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Slow Backup - Shadow Copy Components on a Domain Controller

Level 3

I've got a strange problem, my backup is working excellent, it will backup huge amounts of data with a good throughput rate however when it comes to the Shadow Copy Components on my D/C it seems to take over 2 hours with a throughput rate of around 12.3k.

I've ruled out most things such as the NIC and server because the DC also has over 40GB of data that's backed up in around 20 mins and the throughput there is great

Does anyone have any ideas

It's a W2k3 SP1 server fully patched
Same for Backup Exec Server

Level 3
Anyone any ideas?

Level 3
Does the media server backup anything else from the DC or does it just backup the shadow copy components?

What version and rev/sp for BE are you using?

Level 3
Yes.. It also backs up the C / D / E drives which contain over 60GB. They backup at a normal rate of between 300mb !!

Level 3
I'm running Version 9.1 with the latest patches.

Level 3

Level 2
I have a similar issue (high throughput for most backups, but not for all) but it is the backup of the First Storage Group of Exchange 2003 that is slow with a throughput of 3.2 MB/minute. The odd thing is that the First Storage Group backed up at the rate of 70MB/minute for the first few backups I have performed, while the last two backups ran at the rate of 3.2MB/minute.

12/21/06 update - if I backup the First Storage Group to the hard drive of the Media server (vs. the REV drive on the Media server) the throughput is 585MB/min.

Message was edited by:
Tim Colvin

12/29/06 update - Problem solved. The computer we tried to use the REV drive on had USB 1.1. We added a PCI card with USB 2.0 to increase the speed. Since the backups to REV were not working I switched them over to backup to the hard drive. My plan was to copy the backup files to the REV drive from the hard drive until I could resolve the issue of backing up straight to the REV drive. Lo and behold about half of the backup files received an I/O error when copying to the REV disk. I moved the REV drive to another computer - one that had USB 2.0 (without the need for the USB PCI card) - and no longer received the I/O errors when writing to the REV drive. (The I/O errors were not reported in the Event Viewer of the PC with the USB card.)

I have since installed Backup Exec to the PC with "native" USB 2.0 support and have backed up two nights in a row without any errors or slow throughput issues.

For the record, the USB card we had:
ULTRA 6 Port USB 2.0 PCI CardMessage was edited by:
Tim Colvin

Level 5
Try backing up the Shadow Copy components with NTBACKUP to disk on the DC and see if you get the same issue

Level 3
Yes your right, the Windows NT backup does the job in 28 minutes the BackupExec job seems to stall when it goes to backup

System?State\SYSVOL\SYSVOL -

Up until this point the backup does nearly 1GB in 5minutes...

Any ideas why NT backup is quicker than Backup Exec?


Level 6
Hi Rob,

Have you tried taking a separate backup of only the system state? If no please do the same to verify how much throughput you get.


Level 3

Yes tried making seperate copies of the System State (This is how i'm testing, by just backing up this, the other drives are ok) I can't break the system state down any futher but I know from watching the job status log that it only hits the slow throughput when it hits \\system?state\sysvol