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STOP IT Abhinav !

Level 6
Once again you have totally negated the value if the "Last Post" field and the "Updated Since Your Last Visit" icon

I (and I assume most of the other non-Veritas people on the forum) don't really care if you mark a thread closed in some way in a database somewhere, BUT DON'T TOUCH EVERY THREAD

When you did this in the V9.1 forum, there were several responses - all negative, but you persist in this.

If it is your idea, it is a bad one

If it is some manager's idea, it is still a bad one.

Apparently you (individually and corporately) don't care what the customers think, because no one from Veritas ever responded when we complained in the v9.1 forum

Perhaps, if enough people complain this time, you will cease this mindless activity.

Level 5
There have been a number of Veritas responses in the V10 forum that display, a.) a failure to read and understand the query, b.) a lack of familiarity with V10 and, c.) provide responses that are incorrect and do not help.

If the Veritas staff is just thrashing with no more insight than the newbie, someone at Veritas should be monitoring them to get them up to speed.

Veritas users that are relagated to the moderated forums to deal with BEX V10 problems recognize they are being treated as 2nd class customers. Does this mean they must make due wlth 2nd class responses from Veritas?

Level 5

Only 2 of your last 20 responses said anything other than, "There is no response from the customer within 2 days from the last reply by Veritas".

1. As Ken says, for all who are tracking a thread, you waste our time going to the thread only to find your comment.

2. Threads and messages are dated. We do not need you to tell us that two days have passed.

3. Some of us have duties and tasks other than dealing with Veritas issues. Some of us even have responsibility for production systems that we cannot simply patch and reboot on a whim.

4. Your employer should be concerned about your waste of time, effort and disk space with this sort of response.

5. Your tense is incorrect. You should say, "There has been no response" rather than "There is no response". And, "for" would be more correct than "within".

Level 6
I couldn't agree more. You'd think at times that the Veritas support staff have a quota to fill, so therefore it's more important to just get any old answer out, than to spend a little longer checking it actually matches the problem, and explaining things properly.

Congrats to Zerene Sangma btw, who's the first person I've seen to actually from Veritas who posted an intelligent, well written response, which actually answered the question, rather than relying to a knowledge base link which is only partially relevant.

Surely in theory, the Veritas staff should know more about their product than the rest of us, and we should be finding ourselves redundant for anything other than answering opinion based questions.

I know it's not fullproof, but as an aside I thought it would be interesting to compare how many "Correct Answer" and "Useful Answer" points the Veritas staff have received, compared to the non-Veritas members. It doesn't mean a lot, but it's the only method available to gage how useful people are actually being.

I took the first 6 Veritas staff members I came across, and the 5 "Top Users in Category" from the entire Backup Exec catagory. I then took the number of posts written, the number of points awarded, and then divided the first number by the second number to give a quasi ratio figure.

-- Veritas Staff

Zerene Sangma 264 posts - 130 - 2.03
Ashwin Pawar 250 posts - 100 - 2.5
Ameet Thakkar 440 posts - 80 - 5.5
Rohit Sonawale 324 posts - 105 - 3.08
Abhinav 566 posts - 100 - 5.66
anoop nair 264 posts - 120 - 2.2

-- Non-Veritas Members

Ken Putman 709 posts - 375 - 1.89
deynub 205 posts - 145 - 1.41
Keith Langmead 164 posts - 100 - 1.64
John Chisari 275 posts - 145 - 1.89
dhasudhaval 75 posts - 95 - 0.78

Of course it could be that people don't bother to show their appreciation to Veritas staff as much as normal members, since they're expected to answer questions, or it could be that the forum members feel they're getting better help from the people posting here in their own time, and with no obligation to help, than those people who are paid to do it.

Level 3
I tend to agree. I'll keep it short and to the point.

Most of us that are tech support for our companies and researching these boards are upper-level tech support. Granted there are folks that are new to the game, but that's where we come in... to help them along. We get pleasure out of helping the newbies.

Veritas sould be there to help "us" along. We should see level-three support here to answer the hard questions - I've already read and researched the darned admin manual, google, and other resources... I need the pro's to help me, the software engineers not the overseas tech.

You go Ken! Keep 'em in line.