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Windows Remote Agent installation

Level 3
I have gone through the installation of the Windows Remote Agent on my servers and for some reason I see the name of the system but no folders under the name.
Can anyone assist or point me to info on how to get them installed and running properly?
I am running Windows 2003 Dell servers.
I have the software on order but have not received the licenses yet so I am using the eval install at the moment.

Level 6
If you logon to the media server as the BackupExec service account, can you map the drives in Windows Explorer?

Level 3
Try to install the agent locally, sometimes Remote Agent doesn't run properly when you push it remotely..
Agent files can be found under the below directory in BE11d;
Good luck

Level 3
Thanks for the replys.
I have concluded the remote install does not work to well when you are logged on using Remote Desktop through a Citrix server connection.
I had someone on site copy the files and install the agent and I can now see the system in Favourite Resources.
Next question is why can I only see some of the shares and they are greyed out.
What I want to do is a disk to disk backup of the complete Drives on the system.
Am I missing something in the setup to do this?

Level 6
Have you tried logging on as the Service Account and attempting to map the shares?

Level 3
I have logged on and mapped drives successfully.
I have a C$ share on all the servers but cannot see it in Favourites.

Level 6
Got me stumped at this point - You'll have to wait for a Symantec response, I guess

Level 3

Make sure the backup exec account is having administrative privilege (Local\Domain) on the remote server, you can also right click on the server from the favorite selection list and connect as; choose an account with full access.

Level 6
Employee Accredited


Is this server a part a cluster?

Open a command prompt from your Backup Exec server, and type ‘telnet <remote_server> 10000’ (with no quotes and replace <remote_server> with actual server name) and hit enter. Let me know what happens.

Are there are any firewalls in between the Backup Exec server and the remote server?

If not, verify that the following registry key value is ‘1’

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Symantec\Backup Exec For Windows\Backup Exec\Engine\NTFS\Restrict Anonymous Support\

If it is not, set it to ‘1’ and restart the Remote Agent service and try making the selections.

Level 3
The server is not par of a cluster.
The setting is set to 1.

Level 6
Employee Accredited



What about the remaining steps I asked you to take?


Level 3
When I telnet to the port I get could not connect.

Level 3
No Firewall either
All servers connected to dedicated switch on second IP from Customers network.

Level 6
Employee Accredited


That would be the problem. The Remote Agent listens for connections on port 10000, and we cannot connect to that port. Verify that the agent is running, and that port is not being blocked by a firewall.

Until we can get a connection established on this port, you will not be able to protect the server.

Level 3
We have a conflict on port 10000.
Is there any way to change the port to something else?
Other apps are using this port and cannot be changed.