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Tapes moving Media Sets..

Level 4

I've got an engineer onsite who claims that his tapes are moving to different media sets upon completing a backup job.

Having looked at his server and set all of the tapes into the correct media sets etc, I must admit, they do move from one media set to another,only after the jobs have completed has anybody ever come accross this problem, and does anyone know of a fix..? Rather than logging onto it everyday.?


Level 6
First thing to check is from Tools\Options\Backup (I think) Make sure that "Use Overwriteable Media in Target Media Set Befor Scratch Media" is selected.

When BackupExec looks for an overwritable tape, it will use the "oldest" one that it can find (the one in scratch status longest) unless this option is selected

If you have a library (sounds like it) You could also partition the library so that slots are treated as "Virtual Tape Drives" and point each job to the appropriate slot.

Level 4
Ken Thanks..This option was selected, to use over writeable media etc...Would you have more information on using Virtual drives, this sounds like a good option, any info on setting them up etc.

Thanks in advance.

Level 6

You may like to refer the following Technote for partitioning a library.

Creating, configuring, and targeting a backup job to a Robotic Library partition in Backup Exec 9.x and 10.0 for Windows Servers

Hope this helps. Please let us know the update.

NOTE : If we do not receive your intimation within two business days, this post would be marked ‘assumed answered’ and would be moved to the ‘answered threads’ pool.


Level 6
As per our previous reply, marking the case as assumed answered and moving it to answered questions pool.