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VRTSralus beremote agent fails to backup on 11D after job created fine

Level 3
HELP, I need to run a backup. I have three linux boxes with different distributions. One is not working correctly.

Mandrivia 2007
Added Gcc library manually from libstdc++5-3.3.6-2mdk.i586.rpm

Installed using the script installralus The script ran fine with no errors and created the users and groups.

I created a backup job no problem. When I try to run the job the backup scan runs fine. Between 10 and 100MB into the backup it freezes. In the five or six tries whereI checked the status screen it was on a different file. I have waited up to 24 hours and it never moves another byte.

I have to kill the agent on the Linux box to release the Backup server and not kill the tape. About 1 time in 5, it completely crashes the linux box. and I have to re-boot it.

I have checked the message log, syslog and the /var/VRTSralus/beremote.service.log and there are no messages.

A test of the job runs fine.

This is a sample job status screen when it jams:

Job name : Full Backup DualOpteron
Job type : Backup
Job log : BEX_INTEL6700_00198.xml
Status : Running

Current operation : Backup

Server name :

Device name : COMPAQ 1

Source : \\\

Destination : Media created 12/31/2006 5:38:51 PM

Current directory : /etc/gconf/gconf.xml.defaults/apps/gnome-session

Current file : %gconf.xml

StatisticsDirectories : 180
Files : 1,444
Skipped files : 0
Corrupt files : 0
Files in use : 0

Job rate : 39.0 MB/min
Bytes : 58,871,561 bytes
Start time : 1/3/2007 6:43 PM
Elapsed time : 0:02:55
Percent complete : 1%
Estimated total bytes : 5,238,488,448 bytes
Estimated time remaining : 2:06:39

Level 3
Is there no one who can tell me how to diagnose or fix this problem?

Level 6
Is this a new install or an upgrade?

If it is an upgrade remove your backup jobs and selection list and re-do them

Level 3
That was my first thought. This was a Mandrivia 2006 install and it was working fine. When I did the Mandrivia 2007 upgrade and it started failing I uninstalled and re-installed the agent. When that did not solve it I deleted and re-created the backup jobs an that still did not change the results in any way.

Is there any possible way to get a diagnostic log from the agent?

Level 6
Under options in tools on the media server you can increase the details on the logging, not sure you can do it at the agent.

Have you checked the services on the mandriva box and made sure the agent is running. Does the agent run under an account with insufficient priveleges.

Level 6
Sorry I should have read your first entry harder, disregard my last about the agent and priveleges

Level 6
Does the mandriva install have a firewall operating?

Level 3
Nope, no firewall. Like I said, the job creates no problem, and starts running, but like 20 to 100 MB into it, it just freezes.


Level 6
There is no file correlation but is there a time correlation?

Level 3
I do not have any easy way to measure that, if it is important I can run some tests, the problem is that it moves data well and then the tape goes silent, the backup screen thinks the job is still running and the timers keep right on going, but rate starts dropping. Unless I kill the agent the job will never end.


Level 3
OK, I removed Mandrivia and reset the machine up with SUSE10.2. Agent install without a hitch.

Created a backup job no problem

Ran the backup job.

The box when into a shutdown sequence while the job was doing a backup scan.

The Linux box is now shutdown and the backup exec server timed out after about 5 minutes.

What platforms have you tested this agent on?


Level 6
Increase your logging so that you get it to the file level so you can see where you are stopping. If it is in a similar place each time you can change your selection list to remove the area it is failing. tools/options

I've tested it on red hat without an issue. Well with the usual BE 11 issues that we all muddle through

Level 5
Employee Accredited Certified

Here is our Software compatability list. It outlines all the platforms we did our testing on.

When your Linux box shutdown, can you be more specific? Did the server crash, or did it physically power itself off?

Level 3
Maybe I am confused, but I do not see any Linux distributions in that list. I am asking about What you tested the Linux Agent on.

When I say the Linux box shut down, I mean I was looking at the desktop while the backup job was starting and suddenly my desktop disappeared and The machine ran through a normal looking init 6 and did a full power down. When I when and checked the backup on the other side it had not backed up a single file.

I then tried running several more jobs and they ran fine to completion.

Apparently the shutdown was some kind of fluke and your agent works on SUSe 10.2, but not Mandrivia 2007.

Level 5
Employee Accredited Certified

If you look under the Remote Agent for Linux/Unix servers, you will see a list of operating systems we tested the agent on.

At this time Mandrivia 2007 is not a supported version.

Level 3
Sorry, I was looking at the page the link went to, not the pdf file that that page contained.

I guess, I am joust going to have to go with trial and error and hope I get a working combination.
