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unable to uodate BE 10.0 5584 to BE 10.0 5520

Level 4

I try to update a BE server 10.0 5584, because I'm not able to backup W2k3 R2 server with installed remote agents.

Upgrade fail and log say :

08-23-2009,16:30:10 :  Successful registration of C:\PROGRA~1\VERITAS\BACKUP~1\NT\crtslv.dll
08-23-2009,16:30:10 :  Executing RAMain SetReportFilesToReadOnly.
08-23-2009,16:30:10 :  Executing CopyBELogoBmps.
08-23-2009,16:30:11 :  RA main module has been configured successfully.
08-23-2009,16:30:11 :  CVSPOperations::CheckVSPUpgrade
08-23-2009,16:30:11 :  Removing VSP keys
08-23-2009,16:30:11 :  Executing BE_InstallVxTapeDevices.
08-23-2009,16:30:21 :  Executing AutoLdr_ConfigAutoLdr.  Configuring Auto Loader components.
08-23-2009,16:30:21 :  Executing VSD_InstallDrivers.
08-23-2009,16:30:21 :  C:\Program Files\VERITAS\Backup Exec\NT\loader
08-23-2009,16:30:22 :  Executing SetupAutoloader.
08-23-2009,16:30:22 :  Failed to create SCSIChanger service.
08-23-2009,16:30:22 :  Executing StartAutoldrDrivers.
08-23-2009,16:30:22 :  C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1.ING\LOCALS~1\Temp\{DD2B5BC3-1FC9-4FCC-B49E-7F28AF3AACD8}\\startchgdrv.dll
08-23-2009,16:30:22 :  Unable to start changers at this time.
08-23-2009,16:30:25 :  Stopping BE services.
08-23-2009,16:30:45 :  Executing BE_Rollback9xUpgrade.
08-23-2009,16:30:45 :  Upgrade state set to 8

Does somebody have a solution please ?


Accepted Solutions

Level 4
Nice... I just redefine the same user account for services, restart services and all is OK... Strange, because no more than one admin exist here, and I only redefine him in BE... Well everything is OK.

Thanks a lot

View solution in original post


Level 6
Employee Accredited Certified
This log does not contain enough information. Please search for "return value 3" in the install log and paste the log around that.


Level 4


Thanks for answer

I don't have anything looking like 'return value' in the log file

So I join the complete log file.


VERITAS Backup Exec (TM) 10.0 for Windows Servers Installation Log

Start time: 08-23-2009,16:24:19

08-23-2009,16:24:42 : Product version: 10.0.5520
08-23-2009,16:24:42 :  StartBESequence
08-23-2009,16:24:43 :  Executing BE_PreCheckInstall
08-23-2009,16:24:43 :  10.0.5484
08-23-2009,16:24:43 :  10.0.5484
08-23-2009,16:24:43 :  MDAC 2.81.1117.0 is installed on this system.
08-23-2009,16:24:43 :  MDAC 2.81.1117.0 is installed on this system.
08-23-2009,16:24:43 :  Executing StartBESequence
08-23-2009,16:24:44 :  Pulling user data from the MSI
08-23-2009,16:24:44 :  Upgrade state set to 0
08-23-2009,16:24:44 :  Upgrade state set to 1
08-23-2009,16:24:44 :  Executing SSO::PullDataMSI()
08-23-2009,16:24:44 :  Executing TSM_GetTSMSettings.
08-23-2009,16:24:44 :  Executing CDlgCAS::PullDataMSI()
08-23-2009,16:24:44 :  MSI processing complete
08-23-2009,16:24:44 :  Pulling user data from the command line
08-23-2009,16:24:44 :  In ExtractParam
08-23-2009,16:24:44 :  C:\WINNT\Installer\{DD2B5BC3-1FC9-4FCC-B49E-7F28AF3AACD8}\BEInstParams.prm
08-23-2009,16:24:44 :  Processing encrypted param file: C:\WINNT\Installer\{DD2B5BC3-1FC9-4FCC-B49E-7F28AF3AACD8}\BEInstParams.prm
08-23-2009,16:24:44 :  Opening param file
08-23-2009,16:24:44 :  Reading contents
08-23-2009,16:24:44 :  Closing param file
08-23-2009,16:24:44 :  /DEST:C:\Program Files\VERITAS\Backup Exec\NT\
08-23-2009,16:24:44 :  /SNO:xxxx
08-23-2009,16:24:44 :  /USER:----
08-23-2009,16:24:44 :  /DOM:----
08-23-2009,16:24:44 :  /PASS:*******
08-23-2009,16:24:44 :  /TS:
08-23-2009,16:24:44 :  /TD:ALL
08-23-2009,16:24:44 :  /DOCS:
08-23-2009,16:24:44 :  /LOADER:
08-23-2009,16:24:44 :  /EXCH:
08-23-2009,16:24:44 :  /SQL:
08-23-2009,16:24:44 :  /NTA:
08-23-2009,16:24:44 :  /NWA
08-23-2009,16:24:44 :  /COPYCONFIG:
08-23-2009,16:24:44 :  /DBSERVER:----
08-23-2009,16:24:44 :  Processing encrypted param file complete
08-23-2009,16:24:44 :  COMMAND LINE: Checking UIMODE value
08-23-2009,16:24:44 :  COMMAND LINE: Checking for program group placement value
08-23-2009,16:24:44 :  COMMAND LINE: Checking for main feature selection
08-23-2009,16:24:44 :  COMMAND LINE: Checking for serialization values
08-23-2009,16:24:44 :  CDlgSerialNumber Pass Function.
08-23-2009,16:24:44 :  After Check for Remote_Install.
08-23-2009,16:24:44 :  After Check for RA_INSTALL.
08-23-2009,16:24:44 :  COMMAND LINE: Checking for destination path value
08-23-2009,16:24:44 :  CDlgChooseCustom::PullDataSilent
08-23-2009,16:24:44 :  CDlgLocalChooseCustom Pass Function.
08-23-2009,16:24:44 :  After Check for INSTALL_CHOICE.
08-23-2009,16:24:44 :  After Check for INSTALL_TYPE.
08-23-2009,16:24:44 :  After Check for INSTALL_MODE.
08-23-2009,16:24:44 :  CDlgLocalChooseCustom Pass Function.
08-23-2009,16:24:44 :  COMMAND LINE: Checking for service account values
08-23-2009,16:24:44 :  Not in Maintenance mode
08-23-2009,16:24:44 :  Getting the Silent Params.
08-23-2009,16:24:44 :  COMMAND LINE: checking for SSO values
08-23-2009,16:24:44 :  COMMAND LINE: checking for DlgChooseDBServer values
08-23-2009,16:24:44 :  COMMAND LINE: Checking for tape drivers values
08-23-2009,16:24:44 :  COMMAND LINE: Checking for TSM values
08-23-2009,16:24:44 :  CDlgTSMConfig Pass Function.
08-23-2009,16:24:44 :  After Check for INSTALL_MODE.
08-23-2009,16:24:44 :  CDlgTSMConfig Pass Function.
08-23-2009,16:24:44 :  COMMAND LINE: checking for CASO values
08-23-2009,16:24:44 : 
08-23-2009,16:24:44 :  COMMAND LINE: Checking for clone values
08-23-2009,16:24:44 :  COMMAND LINE: Checking progress settings
08-23-2009,16:24:44 :  COMMAND LINE: Checking for NOINSTALL value
08-23-2009,16:24:44 :  Setup Command Line = "\\Srv_arch\Prog\Symantec\BackupExec\10.0 rev 5520\WINNT\INSTALL\BE\setup.exe"
08-23-2009,16:24:44 :  /DEST: = C:\Program Files\VERITAS\Backup Exec\NT\
08-23-2009,16:24:44 :  /SNO: = xxxx
08-23-2009,16:24:44 :  /USER: = ----
08-23-2009,16:24:44 :  /DOM: = ---
08-23-2009,16:24:44 :  /PASS: = ********
08-23-2009,16:24:44 :  /TS:
08-23-2009,16:24:44 :  /TD: = ALL
08-23-2009,16:24:44 :  /DOCS:
08-23-2009,16:24:44 :  /LOADER:
08-23-2009,16:24:44 :  /EXCH:
08-23-2009,16:24:44 :  /SQL:
08-23-2009,16:24:44 :  /NTA:
08-23-2009,16:24:44 :  /COPYCONFIG:
08-23-2009,16:24:44 :  /DBSERVER: = ----
08-23-2009,16:24:44 :  Command line processing complete
08-23-2009,16:24:44 :  Install set to run in UI mode
08-23-2009,16:24:58 :  Validating license data
08-23-2009,16:25:02 :  CDlgSerialNumber Pass Function.
08-23-2009,16:25:02 :  After Check for Remote_Install.
08-23-2009,16:25:02 :  After Check for RA_INSTALL.
08-23-2009,16:25:03 :  Validating serialization data
08-23-2009,16:25:03 :  CDlgLocalChooseCustom Pass Function.
08-23-2009,16:25:04 :  After Check for INSTALL_CHOICE.
08-23-2009,16:25:04 :  After Check for INSTALL_TYPE.
08-23-2009,16:25:04 :  After Check for INSTALL_MODE.
08-23-2009,16:25:04 :  CDlgLocalChooseCustom Pass Function.
08-23-2009,16:25:04 :  On Init of CDlgChooseCustom
08-23-2009,16:25:04 :  Leaving Init of CDlgChooseCustom
08-23-2009,16:25:04 :  CDlgLocalChooseCustom::OnInitDialog
08-23-2009,16:25:04 :  On Init of CDlgLocalChooseCustom
08-23-2009,16:25:04 :  Leaving Init of CDlgLocalChooseCustom
08-23-2009,16:25:13 :  Validating Local Options Data
08-23-2009,16:25:16 :  En cas d'chec de migration des donnes, la base de donnes Backup Exec d'origine ne sera pas disponible. Si vous pouvez restaurer la base de donnes d'origine  partir d'une sauvegarde prcdente, vous pouvez effectuer la migration et la mise  jour manuellement. Vrifiez que les donnes Backup Exec en cours sont sauvegardes et qu'elles peuvent tre rcupres avant de procder  la mise  jour.
08-23-2009,16:25:22 :  Validating service account data
08-23-2009,16:25:22 :  CDlgSSO Pass Function.
08-23-2009,16:25:22 :  After Check for INSTALL_MODE.
08-23-2009,16:25:22 :  DlgChooseDBServer Pass Function.
08-23-2009,16:25:22 :  CDlgChooseTapeDrivers Pass Function.
08-23-2009,16:25:22 :  After Check for INSTALL_MODE.
08-23-2009,16:25:22 :  After Check for INSTALL_CHOICE.
08-23-2009,16:25:22 :  After Check for INSTALL_TYPE.
08-23-2009,16:25:22 :  CDlgSerialNumber Pass Function.
08-23-2009,16:25:28 :  CDlgTSMConfig Pass Function.
08-23-2009,16:25:28 :  After Check for INSTALL_MODE.
08-23-2009,16:25:28 :  CDlgTSMConfig Pass Function.
08-23-2009,16:25:28 :  CDlgCAS Pass Function.
08-23-2009,16:25:28 :  After Check for INSTALL_MODE.
08-23-2009,16:25:28 :  CDlgClone Pass Function.
08-23-2009,16:25:28 :  CDlgClone Pass Function.
08-23-2009,16:25:28 :  CDlgRemoteChooseCustom Pass Function.
08-23-2009,16:25:28 :  After Check for INSTALL_CHOICE.
08-23-2009,16:25:28 :  Install Summary XML File:
08-23-2009,16:25:28 :  C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1.ING\LOCALS~1\Temp\{DD2B5BC3-1FC9-4FCC-B49E-7F28AF3AACD8}\InstallReview.xml
08-23-2009,16:25:28 :  Install Summary XSL File:
08-23-2009,16:25:28 :  \\Srv_arch\Prog\Symantec\BackupExec\10.0 rev 5520\WINNT\INSTALL\BE\Bin\InstallSummary.xsl
08-23-2009,16:25:28 :  Install Summary HTML File:
08-23-2009,16:25:28 :  C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1.ING\LOCALS~1\Temp\{DD2B5BC3-1FC9-4FCC-B49E-7F28AF3AACD8}\InstallReview.htm
08-23-2009,16:25:28 :  Entering GetSQLAndCASOInformation
08-23-2009,16:25:28 :  Leaving GetSQLAndCASOInformation
08-23-2009,16:25:28 :  MDAC 2.81.1117.0 is installed on this system.
08-23-2009,16:25:28 :  Executing REG_EnumRegMultiValue
08-23-2009,16:25:28 :  MSSQLSERVER
08-23-2009,16:25:29 :  <?xml version='1.0'?><Summary><Lang>FR</Lang><ResDLL>\\Srv_arch\Prog\Symantec\BackupExec\10.0 rev 5520\WINNT\INSTALL\BE\Bin\ResDll_FR.dll</ResDLL><Top></Top><WarnPreMsg>Voir les messages d'avertissement ci-dessous</WarnPreMsg><ErrorPreMsg>Voir les messages d'erreur ci-dessous</ErrorPreMsg><Machine Name="SODNO"><ID>SODNO</ID><Name>Rcapitulatif de l'installation de Backup Exec pour SODNO</Name><Overview><Name>Aperu</Name><ProductName><Name>Nom du produit :</Name><Value>VERITAS Backup Exec (TM) 10.0 for Windows Servers</Value></ProductName><DestinationPath><Name>Chemin de destination :</Name><Value>C:\Program Files\VERITAS\Backup Exec\NT\</Value></DestinationPath><DateTime><Name>Date/Heure de l'installation :</Name><Value>23/08/2009 16:25:28</Value></DateTime><SQLInstance><Name>Instance du serveur SQL :</Name><Value>SODNO</Value></SQLInstance><SerialNumbers><Name>Numros de srie :</Name><SerialNumber><Name>01-8407-9902-001279</Name><Value>VERITAS Backup Exec for Windows Servers</Value></SerialNumber><SerialNumber><Name>09-8459-9865-008691</Name><Value>Agent for Microsoft Exchange Server</Value></SerialNumber><SerialNumber><Name>04-8462-9890-005170</Name><Value>Agent for Microsoft SQL Server 2000</Value></SerialNumber><SerialNumber><Name>05-8480-9616-009381</Name><Value>Remote Agent for Windows and NetWare Servers</Value></SerialNumber></SerialNumbers><Features><Name>Fonctionnalits :</Name><Feature><Name>Backup Exec for Windows Servers</Name><Value>0</Value></Feature><Feature><Name>Pilotes des lecteurs de bande</Name><Value>0</Value></Feature><Feature><Name>Documentation en ligne</Name><Value>0</Value></Feature><Feature><Name>Activer la prise en charge des bandothques</Name><Value>0</Value></Feature><Feature><Name>Copie de la configuration des serveurs</Name><Value>0</Value></Feature><Feature><Name>Agent for Microsoft Exchange Server</Name><Value>0</Value></Feature><Feature><Name>Agent for Microsoft SQL Server</Name><Value>0</Value></Feature></Features></Overview><Information><Name>Informations</Name></Information><Warnings><Name>Avertissements</Name><Warning Type=""><Name>Avertissement SQL 2000SP3</Name><Value>Le programme d'installation a dtect qu'au moins l'une de vos instances SQL 2000 n'a pas t mise  niveau avec le service pack le plus rcent. Il est recommand de mettre  niveau toutes les instances de SQL 2000 avec le service pack le plus rcent avant de procder  l'installation de l'instance BKUPEXEC de MSDE 2000.   Pour plus d'informations, voir la note technique VERITAS 261927.</Value></Warning></Warnings></Machine></Summary>
08-23-2009,16:26:15 :  Executing BE_InstallMDAC.
08-23-2009,16:26:15 :  MDAC 2.81.1117.0 is installed on this system.
08-23-2009,16:26:25 :  Executing InstallVxSDM.
08-23-2009,16:26:25 :  \\Srv_arch\Prog\Symantec\BackupExec\10.0 rev 5520\WINNT\INSTALL\BE\
08-23-2009,16:26:25 :  \\Srv_arch\Prog\Symantec\BackupExec\10.0 rev 5520\WINNT\INSTALL\BE
08-23-2009,16:26:25 :  \\Srv_arch\Prog\Symantec\BackupExec\10.0 rev 5520\WINNT\INSTALL\
08-23-2009,16:26:30 :  CDlgLocalChooseCustom Pass Function.
08-23-2009,16:26:30 :  After Check for INSTALL_CHOICE.
08-23-2009,16:26:30 :  After Check for INSTALL_TYPE.
08-23-2009,16:26:30 :  After Check for INSTALL_MODE.
08-23-2009,16:26:30 :  CDlgLocalChooseCustom Pass Function.
08-23-2009,16:26:30 :  CDlgChooseCustom::PostDataMSI
08-23-2009,16:26:30 :  CDlgSvcAcctInfo: Posting MSI Data
08-23-2009,16:26:30 :  Not in Maintenance mode.
08-23-2009,16:26:30 :  Posting service account data.
08-23-2009,16:26:30 :  CDlgTSMConfig Pass Function.
08-23-2009,16:26:30 :  After Check for INSTALL_MODE.
08-23-2009,16:26:30 :  CDlgTSMConfig Pass Function.
08-23-2009,16:26:30 :  CDlgSerialNumber Pass Function.
08-23-2009,16:26:30 :  After Check for Remote_Install.
08-23-2009,16:26:30 :  After Check for RA_INSTALL.
08-23-2009,16:26:30 :  CDlgLocalChooseCustom Pass Function.
08-23-2009,16:26:30 :  After Check for INSTALL_CHOICE.
08-23-2009,16:26:30 :  After Check for INSTALL_TYPE.
08-23-2009,16:26:30 :  After Check for INSTALL_MODE.
08-23-2009,16:26:30 :  CDlgLocalChooseCustom Pass Function.
08-23-2009,16:26:30 :  CDlgSSO Pass Function.
08-23-2009,16:26:30 :  After Check for INSTALL_MODE.
08-23-2009,16:26:30 :  CDlgTSMConfig Pass Function.
08-23-2009,16:26:30 :  After Check for INSTALL_MODE.
08-23-2009,16:26:30 :  CDlgTSMConfig Pass Function.
08-23-2009,16:26:30 :  CDlgCAS Pass Function.
08-23-2009,16:26:30 :  After Check for INSTALL_MODE.
08-23-2009,16:26:30 :  Upgrade state set to 1
08-23-2009,16:26:30 :  1: INSTALL 2: 1
08-23-2009,16:26:33 :  Executing BE_SetCAData.
08-23-2009,16:26:33 :  Executing BEMain_PrepBEMain.  Preparing BE Media Server components.
08-23-2009,16:26:33 :  Executing CopySAPR3MediaToAgentsDir
08-23-2009,16:26:33 :  Executing MakeBEDBBakFile.
08-23-2009,16:26:33 :  Executing SetRegKeys.
08-23-2009,16:26:34 :  Executing RAMain_PrepRAMain.  Preparing Remote Administrator Console components.
08-23-2009,16:26:34 :  Executing CopyRAWS32Media
08-23-2009,16:26:34 :  Executing CopyRAWS64Media
08-23-2009,16:26:34 :  Executing CopyRAWSEX64Media
08-23-2009,16:26:34 :  Executing SetRAMainRegKeys.
08-23-2009,16:26:34 :  Executing RASideBySideCheck
08-23-2009,16:26:34 :  Executing RAMain EnumkeyUpdate.
08-23-2009,16:26:34 :  Executing RAMain EnumkeyUpdate.
08-23-2009,16:26:34 :  Executing AutoLdr_PrepAutoLdr.  Preparing Auto Loader components.
08-23-2009,16:26:34 :  Executing NetCHGR_AddToServiceGroup.
08-23-2009,16:26:34 :  Executing VSD_InstallVSDTable.
08-23-2009,16:26:36 :  Executing CHGR_CopySCSIDriver.
08-23-2009,16:26:37 :  Executing CHGR_CopyOEMSetup.
08-23-2009,16:26:37 :  Executing CHGR_SaveInstallInfo.
08-23-2009,16:26:37 :  Executing CA PrepMSExch with target MSExch_PrepMSExch.
08-23-2009,16:26:37 :  Executing MSExch_SetRegKeys.
08-23-2009,16:26:37 :  Executing CA PrepMSSQL with target MSSQL_PrepMSSQL.
08-23-2009,16:26:37 :  Executing MSSQL_SetRegKeys.
08-23-2009,16:26:37 :  Executing IsSBS()
08-23-2009,16:26:37 :  Not a Small Business Server.
08-23-2009,16:26:41 :  Executing SetBewsaTargetProperty.
08-23-2009,16:26:41 :  BEWSATARGET.52386FC2_5A96_4505_896E_E5A5D41757DC
08-23-2009,16:28:03 :  Stopping BE services.
08-23-2009,16:29:34 :  Installing BE services.
08-23-2009,16:29:36 :  Installing BE database.
08-23-2009,16:29:36 : Executing Attach_BEDB.
08-23-2009,16:29:41 : The SQL server ---- with service name of MSSQLSERVER has been started
08-23-2009,16:29:41 : DRIVER={SQL Server};SERVER=----;Trusted_Connection=Yes
08-23-2009,16:29:41 : Connected to SQL Server.
08-23-2009,16:29:41 : A previous BEDB database was found.  Detaching current BEDB database now.
08-23-2009,16:29:41 : Database BEDB has been taken offline.
08-23-2009,16:29:42 : The original BEDB database was detached.  The new BEDB database will now be attached.
08-23-2009,16:29:42 : Attaching BEDB to SQL Server.
08-23-2009,16:29:42 : EXEC sp_attach_db 'BEDB',@filename1 = N'C:\Program Files\VERITAS\Backup Exec\NT\Data\BEDB_Dat.mdf', @filename2 = N'C:\Program Files\VERITAS\Backup Exec\NT\Data\BEDB_Log.ldf'
08-23-2009,16:29:43 : BEDB has been succesfully attached to SQL Server.
08-23-2009,16:29:43 :  Executing BE_BackupDBFiles.
08-23-2009,16:29:43 : DRIVER={SQL Server};SERVER=----;Trusted_Connection=Yes;DATABASE=master
08-23-2009,16:29:43 : Connected to SQL Server for DB location.
08-23-2009,16:29:55 : The SQL server SODNO with service name of MSSQLSERVER has been stopped.
08-23-2009,16:30:00 : The SQL server SODNO with service name of MSSQLSERVER has been started
08-23-2009,16:30:00 :  About to configure BE main module.
08-23-2009,16:30:00 :  Executing BEMain_ConfigBEMain.  Configuring BE Media Server components.
08-23-2009,16:30:00 :  Executing RegCOMServers.
08-23-2009,16:30:01 :  Registering Dll: C:\PROGRA~1\VERITAS\BACKUP~1\NT\ipvlapi.dll
08-23-2009,16:30:01 :  Successful registration of C:\PROGRA~1\VERITAS\BACKUP~1\NT\ipvlapi.dll
08-23-2009,16:30:01 :  Registering Dll: C:\PROGRA~1\VERITAS\BACKUP~1\NT\becatdrv.dll
08-23-2009,16:30:01 :  Successful registration of C:\PROGRA~1\VERITAS\BACKUP~1\NT\becatdrv.dll
08-23-2009,16:30:01 :  Registering Dll: C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs\SYSTEM\Ole DB\sqlxmlx.dll
08-23-2009,16:30:01 :  Successful registration of C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs\SYSTEM\Ole DB\sqlxmlx.dll
08-23-2009,16:30:01 :  Registering Dll: C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs\SYSTEM\Ole DB\sqloledb.dll
08-23-2009,16:30:01 :  Successful registration of C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs\SYSTEM\Ole DB\sqloledb.dll
08-23-2009,16:30:01 :  Registering Dll: C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs\SYSTEM\Ole DB\oledb32.dll
08-23-2009,16:30:01 :  Successful registration of C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs\SYSTEM\Ole DB\oledb32.dll
08-23-2009,16:30:01 :  Executing AddBackupOperatorSecurityRights.
08-23-2009,16:30:01 :  Executing AddBackupOperatorSecurity.
08-23-2009,16:30:04 :  Executing AddBackupOperatorSecurity.
08-23-2009,16:30:04 :  Executing BE_PerfSetup.
08-23-2009,16:30:04 :  C:\PROGRA~1\VERITAS\BACKUP~1\NT\BEPerfSetup.exe -Refresh C:\WINNT\system32
08-23-2009,16:30:05 :  BE main module has been configured successfully.
08-23-2009,16:30:05 :  About to configure RA main module.
08-23-2009,16:30:05 :  Executing RAMain_ConfigRAMain.  Configuring Remote Administrator Console components.
08-23-2009,16:30:05 :  Executing RAMain RegisterDlls.
08-23-2009,16:30:06 :  Un-registering Dll: C:\Program Files\VERITAS\Backup Exec\NT\storex.ocx
08-23-2009,16:30:06 :  Successful un-registration of C:\Program Files\VERITAS\Backup Exec\NT\storex.ocx
08-23-2009,16:30:06 :  Registering Dll: C:\PROGRA~1\VERITAS\BACKUP~1\NT\storex.ocx
08-23-2009,16:30:06 :  Successful registration of C:\PROGRA~1\VERITAS\BACKUP~1\NT\storex.ocx
08-23-2009,16:30:06 :  Registering Dll: C:\PROGRA~1\VERITAS\BACKUP~1\NT\schedu.dll
08-23-2009,16:30:06 :  Successful registration of C:\PROGRA~1\VERITAS\BACKUP~1\NT\schedu.dll
08-23-2009,16:30:07 :  Registering Dll: C:\PROGRA~1\VERITAS\BACKUP~1\NT\scheduiur.dll
08-23-2009,16:30:07 :  Successful registration of C:\PROGRA~1\VERITAS\BACKUP~1\NT\scheduiur.dll
08-23-2009,16:30:07 :  Registering Dll: C:\PROGRA~1\VERITAS\BACKUP~1\NT\schedmgrur.dll
08-23-2009,16:30:07 :  Successful registration of C:\PROGRA~1\VERITAS\BACKUP~1\NT\schedmgrur.dll
08-23-2009,16:30:07 :  Registering Dll: C:\PROGRA~1\VERITAS\BACKUP~1\NT\NotificationUI320U.dll
08-23-2009,16:30:07 :  Successful registration of C:\PROGRA~1\VERITAS\BACKUP~1\NT\NotificationUI320U.dll
08-23-2009,16:30:07 :  Registering Dll: C:\PROGRA~1\VERITAS\BACKUP~1\NT\RecipientUI320U.dll
08-23-2009,16:30:07 :  Successful registration of C:\PROGRA~1\VERITAS\BACKUP~1\NT\RecipientUI320U.dll
08-23-2009,16:30:10 :  Registering Dll: C:\PROGRA~1\VERITAS\BACKUP~1\NT\exportmodeller.dll
08-23-2009,16:30:10 :  Successful registration of C:\PROGRA~1\VERITAS\BACKUP~1\NT\exportmodeller.dll
08-23-2009,16:30:10 :  Registering Dll: C:\PROGRA~1\VERITAS\BACKUP~1\NT\crtslv.dll
08-23-2009,16:30:10 :  Successful registration of C:\PROGRA~1\VERITAS\BACKUP~1\NT\crtslv.dll
08-23-2009,16:30:10 :  Executing RAMain SetReportFilesToReadOnly.
08-23-2009,16:30:10 :  Executing CopyBELogoBmps.
08-23-2009,16:30:11 :  RA main module has been configured successfully.
08-23-2009,16:30:11 :  CVSPOperations::CheckVSPUpgrade
08-23-2009,16:30:11 :  Removing VSP keys
08-23-2009,16:30:11 :  Executing BE_InstallVxTapeDevices.
08-23-2009,16:30:21 :  Executing AutoLdr_ConfigAutoLdr.  Configuring Auto Loader components.
08-23-2009,16:30:21 :  Executing VSD_InstallDrivers.
08-23-2009,16:30:21 :  C:\Program Files\VERITAS\Backup Exec\NT\loader
08-23-2009,16:30:22 :  Executing SetupAutoloader.
08-23-2009,16:30:22 :  Failed to create SCSIChanger service.
08-23-2009,16:30:22 :  Executing StartAutoldrDrivers.
08-23-2009,16:30:22 :  C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1.ING\LOCALS~1\Temp\{DD2B5BC3-1FC9-4FCC-B49E-7F28AF3AACD8}\\startchgdrv.dll
08-23-2009,16:30:22 :  Unable to start changers at this time.
08-23-2009,16:30:25 :  Stopping BE services.
08-23-2009,16:30:45 :  Executing BE_Rollback9xUpgrade
08-23-2009,16:30:45 :  Upgrade state set to 8
08-23-2009,16:30:46 :  Registering Dll: C:\PROGRA~1\VERITAS\BACKUP~1\NT\storex.ocx
08-23-2009,16:30:46 :  Successful registration of C:\PROGRA~1\VERITAS\BACKUP~1\NT\storex.ocx
08-23-2009,16:30:46 :  Registering Dll: C:\PROGRA~1\VERITAS\BACKUP~1\NT\schedu.dll
08-23-2009,16:30:46 :  Successful registration of C:\PROGRA~1\VERITAS\BACKUP~1\NT\schedu.dll
08-23-2009,16:30:46 :  Registering Dll: C:\PROGRA~1\VERITAS\BACKUP~1\NT\scheduiur.dll
08-23-2009,16:30:46 :  Successful registration of C:\PROGRA~1\VERITAS\BACKUP~1\NT\scheduiur.dll
08-23-2009,16:30:46 :  Registering Dll: C:\PROGRA~1\VERITAS\BACKUP~1\NT\schedmgrur.dll
08-23-2009,16:30:46 :  Successful registration of C:\PROGRA~1\VERITAS\BACKUP~1\NT\schedmgrur.dll
08-23-2009,16:30:46 :  ERROR: Failed to load C:\PROGRA~1\VERITAS\BACKUP~1\NT\NotificationUI300U.dll
08-23-2009,16:30:46 :  Failed to rollback NotificationUI320U.dll registration.
08-23-2009,16:30:46 :  ERROR: Failed to load C:\PROGRA~1\VERITAS\BACKUP~1\NT\RecipientUI300U.dll
08-23-2009,16:30:46 :  Failed to rollback RecipientUI320U.dll registration.
08-23-2009,16:30:46 :  Registering Dll: C:\PROGRA~1\VERITAS\BACKUP~1\NT\exportmodeller.dll
08-23-2009,16:30:46 :  Successful registration of C:\PROGRA~1\VERITAS\BACKUP~1\NT\exportmodeller.dll
08-23-2009,16:30:46 :  Registering Dll: C:\PROGRA~1\VERITAS\BACKUP~1\NT\crtslv.dll
08-23-2009,16:30:46 :  Successful registration of C:\PROGRA~1\VERITAS\BACKUP~1\NT\crtslv.dll
08-23-2009,16:30:47 :  Rolling back stop of BE services.
08-23-2009,16:30:49 :  1: INSTALL 2: 3
08-23-2009,16:30:49 :  Upgrade state set to 7
08-23-2009,16:33:39 :  Validating install complete

Level 6
Employee Accredited Certified

It appears to be a permission issue. Make sure the account you are logged in with, has local administrator rights on the media server. Also, make sure on c:\ system account as well as this account has full permissions. Copy the installable to a drive where this account has full permissions. I would also recommend you to upgrade to Backup Exec 10d 5629 instead of 10.0 5520. It can be downloaded from:

Please mark it a solution, if this is useful.


Level 6
Employee Accredited Certified

Also, perform these steps:

1. At Start | Run, type DCOMCNFG, and press <Enter>
2. Expand Component Services and then Computers
3. Right-click on My Computer, and select Properties
4. Click on the COM Security tab (for Windows XP) or the Default COM Security tab (for Windows 2003)
5. Click Edit Default in the Access Permissions section
6. Add in the account that is specified for the Backup Exec services, along with the System account, and give them Allow Access rights
7. Click OK, and then OK to close the application


Level 4


I use the domain admin user to open the session, run BE services, and install upgrades.
The media server and BE server is a domain controler under W2k srv SP4.
When I try to remotely acces to this media server, I can't. The message tell me "acces denied", but I don't know why.

I download 5629 and I will install it this afternoon

About DCOMCNFG, under W2K I've not the component services tab, not computer else. Do you have another way to look at this security setting ?



Level 4
For DCOM I've found component services under admin tools menu... Sorry

Level 6
Employee Accredited Certified

Please make sure there are no deny permissions for the user in group policy settings on the domain controller security settings. You may try creating a new user, make it a domain admin as it needs to install software on the DC. Login with this new user, give him permissions on dcomcnfg and then try the install.


Level 4
Yes, I will try... but I have others domain controller running as BEMS, and upgrades where OK...
Can I uninstall completely BE 10.0, then restart and install 10.1 again ? For the bedb database, can I find somewhere the script usefull tu update the database ? Where ?


Level 6
Employee Accredited Certified

If you uninstall this one and install 10.1, you would need to migrate the old database, which would be a complex procedure. I can suggest you following documents:

First one tells you what would you backup before uninstall. Second tells you how to migrate the database to the current version. So, after installing the new version, you would get the files backed up before reinstall and run bemig operation. There would be some changes in the second document to suit your environment.

Step 7 would be:
 Add a new string value "Upgrade Version".  Add the version of Backup Exec, which for you would be 10.0.5484.0(current version of your BE before uninstall)

You would not need to perform step 9 to 10, as this is not a different server.Please note that this is a complex procedure and should be done with care, otherwise may lead to data loss. Consulting technical support would be advisable.


Level 4
Nice... I just redefine the same user account for services, restart services and all is OK... Strange, because no more than one admin exist here, and I only redefine him in BE... Well everything is OK.

Thanks a lot