installs it's own drivers automatically. 

What is the interface you are using to connect the library to server? If through fibre, ensure proper zoning has been done.


View solution in original post


Employee Accredited Certified

During the installation you get an option to selection an existing instance of SQL, In BE2010 R2 

you need to select custom installation and then follow the wizard.

EDIT: Refer to

Level 6

Hi MArk,


Thanks for you reply,

I did install the software and I could point it to our existing SQL 2008 server,I have one more question,

we have an Dell LTO 124T Auto loader library, after installing the Backup exc 2010 R2 I did insert 2 tape in the Device.

now when I open the the Exec console and go to the Devices, there I can see a Devices pools and onder it says All devices (server name), now when I create an job in the job monitor I see this under job status:


Ready, job destnation on local media server does not contain any Devices.

So my question is:

how can I configure the Backup exact to use one tape for one backup job and other tape for secound job, our Device library has capacty op 16 tapes.

any idea how to do this? or any links on how to do this?


Employee Accredited Certified

Do you see the library in the BE console, also check if OS is detecting the library.(Medium Changer and the tape drive)

Create partitions in the library so that  a specific tape can to be used for a any particular job.

   VIP    Certified

It is a bit late now, but it is advisable to install BE in its own instance of SQL rather than putting it into an existing production instance.  From time to time, you may need to start or stop the BE SQL instance.and you don't want to affect your production databases.

Level 6
Partner Accredited

PKH: What do you mean with 'from time to time' ? I have never restarted the BE SQL services, only the Backup Exec services itself, but I have never needed to restart the SQL services.

Level 6
Partner Accredited

After installing BE and after connecting tape library to the media server, you have to configure the devices within BE for using them with backup jobs. 

Click on Devices--> Configure Devices Assistant. It will detect the tape devices connected to the media server. Check the option to install symantec drivers for the detected devices and continue the operation. Once done you can see the tape library with drives under devices. Then you can run the backup job successfully.

Also verify media sets. Plan your retensions and create media sets accordingly. You can use pre-configured media sets, if they meet your requirements. 

How to partition a robotic library and target jobs at it:


Level 6

Hi Amol en Kiran,


Thanks alot for your quick replay, I am newbie with BE,sorry if I aske to many detialed questions,

Amol you said : "Do you see the library in the BE console," NO I cannot see any device, do you see this screenshot?


And also in the OS I can not see any media changer

I did not get any drivers or software with the Device so maybe there is the problem.

Level 6
Partner Accredited

Is your library connected to the media server properly?

If connected you can see the tape drives in the device manager under Other devices. You can try to get the drivers from dell site. If you are using windows 2008 server, i believe it installs it's own drivers automatically. 

What is the interface you are using to connect the library to server? If through fibre, ensure proper zoning has been done.


   VIP    Certified

Count yourself lucky then.  I do need to stop the BE SQL service now and then, e.g. when I am upgrading BE and I want to make a copy of the Data directory which contains the BEDB.

Level 6

Hi Kiran,


Thanks for your update,


I get the device to work :) we had to enable the SAS card, it was disabled by default, after enabling it and rebooting the server and the device both, now  everything working and I can see the device in the BE.

one question,


as I said the Device library has 16 X 3 trbyte capacity, should we create diffirent media Pool for diffirent backup job? or should we create a diffirent media set for the diffirent backup job?

or what you said in your last post is enough?


Level 6
Partner Accredited

TN 27909 explains about configuring partions in robotic library and targetting jobs at those partitions.

But other than partitions, you have to create media sets also. While creating media set you have to specify Overwrite Protection Period and Append period. OPP decides how many days media will be away from overwriting and AP decides how many days data can be added to the media. OPP will be counted from last write to the media and AP will be counted from media allocation time. You have to create media sets according to your requirements. (like daily,weekly,monthly etc...)

While creating a backup job select the library partition as device and select media set also. So, that BE will use the media within the partition to complete backup job. If you want backup jobs to write data on dedicated tapes, partitioning is the best option. Otherwise not required.


Level 6

Hi Kiran,


Thanks for the info it is realy usefull, just to make sure I understand you correctly,


1. I should potition the Vault, I mean I should e.i. create 2 portitions each with say 8 tapes.

2. create 2 media set and put in each media set exactly the same tape that put in each portition.


Here my questions:

1. how should I create the media set? I mean when I click on: create new media set from Media Task list, there I can create one media set, but how can I say which tape is belong to which  media set?

2. should we first create the portition or first the media set?



Employee Accredited Certified

1) Create media set from the media tab of BE console, don't associate any tapes with the media set.

    You can select media set per job, suppose if you have a daily incremental job then you can 

    create a daily incremental media set and associate with that job and so on. 


2) Partitions and Media set are not dependent on each other, so there is no sequence that you need 

    to follow

Level 6

So if I underand you correctly,


I should just use the Partitioning to group the the Tapes, and then create one Media set e.i.  for our Full backup with correct over write protection configuration. and one media set for the e.i for our incremental backup.

then when we create a new backup job then in the Destenation- for the Device we choose the partition that we created for the full back and in the same place for the Media set we chosse the media set we created for the Full backup

is this correct?



Level 6
Partner Accredited


Level 6

Thanks alot for your help on this issue.


I was looking for buying the Agents and I came across the Hyper-v agent, we have about 20 virtual servers, could you tell me if is a good idea to buy the Hyper-v agent? I mean we can use first windows 2008 backup on the VM servers themself create an full backup of the server and then back-up that .vmx file with BE! to tape, or the Hyper-V agent has better options?


Employee Accredited Certified

1 Hyper V agent license will allow you to take backup of all the VM hosted on that machine.

If you are running any application on the VM then you will require the agent for that application.

For eg SQL will require SQL agent, Exchange will need Exchange agent.

Level 6

Thanks for your replay,


we have some application on the VM servers, but what we want is to backup each Virtual server  complitly,and if the VM server ceached  and beyond the recovery then we can in short time recover it from the backup,so the Hyper-v Agentgive us this ability?




Employee Accredited Certified

YES, Hyper V will allows you to backup the VHD file which you can restore to make the VM up

and running