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Want to backup a network drive to another network drive

Level 2
Hello, I have a terabyte network drive on the network. I store noncritical data, but want to back it up to another terabyte network drive of similar size. If I buy another network drive, can BE 11D accomplish this?


Level 6
Hi Lee,

Yes, BE 11d should be able to accomplish this, you will have to create  a backup-to-disk (B2d) folder on the second netowrk drive on which you would like to backup data from the first network drive.

Hope this helps..


Please mark this as solution if this resolves your issue.

Level 5

 We're doing exactly that with BE 12.5 - are either of your network shares on the BE server itself, and if not, are they on the same file server (I'm assuming not)?  If so, you will likely need two agent licenses for each of these servers (or workstations) that the shares reside on - Our package came with 3 agent licenses (not sure hoe many u have available).  Once you install the agent(s) on each machine, you should then be able to see the available folders in BE to generate both a selection list from the source share, and as tech29 suggested, a B2D folder on the destination share.

Be aware that a specific type of agent license (Windows, Unix/Linux, Macintosh, etc) is required for whatever flavor the OS is on each of those servers, which you may have to purchase.  Also, it needs to be a specific license for your BE version (11D).

One way to avoid paying another license fee may be to have the destination drive be an external HD (USB, eSATA, etc) connected to the BE server.  A locally-connected drive connected to the BE server or a machine with a BE agent instlaled on it will be visible on that machine in browse lists for selection lists, as well as B2D folders.  Of course, you want to make an external HD is on and available for scheduled backup timeframes, but this may help save a license fee, or optionally create some extra redundancy if u need more copies of your data.