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backup exec 12.5 backup issues ****High Priority***

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I am using backup exec 12.5 installed on server A. I am backing up about 1.8TB of information from my file server being server B and storing the backups on a dell disk attached storage MD1000 with 7200rpm sata drives, 2950 server (Server C). I have 6 drives in a RAID 10 set and 4 drives in a RAID 0 set on server C. Server C and Server B are on the same network and server A in on serperate vlan. I have test the network speeds and i am getting around 50MB/sec. When i start the backup on eaither the RAID 10 or RAID 0 i get very slow performance. I can not seem to narrow down where the performance issue is coming from. If any one has any information on some things for me to check that would be great.


Partner    VIP    Accredited



If you're able to upgrade to BE 2010 R3, I'd suggest doing so. You would need new licenses which you can arrange from Symantec's licensing department.

That said, check the routing between VLANs and make sure all is OK there. Also, copy files between your media server and the various servers you're trying to back up to eliminate network latency.

Check the TN below for further information...


Level 6
Partner Accredited

For high priority call's, contact Symantec Support. This forum is based on best effort and no guarantee someone will respond (fast).