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exchange full weekly backup errors

Level 6

Having this new problem with exchange backups

V-79-57344-65298 - The Exchange Store service is not responding. Backup set canceled.

V-79-57344-65072 - An error occurred while connecting to the Backup Exec Remote Agent on the media s...

The backup failed only for one of the databases. Last week i faced the same error when the weekly backup was done but this was for a different database. When i backed up the particular database that failed invidually, it succeeded. However this week its with another database.

I am not sure if the database maintenance schedules for exchange and the backups are coinciding with each other. The database maintenance for exchange is between 1-4 a.m and the exchange backups are scheduled to start at 10.00 in the night. However i noticed that the backup for this particular database started at 1;30 a.m and failed soon. Could this be the problem?

Another area which i am not fully sure about is the timing of the database maintenance for BackupExec. This is also done at 4.00 a.m. Would this also affect backup jobs?

Please advise.


Accepted Solutions

Level 6

i contacted Symantec Technical support and they asked me to run the Symantec support tool with the latest update which looks for exchange errors. Once this tool was run it was found that the symantec backup account did not have sufficient rights. After the sufficient rights were given and job was rerun, it completed successfully.

Thanks for all your suggestions!

View solution in original post


Employee Accredited Certified

Try changing the time for Backup Exec Maintenance, click on Tools->options->database maintenance

Level 6

Check if theis document applies

You need to make sure exchange database maintainacne should not conflict with the Bakcup schedule .

Level 6

should i change both backupexec maint shcedule and exchange database schedule.

Could you confirm this?

   VIP    Certified

You should change the BE database maintenance schedule so that it does not clash with your backup.

Level 6

Hi pkh,

Just a little confused as some of the responses say exchange and some say BE. Should i make sure both BE database maintenance and exchange maintenance does not clash up with backup or is it only BE database maintenance.


Level 6

I backup would mostly fail if the backup schedule conflicts with exchange database maintainace. Most of the customer have the default schedule set and their backup job runs fine , so I beleive backup exec should take care of its own maintainance and backups >

Level 6

I guess you are right because i tired running BE maintenance schedule when a backup job was running. It took just 11 sec and the backup job was running fine. So i suppose like you said, the exchange database maintenance must be the changed.

Level 6

I shall make sure that the exchange database maintenance schedule is not conflicting with the backup exec schedule. Once it is changed, i shall update the post.

Thanks Rahul for your valuable suggestions.

Level 6

Shall update the post soon once i do the weekly jobs


Level 6

The exchange weekly backups have failed again inspite of ensuring that the database maintenance timings are different. The following is the error that occured.

Backup- \\\Microsoft Information Store\ABC Unlimited
V-79-57344-65298 - The Exchange Store service is not responding. Backup set canceled. V-79-57344-65072 - An error occurred while connecting to the Backup Exec Remote Agent on the media s...

I have no idea why the weekly backups have failed again.

Please help!


   VIP    Certified

Although the BEDB maintenance is short, I have had jobs which failed because they clashed with the BE maintenance.  When I changed the BEDB maintenance from the default 4 a.m. to 1 p.m., the jobs are o.k.  I chose 1 p.m. because I don't run any BE jobs during the day.

Level 6

I have changed both the BEDB and the ExchangeDB maintenance timings. The BEDB maintenance timings is 4p.m as i dont have any jobs that time. It takes only 11 secs. So that did not solve the problem.

Level 6

I have no idea whats going on..i have recreated all the exchange jobs yesterday and the weekly jobs are not working. I am getting the following error again.

Backup- \\EXCHSRV.XXXX.local\Microsoft Information Store\XXXX 300MB
V-79-57344-65298 - The Exchange Store service is not responding. Backup set canceled. V-79-57344-65072 - An error occurred while connecting to the Backup Exec Remote Agent on the media s...

Inspite of recreating all the jobs again it has failed. The strange thing is the BE services come to a stop when the exchange full weekly backup is running.

Please help!

Level 6

Check the event log if there is any event generated when the services stops. I have seen simalar issue resolved after the reboot of the exchange server , check if that helps if possible .

Level 6

i contacted Symantec Technical support and they asked me to run the Symantec support tool with the latest update which looks for exchange errors. Once this tool was run it was found that the symantec backup account did not have sufficient rights. After the sufficient rights were given and job was rerun, it completed successfully.

Thanks for all your suggestions!