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Using a job template to start jobs which use different selection lists

Level 2

I'm using BEXEC 12.0 SP3 for Windows - when Job A using Selection list 1 completes, I'd like Job B using Selection list 2 to automatically start. I know how to create a template rule to trigger the start of one job upon completion of another, but haven't a clue how/where to specify the separate selection lists which each job should use.

Is such a setup possible, and if so, what are the steps needed to make it happen?

Thanks - -

Level 6
This is not possible . When you create a policy all the template in the policy are linked to the same selection list . you cannot have a policy in which the template are pointing to different selection list .
 You can create a backup Jobs and  schedule it to run with enough time windows . so untill the 1st job completes the other one is queued and will append once the firsht Job complete.

Level 2
OK, gotcha - I suspected as much, but it's good to have my suspicion confirmed.

FWIW, this is quite a shortcoming in the software.


Level 5
If you only have those two backups running, you could set a maximum of 1 concurrent backup, give the first job high priority and the second job low priority and have them both start at the same time.  That would work like you'd want it to, I believe...but if you have more than those two backups, it would be highly inefficient if you normally run more than 1 concurrent job.