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bkf files stay on the storage if job fails.

Level 5

After backup job fails it do not remove *.bkf files.
And after time I have half of storage with trush.
How can I remove this automaticaly?
And can I increase maximum file size on storage to 300-400Gb?


Level 6
Employee Accredited Certified

If the failure occured after backing up certain amount of data which resulted in the .bkf files, then these do not get deleted automatically if the backup fails. As a partial restore is still possible.

Yes, you can increase the max. file size of the .bkf files.


Level 5

But have this non-consistent files Expiration time? They don't remove after expiration point.
And there are expired, but non deleted backup sets in my storage.
All of this get a place in storage and I must remove bkf files manualy from file system.

   VIP    Certified
You can go to the Storage tab, right-click on the backup set for the failed job and select expire. This week cause DLM to delete the backup sets along with the .bkf files. Not that increasing your max file size may mean that your job well take more time to allocate the .bkf files

Level 6
Employee Accredited Certified

These .bkf files will be retained as per the the backup job setting (keep backup sets for...)

If they are not expired, there can be reasons such as these backup sets may be dependent on others. Do you receive any error when you try to remove the backup set from the UI first rather that directly removing it from the disk storage ?

Level 5

but some backup sets do not delete.
where can I read about DLM, its settings and its logs?

Level 5

No any error.

And no dependents.


Level 6
Employee Accredited Certified

Then, preferably, remove the backup sets from the UI when needed and not from the physical storage itself.

We may need to check logs such as the audit one to figure out why these backup sets are not being removed automatically ? As there can be multiple reasons, would recommend to log a support case.

EDIT** As you deleted the files from the storage directly and not the UI, this KB may help -