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Level 3

In my Vspehere 4.0 environment  none of my VMs have successfully completed a GRT backup. The VM's VDK files are successfully backuped but they all have the exception no GRT volumes found,reading from source. The Luns hosting the vms have been mounted readonly on the media server however Based on the errors below i am inferring that Backup Exec is unable to properly retrieve Vm volume information required by GRT and i am unable to discern where the info is being read from. The RAWS agent is installed on all Vms and snapshots are executing successfully. Any assistance is appreciated 



Info: Cannot find the registry hive file: \\?\GLOBALROOT\Device\vstor2-mntapi10-shared-38E238E2007E0000000000000F000000\\WINNT\system32\config\system 0 0x0
[2252] 2013-02-18T23:21:00.125 [mounter]            - Info: Cannot find the registry hive file: \\?\GLOBALROOT\Device\vstor2-mntapi10-shared-444D494F3A49443A56D5AE30E1D2834088E4CB71CFD255FF10000000\\WINNT\system32\config\system 0 0x0
[2252] 2013-02-18T23:21:00.125 [mounter]            - Cannot find boot configuration file. Searching for the registry hive file in any volume of each disk

Original DriveLetter for Virtual Volume:
[2252] 2013-02-17T20:19:22.684 [engidrapi]          -   Original Volume GUID for Virtual Volume:
[2252] 2013-02-17T20:19:22.684 [engidrapi]          -
[2252] 2013-02-17T20:19:22.685 [mounter]            - VDiskMounter::MountAllDisks: no drive letter or volume GUID found, volume ignored
[2252] 2013-02-17T20:19:22.695 [mounter]            - VDiskMounter::MountAllDisks: no drive letter or volume GUID found, volume ignored
[2252] 2013-02-17T20:19:22.695 [mounter]            - VDiskMounter::MountAllDisks: no drive letter or volume GUID found, volume ignored
[2252] 2013-02-17T20:19:22.695 [mounter]            - Mount of all disks succeeded
[2252] 2013-02-17T20:19:22.695 [fsys\ntfs\img_pdi]  + img_pdi_attach.cpp (633):
[2252] 2013-02-17T20:19:22.695 [fsys\ntfs\img_pdi]  | Error mounting disk(s): E_IMG_FS_NO_GRT_VOLUMES_FOUND (0xe0009745).

ndmp\ndmpsrvr]      - AssertBackupPrivilege failed: Access is denied.
[5836] 2013-02-18T21:40:42.067 [ndmp\ndmpsrvr]      - AssertRestorePrivilege failed: Access is denied.
[5836] 2013-02-18T21:40:42.067 [ndmp\ndmpsrvr]      - AssertPrivilege( SE_SECURITY_NAME ) failed: Access is denied.


Level 6
Employee Accredited Certified


Backup Exec version you have not sepecified here , if you are on version BE 2010 build 2896 then it was known issue there with the error you have posted

[2252] 2013-02-17T20:19:22.695 [fsys\ntfs\img_pdi]  | Error mounting disk(s): E_IMG_FS_NO_GRT_VOLUMES_FOUND (0xe0009745).

So upgrade to BE 2010 r3 first with sp2 and all updates , if this is BE 2012 with sp1a and all updates and remote agents are also updates please open a case with Support to invesitgate it further



Level 3

We are on Backup Exec 2012 and having been speaking to TECH support who advised us to turn on Debugging on the Vms,however from a DR standpoint we dont want to have to be mounting VM files to recover data should the need arise in the near term.


I am not sure if we SP1 but we have used live update hence it should be uptodate

Employee Accredited Certified

Are any of the volumes inside the VMs themselevs formatted with GPT instead of MBR? (We do not support GRT on GPT)

Also is this just file system GRT you are woking with or Application GRT (if not application GRT then turn off the application GRT settings in the job)


Other than that support need those logs they have asked for to look into your problem and the temporary workaround would be redrect the restore of the whole VM, to get at individual files, as the complete backup should still be valid.

Level 3

Thnks for your reply. The Disks inside the VMs are basic and dynamic disks

Level 3

To date we are still unable to backup our VMs with GRT turned on.Symantec support have not contacted us in a while so we are stuck with VDK files as our backup