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Server Backup locks up

Level 3

I'm having problems with backup locking up during backup, I've had this problem for sometime now and am manually backing up to keep a copy of all work but not system.
I've been working through my hardware and found that I had a tape drive fault (Sony AIT2), this has been changed and tested Ok. I have had my supplier work with me on the hardware side and have changed mobo, CPUs and mem + other bits just in case but to no avail. They have been very cooperative and have changed virtually everything that they could think it could be.

My server is less than 1 year old and is an Intel Hudson with dual 3 GHz Zeons, 2 gig mem, Adaptec Raid 5 with 3 75 gig HDDs + 1 x 75 gig hotswap hdd.

I had a major crash when my Raid card packed in and took all HDDs with it, the Raid card and HDDs were replaced and a recover done. Everything has worked fine exept backup.

I am running Server 2003 with SP1 and all updates done. I get nothing in any logs to indicate the fault.
As I do the backup it simply stops counting up the bytes but the mouse still moves, when I try to do anything like minimise for instance the whole machine locks up leaving me no alternative but to reset.

I have been told that Veritas has a switch that can be applied to monitor things but know not what it is, it would seen that the techinicians can tell from the log it generates what is at fault.

Hope this is enough info for someone to get their teeth into.

Trusting you can help PLEASE.

John M

Level 6

With this "I'm having problems with backup locking up during backup" you mean to say...server hangs and you have to hard reboot it ?

-what is the exact versiuon of BE you have ?

-have you tried backingup to backup-to-disk folders ?

Update us on the same and revert for any further Query
Hope this will help you

Thank you

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Level 3

Thanks for your reply.

Yes, the server hangs and I have to press the reset button to reboot the machine.

The version of BE is 10d.

Yes, I have tried to backup to disk but that does the same thing.

Sorry, but don't understand your line "Update us on the same and revert for any further Query". I have updated you but what does 'revert for any further query' mean?

I have been told by a colleague that there is something I can do that creates a file that can be sent to Veritas and a lot can be understood by their technicians that might help diagnose the problem but he couldn't tell me what it was that I could do.


John M


With this "I'm having problems with backup locking up during backup" you mean to say...server hangs and you have to hard reboot it ?

-what is the exact versiuon of BE you have ?

-have you tried backingup to backup-to-disk folders ?

Update us on the same and revert for any further Query
Hope this will help you

Thank you

Level 6

Yes you can create the logs but on Forum you will not be able to send them to us.

Do you have enough disk space free on the media server since you cannot run the jobs even on backup to disk folder.

Also how many servers are you backing up?Try splitting the job into smaller jobs and then verify the result.

You can try running the sgmon utility which will help you further diagnose the issue.
Please see the technote:


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Level 3
Many thanks for your reply to my question.

I will do as you suggest on Wednesday 24th and reply soon after with what happens.

We are running 3 servers each with their own backups but are having problems with just the one. The servers are all DC's on different networks and are in a school environment, we have 2 curriculum servers and one admin server as we have to keep all data completely seperate from each other.

We have masses of space to run the job, the backups are 27gig and we have 155gig.

Many thanks once again


Level 6

Please keep us updated on this issue.

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Level 3
Thanks, will do.


Level 6

Are you backing up any databases? Are you using AOFO?

Have you tried splitting the backup job? Check the event log for any errors.

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Level 3
>>Are you backing up any databases? Are you using AOFO?

No databases and what is AOFO?

>>Have you tried splitting the backup job? Check the event log for any errors.

Ages ago we tried this but with no success. Nothing in event logs.


Level 6

Does the server still hang during backup? Try backing up just local server and then one by one remote server. If the issue occurs during backup of only 1 particular server. Split the job further and create a separate job for system state.

Also install SP1 :

If anti virus is active during backup, try disabling it and test backup.

Start sgmon and rerun the backup.

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Level 3
>>Does the server still hang during backup? Try backing up just local server and then one by one remote server. If the issue occurs during backup of only 1 particular server. Split the job further and create a separate job for system state.

I only have the one server that fails to backup, the others are fine.
The job fails very often after only a very short time into the backup. It is a full backup that I attempt to do.

>>Also install SP1 :

SP1 already installed.

>>If anti virus is active during backup, try disabling it and test backup.

Tried this before with no difference at all.

Many thanks


>>Start sgmon and rerun the backup.

Level 6
Hello JM,

Could you Update us on the Issue?

Did you run SGMON? Does it log any errors?


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