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Upgrading to CPS 11d, agent locks up server.

Level 3
After upgrading to CPS 11d, one of our servers keeps locking up. Totally "freezes".
We tried disabling the service, and the problem goes away. There is nothing in the Windows eventlog.
Anyone know why CPS "crashes" the server?

Level 6
Hi Rct -
What service in particular are you experiencing this with?
Do you just turn off this CPS Service or all associated?
How are your system resources: i.e. CPU, Available Physical Memory, Total RAM, Disk Space?
Does your server not hang turning off another service not related to CPS?
- Jared

Level 3
Its "Backup Exec Continuous Protection Agent", executable: rxservice.exe.
I only need to turn off this service to stop the server from locking up. The other Backup Exec services are not stopped.
CPU: Intel Xeon 2.80
Available Physical Memory: 941560 (K)
Total RAM: 1,5 Gb
Free Disk Space: 45Gb, 462Gb, 427Gb, 743Gb,
The server hangs regular until the service is turned off. Tried other services, but the only that stops the server from hanging is rxservice.exe.

Level 6
Rct -
I would suggest contacting support to have them debug the CPA in order to determine if another application may be conflicting with the rxservice. In CPS there is a Settings Utility in order to debug the console. The file is sent to the C:\Program Files\Symantec\Continuous Protection Server\Logs directory. Any adjustment to the settings utility should be done carefully and with a support technician.
- Jared