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snapshot full?

Level 4

Morning All,

Having a strange issue with my new install of BE 2010 backing up my file & print server which runs 2003 Ent & the 2010 remote agent including AOFO.

Basically everything else is behaving correctly but half way through the D:\ drive backup is starts coming up with directory not found errors ;

V-79-57344-65033 - Directory not found. Cannot backup directory \Profiles\UserA\My Documents\Backup of Photos\A and its subdirectories.

Note: Click 'Edit Selection List...' to display the View Selection Details tab of the job's selection list. Select the entry with the directory that no longer exists and click Delete to remove it.

 and I get loads of these errors for each directory thereafter roughly the half way mark of the backup...  now I know that these folders exisit becuase I have been in to check.

It may also be worth mentioning that in the exceptions part of the job history I also get ;

V-79-57344-34108 - An unexpected error occurred when cleaning up snapshot volumes. Confirm that all snapped volumes are correctly resynchronized with the original volumes.

& when I look at the restore list for the fileserver botht the D:\ drive and shadow copy components come up with (snapshot full) against them.

any ideas?

Level 6

I believe that AOFO is enabled in the job. Please exclude folder named Backup Exec AOFO Store from the Anti-Virus Scan on all the servers & Drives which is preventing the snapshot cleanup.

Hope this helps....

Level 4
Hi Dev,

Thanks for the quick response. Yeah AOFO is enabled.  Only think is A/V is installed but no A/V scan is running whilst the backup is performed.  We use Sophos & even on-access is disabled?

Do you think it may have to do with free space or similar?  The drive its backing up is 250gig but only has about 20gig free.  I remember once with an old version of BE using AOFO you could change the path of the cahce file, but things are different now with 2010 and the option may not be there?

Look forward to your reply

Level 6

This issue comes in 2 conditions:
1  : Lack of disk space
2  : Something is blocking from snapshot deletion..mainly AV...Just exclude the said folder and check

Level 4
is there a way in 2010 to change the location of the cache file then?  surely there must be a work around for when disk space is being used?

Look forward to your reply.

Level 4
may be also worth mentioning that the error code on the job history for the two failed backups failing for the same cause is E000FE09 & E00084AF.

Level 4

Just tried to action the feedback from your reply "Please exclude folder named Backup Exec AOFO Store from the Anti-Virus Scan on all the servers & Drives which is preventing the snapshot cleanup"

I cant seem to find that folder on any of the disks?  Hidden files etc is enabled but still the folder isn't showing.  With regards to the A/V, the scan is setup for a saturday @ 1pm so & no backup is running at that time, also the sophos on-access scanning is disabled.

Look forward to your response.

Cheers, Mat

Not applicable

Hi got same Problem on Backup Exec 12.5 SP3, Windows 2003 SP2, and i have no virusscan on my Backupserver installed.

Getting the failure sometimes after 30 minutes sometimes after an Hour, on complete different Jobs, check my Hardrive but there will be no failures. And always a get following Message:

V-79-57344-34108 - Beim Reinigen von Snapshotdatenträgern ist ein unerwarteter Fehler aufgetreten. Ü...

sometimes it says that one File is damaged but i dont understnd how this can happen becouse the Files will be created at the Start of the Job.

