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Using Lotus Domino Server Agent

Level 4
I recently updated BE from 9.1 to 10.0. All agents on the servers have been updated and for the most part everything is working. However, when backing up my Domino server, and trying to take advantage of the Domino agent installed on the media server, there is an issue with the backup stalling. (Domino 6.0.4) . The job won't even cancel, and the backup server requires a reboot. Also, the remote agent service on the Domino server is stalled, won't stop, and a reboot is also required there. I could really use some guidence in this. Thanks

Level 6

Recheck the version of remote agent on the Domino server, it should be same as that of BE server. Suggest you to re-install the remote agent on the Domino server.

You may also check the following document:


Level 4
Hi, I had already re-installed the agent on the Domino server. It shows as the correct version. Are the instructions for the API trace correct for version 10? I did the required registry entries on the Domino server, but got no output. Domino server was rebooted.

Level 6
Partner Accredited
If I remember my training correctly - the debug for the Domino stuff is now included in the beremote debug.

To put the Remote agent into debug - stop it.
go into the properties of the Remote Agent service, in the Start Paramaters enter in -debug , then click on Start.

Level 4
I set the -debug startup parameter on the service. Got no error, but didn't get anything else either. Were is it supposed to place it's logs?

I can't believe in the whole corrupt DB thing, as a fixup is run every evening before the backup runs. It stalled again last night, this time on a users mail file. the last time it was the log file.

Level 6
When backing up or selecting Domino databases for backup if there is a hang situation, it most likely is related to one of the databases being backed up. The debug should show you what database we're hanging on. Deselect that database from the backup and if the job then completes run a repair on the DB using Nupdal or NFixup. See for additional info (this is a BEWS 9.x and prior technote but the DB calls should be the same).

Level 4
Okay..... I got the dump. First thing I notices is that instead of using NSFDBOPENEXTENDED it is using NSFDBOPEN. Normal? Also, the file it hung on this morning ran fine. All DB were browsed. Here is a snippet of the mail file that stalled during backup:

02/09/05 11:19:14 LNAPI 0: In ProcessCall 12
02/09/05 11:19:14 LNAPI 0: NSFDbClose Call. Handle - 1091
02/09/05 11:19:14 LNAPI 0: In ProcessCall 10
02/09/05 11:19:14 LNAPI 0: NSFDbOpen Call. D:\Lotus\Domino\Data\Mail\bcuttres.nsf
02/09/05 11:19:14 LNAPI 0: NSFDbOpen Return 0. Handle - 1091
02/09/05 11:19:14 LNAPI 0: In ProcessCall 12

Level 6

Firstly we suggest you to kill the BEREMOTE.exe and then try rebooting the server. After doing this re-try the backup.

**Before starting the backup job run the SGMON and look for any errors in the same. If u see any errors in the job log, send the error for further trouble shooting.

Level 4
I have the logs from this weekends failure. How can I upload them to you?

Level 3
It sounds like basically the same situation that we are in. We upgraded from 9.x to 10.x and ever since then we have tried to do a backup, it says that a restore job is already in progress.

Also in some jobs we get about 3 to 4 gigs into the job, the progress just stops. There is no error we then have to reboot the backup server to stop the job. And then there is a stuck tape that we need to remove.

I have tried to stop the agent on the notes server...but it just dosen't stop, it hangs. I have to reboot the notes server to stop the service. Even killing the beremote give us a error.

Not applicable
I'm having the same issues with this agent. Hangs on random databases. There is no pattern, nor explaination, for the database that it hangs on.

Is there any update, Veritas? This is killing me.

P.S. For those trying to kill the BE processes after a hang, you might try using "kill.exe" from the Resource Kit. It works for me, and keeps me from having to reboot the server, or restart Domino.

Level 3
I will use kill.exe...thanks for the tip. I had to reboot our production domino server constantly to restart the beremote service.


Level 4
> **Before starting the backup job run the SGMON and
> look for any errors in the same. If u see any errors
> in the job log, send the error for further trouble
> shooting.

Hellooooo....... I have more dumps here. HOW do I upload them to Veritas. This question needs resolutiuon, as it appears I'm not the only one with it. For what ever reason the BE job seems to disconnect from the Lotus notes option. No errors appear on the target.

Level 3
We have exactly the same problem. Domino server 6.5.3

Level 3
I couldn't deal with it, we have not had a good backup in almost three weeks, since upgrading to 10. So I reverted back to 9.1 which basically crapped the whole server and I had to reload the OS. I then installed 9.1 and now we are getting good backups.

I will NOT upgrade to 10 unless this issue is solved.

Level 1
Same problem here.Just hangs can't even pick out the databases. What a joke ,get the product fixed.

Not applicable
Hello !

The backup of Lotus Domino Databases with Lotus Domino Agent on Windows 2003 using Veritas Backup Exec V10 is not executing successfully.

The following error is being encountered :

The error "An error occurred during backup. See the job log for details" occurs during a Louts Notes backup.


Exact Error Message
An error occurred during backup. See the job log for details.

This error message is seen when an unknown error is returned from Lotus Notes.

Please contact VERITAS Technical Services for additional assistance with this issue.
Key points of the problem
1. The backup fails if the Agent for Lotus Domino is used for the backup.
2. The backup is successful when the Agent for Lotus Domino is not used and only Advance Open File Option is used.
3. The restoring user's mail database is "currently" successful with the backup files taken by method without Agent for Lotus Domino .

The technote Document ID: 274351 doesn't give any specific information on the error,and Document ID: 265277 also talks about the similar issue but with Ver 9.x.

Your help at the earliest will be much appreciated.

Thanks and regards,

Not applicable

Where did you (ever) find the log info?

Have you resolved this issue?

What was resolution, I have not had a backup in 2 weeks!

Level 4
Did anybody resolve the problem? Our client have the same one...

Why VERITAS is keeping silence?

Level 4
Hey people! I had opened a Direct Assist case for this problem. There is no resolution for this issue at this time. I'm using AOFO to backup my Domino server.Message was edited by: