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Unable to use Symantec Backup Exec 12.5 to 'Connect As ...' to another server within Active Directory

Level 4
Hi I really hope someone can assist me. This may be a little tricky to describe, but here we go...

OK. I have two domains servers, keylooop.local and There are two servers in each domain (running symantec backup exec)  and keylooop-4d20e4.keylooop.local (running exchange server 2007)

On, where I have backup exec I have created two 'Active Directory Domains' for both domain controllers (see image) Each Active Directory contains both the both servers. The problem is, whenever right click the domain server from within the Active Directory it fails with the following message 'Failed to log on to: KEYLOOP-017982A' if I'm trying to connect from outside of the domain controllers domain.
For example, in the image I would like to 'Connect As..' from any of the accounts shown in the image, to KEYLOOP-017982A from the domain KEYLOOOP.LOCAL, but it fails with the above message 'Failed to log on to: KEYLOOP-017982A'. However, i can use the same accounts when trying to connect to same domain controller from with KEYLOO.COM.

Now, this solution will probably need someone with an appreciation of Symantec Backup Exec for Windows.

I can verify the following:
The Remote Agent for BackUp Exec has been installed.
The Accounts have full permissions on each domain controller.

So to recap, each time try to 'Connect As....' to another domain controller for another domain I keep on getting message ''Failed to log on to: KEYLOOP-017982A'  even though the accounts used have full permission.

I really hope someone is able to help resolve this issue.



Level 6
Employee Accredited Certified
Instead of doing connect as, try expanding domain, and it should ask for logon account. you can provide a logon account which has domain admins privilege on the other domain. You can create a logon account by browsing to Nework-> Logon accounts from BE console. This logon account would be in the format domainname\accountname and the password same as the target domain's user. Also, make sure there is a two way trust between these two domains, so that you can perform the backups. Once the logon account is created, come back to selections, try expanding the target server and provide the logon account when asked for.


Level 4
 Sorry, it doesn't seem like we can upload images.

However, it might help to know that I can 'Connect As...' from Windows Systems.



Level 4
Hi Hemant Jain,

Thanks for getting back to me. I wish I could show you an image, because I can expand the domain. After expand the domain I click on the server and then I'm told that the account used to Logon onto, say, 'KEYLOOOP-017982A' failed and then told to use a logon account from the list. However, each of the accounts fail even though i know they have sufficient permissions.

Also the direction of trust is definitely two-way.

As I mentioned above, the odd thing is I can 'Connect As...' from within 'Windows Systems' under 'Favorite Resources'.

Extrememly weird.



Level 6
Employee Accredited Certified
Can you add the target server in user-defined selections, and see if you can expand it from there? Try both by FQDN and Netbios name. From favourite resources, it would show FQDN generally. Check if it is able to resolve both type of names.


Level 4

I get the same message when I attempt to add the server to one of my user-defined selections - ''Failed to log on to: KEYLOOP-017982A' . However, thats from within the 'Active Directory Domains'.

Hemant, the problem that I believe this issue is connected to is when I want to discover resources. Each time I try discover a resource from within an Active Directory Domain it fails and I'm not sure if its linked to the fact that I can't connect the server.....


Level 4

Is there a way that I can send you a screen shot of the view of the Active Directory Domain?


   VIP    Certified
You can paste the screenshot as part of your reply.

Level 4

Level 4

I tried to past a screen shoot in my previous reply but it won't let me. Can you let me know how to paste a screen shot?



Level 6
Partner Accredited
Hi Carlton

Following points need to be consider when backing up data across domains
  • Should have trust relationsheep between 2 domains.
  • You should be able to communicate on port 10000, 145, 146, 147,...150 (communication should be visa-versa)
  • The account which you are using to backup should have minimum domain admin rights of respective domain
Refer to this link by microsoft for AD communication ports

Please check and confirm

Level 4

I think I may have found the problem, but I don't how to resolve it.

I have two 'Active Directory Domains'

Domain #1 is the domain that the Media server resides in called KEYLOOP.COM
Domain #2 is the domain that I have full two-way trusts with called KEYLOOOP.LOCAL

The domain controller for #1 is keyloop-017982A
The domain controller for #2 is keylooop-4d20e4.

I have noticed that when the DC's are imported into each domain they are imported without the 'Backup Remote Agent' installed, even though they are actually installed - even when i try a to install the remote agent remotely I get the message that the remote agent is installed - so I know the agent is installed. However, the properties state that the agent isn't installed.

If I could cut and paste a screen shot showing the Remote Agent isn't installed I would but I seem to have a problem adding images to the replys for some reason.

I believe this is the reason I'm unable to Back up the server or implement the 'Resource Discovery' feature in Backup Exec 12.5.

Can you please help. Its driving me crazy.
