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V-79-57344-33928 Restoring 4 emails to the administrator email box using Exchange Redirect. Only a %percentage% of anything seems to work.

Level 4
Quickly I am having trouble restoring email to an email box with an error of V-79-57344-33928 / 0xe0008488. What I am seeing is selecting 4 emails from an available resource to a designated email box (administrator) is only restoring a portion of the data and then displaying an error. So I ignore and close out then open outlook and I see 2 of 4 emails. The 2 that are there work fine and seem to be usable and 100% there. So I have tried other tapes and jobs scenarios I have seem to run into a basic description of when trying to perform exchange restores that around 50% restore and work and the rest dint get restored and an error comes up.

Config & Setup

1 HP proliant DL380 G3
Server 2003 R2 STD SP2
BE 10.1D SP4
Ultruim230 External 

Due to lack of hardware just lying around I only had 1 server to play with. The server is the DC/GC, Veritas, and Exchange

This is a sand box server <Proto>  with no network or Internet access. Very controlled and specific enviorment. To the desktop the server is loaded then sp2 applied then reboot. Add the prereqs in add and remove components to install exchange, then reboot. Use the configure manager to configure as "1st typical server" which will be AD, DNS, DHCP, reboot. Next Run preps, reboot. Now install exchange 2003 no sp, reboot. Install Exchange 2003 SP2, reboot.

Install BE 10.1D, reboot. Install SP4 (as I have done this a few times the second time I did SP4 and then 3 hotfixes I don't recall that required SP4 first) reboot.

Now make a veritas account, via a copy of the administrator account, as well as an account that is the same as the originating box that the email was backed up from. From logging out as admin and logging in as veritas and the user as well as making sure from outlook 2007 with sp1 loaded locally to the server I configure and sent email to and from all 3 of these accounts.

After looking close I noticed another error might be the issue after all

V-79-57344-65275 = Ensure all media have been inventoried and cataloged. Well Since I know this was a single tape backup meaning 1 media was all that was used and not full. I am not sure what else might not be cataloged or inventoried. I am not getting any media erros like media is not good.

Bottom line question??? Based on what I have described would it be safe to say that when I made this backup although it said sucessful with no errors that the backup was no good or incomplete since it is saying "ensure all media have been inventoried" and out of 4 emails 2 go back and work fine that the backup is no good or icmplete and I will not be able to recover everything I see that is selectable. I am using 4 and 2 as small and easy numbers the real scale is out of 130 emails like 70 or 80 are going back and work fine. I think I have ruled out permissions. If it connects to a box and puts half the email back in 8 minutes but in 16 minutes it fails out and gives the error acces is denied how does access be denied in the middle of a restore when half goes back? I think access is denied because there may be something wrong with 1.Physical tape 2.Data or 3.catalog and indexing info is screwed on the tape.

here are the documents I have combed through. I know there are more but here are the articles I still have open.
I must have closed off the article for Exchange admin delegation which I have followed.

Any help would be great.


Partner    VIP    Accredited
Just make sure you've got the correct dates selected from when you'd like to run the restore. I noticed that once before, when I had an older tape in. I could see the tape, and could do a catalog of it, but not restore. It was only when I took the actual restore date back a couple of weeks more that I was able to restore the data.
Have you staged your backups to disk? It's an easier way to restore to Exchange when it was backed up to tape.

Level 4
I know there are many other ways to backup exchange.

But I am not given any options here.

The deal is I have a tape from 2004 that needs to be restored. I need a few hundred emails from it.

Well in 2004 the situation was 1 dc, 1 mail server , and 1 backup server with 1 tape drive.

As of now all the original hardware from 2004 is long gone and all replaced with server 2008 on many new servers. A need arose to recover email from a 2004 tape. So I just grabbed a server sitting around loaded it up as the same domain name but name of the server is the same as th email server was. This way I can just install AD real quick and Exchange 2003, load a trial of vertias (not that I dont have a suite of keys for primary backup system). Next slap a external tape drive on there inventory and catalog tape then do an exchange redirect and restore a few hundred emails to the administor mail box. Use outlook to search out what I need and drap to jump drive. Keep in mind I also installed outlook 2003 because weboutlook sucks for doing email searches. Thisis where I am having the issues I stated in my orignal post


Level 6
It's been a while since I supported Exchange, so if this doesn't make sense, just ignore it

When you built out the restore server, did you use the same version of Exchange that the mailbox was backed up from.  I know that there used to be a cross version problem with both SQL and Exchange

Level 4

I dont think ex 2k3 SP2 was out in 04. I would have to say no. My server has newer sp but both were ex 2k3

Level 6
I don't  think the SP  was relavent,  just major version, so this probably isn't your problem

don't know what else to suggest at this point. You may be down to opening an incident with Symantec :(

Level 4
Thank You for looking at. Glad to see ya back on board.