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backup exec 12 driver

Level 2


I've just reinstall a Windows 2003 R2 Server standard edition with sp2, I'm using for Backup the data, Backup Exec for Windows Servers (V12 rev 1364) with an scsi drive HP (SPS_ HP Ultrium 920 SCSI Int Tape Drive).

The problem appears when I try to make a back up giving me the error V-79-57344-34029, after lots of test, seems that I dont have the correct driver for this tape unit. Where can I download it?

Thanks in advance.

Paco Salvador


Employee Accredited Certified

Run live update and install the latest service packs and hotfixes.

Once all the patches are intsalled run tapeinst.exe to install symantec drivers.

tapeinst is located at X:\Program Files\Symantec\Backup Exec

Latest driver for BE12

Employee Accredited Certified

Symantec have a policy of only releasing one driver update patch for a specific version after the next version of Backup Exec is released. As such 12.0 would last have received a driver update release over 2 years ago. If your library is newer than this then there may be no driver (although it might work with the OEM drivers)

Have you checked the 12.0 Hardware Compatibility List for your library?


Level 2

Hello Colin, I've check the drive is suported in the HCL list.

Level 2

Hello AmolZeroCool, I've instaled latest sp and hotfixes, after that run tapeinst. Then I tried to run a backup and give me the same error.

This is the error the BE give me in spanish, I think it will have the same code error in english.

Haga clic en un error a continuacin para buscarlo en el registro de tareas
Respaldo- D: El dispositivo de almacenamiento "HP 1" encontr un error en una solicitud para escribir datos en el soporte.
Error encontrado:
No se puede ejecutar el proceso debido a un error del dispositivo de E/S.
V-79-57344-34029 - Ha ocurrido un error de hardware.
Verificacin- D: Se encontr una incoherencia en el soporte de almacenamiento en HP 1.
V-79-57344-33994 - Los datos que estn siendo ledos del soporte son inconsistentes.

Level 2

After doing all this suggestions still having the same problem, what else can I do?

Partner    VIP    Accredited



Completely uninstall the drive from within BE and Windows, and turn the drive off. Once done, disconnect from the server and restart Windows. Boot into the OS and make sure it doesn't show in Device Manager. Shut down the server, reconnect the drive and turn it on. Once it starts up, start up the server.

Once you boot into the OS, open up BE and run the Device Configuration Wizard and install the Symantec drivers.

If this doesn't resolve it, I'd suggest getting hold of HP Library and Tape Tools, stopping the BE services and running the diagnostics against the drive to determine whether or not this is a hardware issue.
