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upgrading from 10d to 11d results in .NET Framework 2.0 conflict error on Win 2003

Level 3
Here is the end of the instllation log:

09-28-2009,12:50:48 : Install Summary XSL File:
09-28-2009,12:50:48 : E:\WINNT\INSTALL\BE\Bin\InstallSummary.xsl
09-28-2009,12:50:48 : Install Summary HTML File:
09-28-2009,12:50:48 : C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1.CAE\LOCALS~1\Temp\1\{BEA465C8-2923-42C6-9141-BE44739A6A80}\InstallReview.htm
09-28-2009,12:50:48 : Entering GetSQLAndCASOInformation
09-28-2009,12:50:48 : Leaving GetSQLAndCASOInformation
09-28-2009,12:50:48 : MDAC 2.82.3959.0 is installed on this system.
09-28-2009,12:50:48 : m_bUseNativeClient = 0
09-28-2009,12:50:55 : Executing BE_InstallMDAC.
09-28-2009,12:50:55 : MDAC 2.82.3959.0 is installed on this system.
09-28-2009,12:51:00 : Installing .Net Framework 2.0.
09-28-2009,12:51:00 : .NET Framework was detected. Skipping install.
09-28-2009,12:51:00 : V-225-55: A release candidate version of .NET Framework was found on the server. Remove it using Add/Remove programs, then restart the BE install. ***To search for information about this error, click here
09-28-2009,12:51:00 : Failed to install third party products.

So when I try to uninstall .NET 2.0 I get this:

Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Service Pack 2 cannot be  uninstalled because it will affect other applications that are installed. For more information, see

Note: .NET Framework 3.0 and 3.5 are also installed. Totally stuck. Not what?

Level 6
Employee Accredited Certified

It appears you are using 6235 build of Backup Exec 11d. If yes, please download 7170 build of Backup Exec 11d and upgrade to that instead of 6235. Please refer to below tech notes for your reference:

Please mark it a solution, if this is useful.


Level 3

Event Viewer is showing this:

The Backup Exec Server Service did not start. An internal error (10) occurred in object 14.

For more information, click the following link:

Alert box shows this:

Could not start the Backup Exec Job Engine service on Local Computer.

Error 1068: The dependency service or group failed to start.

The Backup Exec Server service on Local Computer started and then stopped.  Some services stop automatically if they have no work to do, for example, the Performance Logs and Alerts service.

Level 6
Employee Accredited Certified
Please go through following tech notes:

Please check the install log of Backup Exec, bkupinst.htm for any errors. Also, reapply MDAC 2.8 SP1 by downloading it from Microsoft download site and reboot. If this does not help, please run c:\program files\symantec\backup exec\sgmon.exe and get sgmon log, while starting the service. Alternately, provide the output of "beserver -console" command from command prompt.


Level 3

MDAC SP1 is not supported in Windows 2003 according to the download page. I've archived a few logs including bkupinst.log (not .htm) here.

Here are sgmon.exe results and below that beserver -console

BESERVER: [09/30/09 10:51:39] [6204] 11 Djm: pMMSFeature is NOT installed, setting mmsUsable FALSE.
BESERVER: [09/30/09 10:51:39] [6204] 11 Djm: pCASOFeature is null, casoUsable set to FALSE.
BESERVER: [09/30/09 10:51:39] [6204] 11 Djm: mmsUsable is FALSE, so setting DjmEnabled to FALSE.
BESERVER: [09/30/09 10:51:39] [6204] 11 Djm 3: DjmMgr:0, DjmClient:0.
BESERVER: [09/30/09 10:51:39] [6204] 01 UpdateDynamicInfo: cluster open unsuccessful.
BESERVER: [09/30/09 10:51:39] [6204] 01 UpdateDynamicInfo: cluster open unsuccessful.
BESERVER: [09/30/09 10:51:39] [6204] 01 UpdateDynamicInfo: cluster open unsuccessful.
BESERVER: [09/30/09 10:51:39] [6204] 11 DjmBO, Initialize, Not a CASO and NOT an MMS, deleting all DJM MsgQ for this machine.
BESERVER: [09/30/09 10:51:39] [6204] 10 CMQBO : Validate() (CAEDC1)-(DjmJRQ) Unknown Error !!!
BESERVER: [09/30/09 10:51:39] [6204] -1 Error(10/77): -536837656:CAEDC1
BESERVER: [09/30/09 10:51:39] [6204] 11 CQueueWrapper: DestroyQ,  Failed delete: CAEDC1, DjmJRQ, 0xe00081e4.
BESERVER: [09/30/09 10:51:39] [6204] 10 CMQBO : Validate() (CAEDC1)-(DjmStatQ) Unknown Error !!!
BESERVER: [09/30/09 10:51:39] [6204] -1 Error(10/77): -536837656:CAEDC1
BESERVER: [09/30/09 10:51:39] [6204] 11 CQueueWrapper: DestroyQ,  Failed delete: CAEDC1, DjmStatQ, 0xe00081e4.
BESERVER: [09/30/09 10:51:39] [6204] 10 CMQBO : Validate() (CAEDC1)-(DjmVsnQ) Unknown Error !!!
BESERVER: [09/30/09 10:51:39] [6204] -1 Error(10/77): -536837656:CAEDC1
BESERVER: [09/30/09 10:51:39] [6204] 11 CQueueWrapper: DestroyQ,  Failed delete: CAEDC1, DjmVsnQ, 0xe00081e4.
BESERVER: [09/30/09 10:51:39] [6204] 10 CMQBO : Validate() (CAEDC1)-(DjmJobQ) Unknown Error !!!
BESERVER: [09/30/09 10:51:39] [6204] -1 Error(10/77): -536837656:CAEDC1
BESERVER: [09/30/09 10:51:39] [6204] 11 CQueueWrapper: DestroyQ,  Failed delete: CAEDC1, DjmJobQ, 0xe00081e4.
BESERVER: [09/30/09 10:51:39] [6204] 10 CMQBO : Validate() (CAEDC1)-(DjmAlrQ) Unknown Error !!!
BESERVER: [09/30/09 10:51:39] [6204] -1 Error(10/77): -536837656:CAEDC1
BESERVER: [09/30/09 10:51:39] [6204] 11 CQueueWrapper: DestroyQ,  Failed delete: CAEDC1, DjmAlrQ, 0xe00081e4.
BESERVER: [09/30/09 10:51:39] [6204] 10 CMQBO : Validate() (CAEDC1)-(DjmMms2Cas) Unknown Error !!!
BESERVER: [09/30/09 10:51:39] [6204] -1 Error(10/77): -536837656:CAEDC1
BESERVER: [09/30/09 10:51:39] [6204] 11 CQueueWrapper: DestroyQ,  Failed delete: CAEDC1, DjmMms2Cas, 0xe00081e4.
BESERVER: [09/30/09 10:51:39] [6204] 10 CMQBO : Validate() (CAEDC1)-(DjmJobViewQ) Unknown Error !!!
BESERVER: [09/30/09 10:51:39] [6204] -1 Error(10/77): -536837656:CAEDC1
BESERVER: [09/30/09 10:51:39] [6204] 11 CQueueWrapper: DestroyQ,  Failed delete: CAEDC1, DjmJobViewQ, 0xe00081e4.
BESERVER: [09/30/09 10:51:39] [6204] 11 DjmBO=11. : Initialization Complete.
    CASO:0, APPO:0, DjmEnabled:0, Mgr:0, Clt:0, CasoServer:. nRetval=0x0.
BESERVER: [09/30/09 10:51:39] [6204] 12 AdammAdminBO: Initialization Start.
BESERVER: [09/30/09 10:51:39] [6204] 01 UpdateDynamicInfo: cluster open unsuccessful.
BESERVER: [09/30/09 10:51:39] [6204] 12 AdammAdminBO::Execute() - ADAMM_ADMIN_QUERY_ENTITY_BY_NAME.
BESERVER: [09/30/09 10:51:39] [6204] 12 AdammAdminBO::Execute() - hr = 0x0
BESERVER: [09/30/09 10:51:39] [6204] 01 UpdateDynamicInfo: cluster open unsuccessful.
BESERVER: [09/30/09 10:51:39] [6204] 12 AdammAdminBO::Get() - Parent = NULL , Entity = DEVICE
BESERVER: [09/30/09 10:51:39] [6204] 12 AdammAdminBO::Get() - hr = 0x0
BESERVER: [09/30/09 10:51:39] [6204] 12 AdammAdminBO::Get() - Parent = NULL , Entity = MEDIA_SET
BESERVER: [09/30/09 10:51:39] [6204] 12 AdammAdminBO::Get() - hr = 0x0
BESERVER: [09/30/09 10:51:39] [6204] 12 AdammAdminBO: Initialization Complete.
BESERVER: [09/30/09 10:51:39] [6204] 13 AdammUtilBO: Initialization Complete.
BESERVER: [09/30/09 10:51:39] [6204] 14 Reports: Using default language = ENU
BESERVER: [09/30/09 10:51:39] [6204] 14 Reports: Initialize for language = 1
BESERVER: [09/30/09 10:51:39] [6204] 14 Reports: Setting remote server locations.
BESERVER: [09/30/09 10:51:39] [6204] 14 Reports: Failed to localize.
BESERVER: [09/30/09 10:51:39] [6204] 14 Reports: No report label DLL available.
BESERVER: [09/30/09 10:51:39] [6204] -1 Business Object 14 failed to initialize:10
BESERVER: [09/30/09 10:51:39] [6204] -1 RpcXfaceServiceMain: InitializeBOs() failed, BO:14, nRet:10
BESERVER: [09/30/09 10:51:39] [6204] -1 Sending stop pending status to SCM...
BESERVER: [09/30/09 10:51:39] [6204] -1 RpcXfaceServiceMain exited.
BESERVER: [09/30/09 10:51:39] [6204] 01 Server Configuration: All clients (0) disconnected.
BESERVER: [09/30/09 10:51:39] [6204] -1 Cblmanger, shutdown Immenient: started.
BESERVER: [09/30/09 10:51:39] [6204] -1 Cblmanger, shutdown Immenient: complete.
BESERVER: [09/30/09 10:51:39] [6204] -1 Cblmanger, shutdown: closing thread pool...
BESERVER: [09/30/09 10:51:39] [6204] -1 Core::WorkerThreadPool::close( )
BESERVER: [09/30/09 10:51:39] [6204] -1 *** WorkerThreadPool BEGIN ***
BESERVER: [09/30/09 10:51:39] [6204] -1  Core State: 1; Thread Count: 24; Messaging Type: 3; CPU Count: 8
BESERVER: [09/30/09 10:51:39] [6204] -1 Pool Contents:
BESERVER: [09/30/09 10:51:39] [6204] -1 *** WorkerThreadPool END ***
BESERVER: [09/30/09 10:51:39] [6204] -1 Core::WorkerThreadPool::close, timer queue done.
BESERVER: [09/30/09 10:51:39] [6204] -1 *** WorkerThreadPool BEGIN ***
BESERVER: [09/30/09 10:51:39] [6204] -1  Core State: 1; Thread Count: 24; Messaging Type: 3; CPU Count: 8
BESERVER: [09/30/09 10:51:39] [6204] -1 Pool Contents:
BESERVER: [09/30/09 10:51:39] [6204] -1 *** WorkerThreadPool END ***
BESERVER: [09/30/09 10:51:39] [6204] -1 Core::WorkerThreadPool::close, threads terminated.
BESERVER: [09/30/09 10:51:39] [6204] -1 Core::WorkerThreadPool::close( )
BESERVER: [09/30/09 10:51:39] [6204] -1 Cblmanger, check shutdown Ready: started.
BESERVER: [09/30/09 10:51:39] [6204] -1 Cblmanger, check shutdown ready: complete.
BESERVER: [09/30/09 10:51:39] [6204] -1 SPNBO: Shutdown.
BESERVER: [09/30/09 10:51:39] [6204] -1 SPNBO: Shutdown.
BESERVER: [09/30/09 10:51:39] [6204] -1 MediaSettingsBO: Shutdown.
BESERVER: [09/30/09 10:51:39] [6204] -1 MediaSettingsBO: Shutdown.
BESERVER: [09/30/09 10:51:39] [6204] -1 VirtualMediaBO: Shutdown.
BESERVER: [09/30/09 10:51:39] [6204] -1 VirtualMediaBO: Shutdown.
BESERVER: [09/30/09 10:51:39] [6204] -1 MediaUtilityBO: Shutdown.
BESERVER: [09/30/09 10:51:39] [6204] -1 MediaUtilityBO: Shutdown.
BESERVER: [09/30/09 10:51:39] [6204] -1 DeviceUtilityBO: Shutdown.
BESERVER: [09/30/09 10:51:39] [6204] -1 DeviceUtilityBO: Shutdown.
BESERVER: [09/30/09 10:51:39] [6204] -1 NdmpServerBO: Shutdown.
BESERVER: [09/30/09 10:51:39] [6204] -1 NdmpServerBO: Shutdown.
BESERVER: [09/30/09 10:51:39] [6204] -1 LibrarySlotBO: Shutdown.
BESERVER: [09/30/09 10:51:39] [6204] -1 LibrarySlotBO: Shutdown.
BESERVER: [09/30/09 10:51:39] [6204] -1 LibraryPartitionBO: Shutdown.
BESERVER: [09/30/09 10:51:39] [6204] -1 LibraryPartitionBO: Shutdown.
BESERVER: [09/30/09 10:51:39] [6204] -1 MediaVaultBO: Shutdown.
BESERVER: [09/30/09 10:51:39] [6204] -1 MediaVaultBO: Shutdown.
BESERVER: [09/30/09 10:51:39] [6204] -1 MediaSetBO: Shutdown.
BESERVER: [09/30/09 10:51:39] [6204] -1 MediaSetBO: Shutdown.
BESERVER: [09/30/09 10:51:39] [6204] -1 MediaBO: Shutdown.
BESERVER: [09/30/09 10:51:39] [6204] -1 MediaBO: Shutdown.
BESERVER: [09/30/09 10:51:39] [6204] -1 Nrds: Shutdown Complete.
BESERVER: [09/30/09 10:51:39] [6204] -1 AdammCacheBO: Shutdown.
BESERVER: [09/30/09 10:51:39] [6204] -1 AdammCacheBO: Shutdown.
BESERVER: [09/30/09 10:51:39] [6204] -1 DataEncryptionKey: Shutdown Complete.
BESERVER: [09/30/09 10:51:39] [6204] -1 BackupToDiskBO: Shutdown.
BESERVER: [09/30/09 10:51:39] [6204] -1 BackupToDiskBO: Shutdown.
BESERVER: [09/30/09 10:51:39] [6204] -1 LibraryBO: Shutdown.
BESERVER: [09/30/09 10:51:39] [6204] -1 LibraryBO: Shutdown.
BESERVER: [09/30/09 10:51:39] [6204] -1 DriveBO: Shutdown.
BESERVER: [09/30/09 10:51:39] [6204] -1 DriveBO: Shutdown.
BESERVER: [09/30/09 10:51:39] [6204] -1 DevicePoolBO: Shutdown.
BESERVER: [09/30/09 10:51:39] [6204] -1 DevicePoolBO: Shutdown.
BESERVER: [09/30/09 10:51:39] [6204] -1 AdammMachineBO: Shutdown.
BESERVER: [09/30/09 10:51:39] [6204] -1 AdammMachineBO: Shutdown.
BESERVER: [09/30/09 10:51:39] [6204] -1 ImageMgmtBO: Shutdown Complete.
BESERVER: [09/30/09 10:51:39] [6204] -1 CDsssBO: Shutdown completed.
BESERVER: [09/30/09 10:51:39] [6204] -1 CMSGroupBO: Shutdown completed.
BESERVER: [09/30/09 10:51:39] [6204] -1 CDebugBO: Shutdown Complete.
BESERVER: [09/30/09 10:51:39] [6204] -1 CAuditConfigurationBO: Shutdown completed.
BESERVER: [09/30/09 10:51:39] [6204] -1 Copy Job: Shutdown Complete.
BESERVER: [09/30/09 10:51:39] [6204] -1 PersistentStore: shutdown complete...
BESERVER: [09/30/09 10:51:39] [6204] -1 Catalog BO shutdown succeeded.
BESERVER: [09/30/09 10:51:39] [6204] -1 JobLogBO: Shutdown Complete.
BESERVER: [09/30/09 10:51:39] [6204] -1 ServerObjects: Shutdown Complete.
BESERVER: [09/30/09 10:51:39] [6204] -1 Usershares: Shutdown Complete.
BESERVER: [09/30/09 10:51:39] [6204] -1 CAlertBO: Shutdown completed.
BESERVER: [09/30/09 10:51:39] [6204] -1 CAlertConfigurationBO: Shutdown completed.
BESERVER: [09/30/09 10:51:39] [7204] -1 App stopped: SCM pending thread exiting...
BESERVER: [09/30/09 10:51:39] [6204] -1 Notification: Shutdown Complete.
BESERVER: [09/30/09 10:51:39] [6204] -1 JobManager: shutdown started...
BESERVER: [09/30/09 10:51:39] [6204] -1 JobManager: shutdown complete.
BESERVER: [09/30/09 10:51:39] [6204] -1 Job History: Shutdown Complete.
BESERVER: [09/30/09 10:51:39] [6204] -1 Job Completion BO: Shutdown Complete.
BESERVER: [09/30/09 10:51:40] [6204] 14 Reports: Engine failed to shutdown.
BESERVER: [09/30/09 10:51:41] [6204] 13 AdammUtilBO: Shutdown Complete.
BESERVER: [09/30/09 10:51:41] [6204] 12 AdammAdminBO: Shutdown Complete.
BESERVER: [09/30/09 10:51:41] [6204] 12 AdammAdminBO: Shutdown Complete.
BESERVER: [09/30/09 10:51:41] [6204] -1 Djm: Shutdown started.
BESERVER: [09/30/09 10:51:42] [6204] -1 Djm: Shutdown Complete.
BESERVER: [09/30/09 10:51:42] [6204] 10 MessageQueue: Shutdown Started.
BESERVER: [09/30/09 10:51:42] [6204] 10 MessageQueue: Normal Shutdown - Resetting Delete Corrupt Pfiles.
BESERVER: [09/30/09 10:51:42] [6204] 10 MessageQueue: Shutdown Complete.
BESERVER: [09/30/09 10:51:42] [6204] 09 ScriptMgrBO: Shutdown Complete.
BESERVER: [09/30/09 10:51:42] [6204] 08 CMediaServerPoolBO: Shutdown completed.
BESERVER: [09/30/09 10:51:42] [6204] 07 ServersBO: Shutdown Complete.
BESERVER: [09/30/09 10:51:42] [6204] 06 Resource: Shutdown Complete.
BESERVER: [09/30/09 10:51:42] [6204] 05 LoginAccount: Shutdown Complete.
BESERVER: [09/30/09 10:51:42] [6204] 04 CAuditLogBO: Shutdown completed.
BESERVER: [09/30/09 10:51:42] [6204] 03 JobManBO: shutdown complete...
BESERVER: [09/30/09 10:51:42] [6204] 02 Ownership: Shutdown Complete.
BESERVER: [09/30/09 10:51:42] [6204] 01 Server Configuration: Shutdown Complete.
BESERVER: [09/30/09 10:51:42] [6204] 00 VSN BO shutdown succeeded.
BESERVER: [09/30/09 10:51:42] [7428] -1 5000 contexts allocated during process lifetime
BESERVER: [09/30/09 10:51:42] [6204] -1 Uninitializing ACE...
BESERVER: [09/30/09 10:51:42] [6204] -1 BEServer shutdown completed.
BESERVER: [09/30/09 10:51:42] [6204] -1 Cblmanger, shutdown Immenient: started.
BESERVER: [09/30/09 10:51:42] [6204] -1 Cblmanger, shutdown Immenient: complete.
BESERVER: [09/30/09 10:51:42] [6204] -1 Cblmanger, check shutdown Ready: started.
BESERVER: [09/30/09 10:51:42] [6204] -1 Cblmanger, check shutdown ready: complete.

\Program Files\Symantec\Backup Exec>beserver -console
[7700] 09/30/09 10:25:46 -1 Starting beserver console application
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:46 -1 Starting Service: BackupExecRPCService
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:46 -1 Entered RpcXfaceServiceMain.
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:46 -1 Sending start status to scm. (hint 300000)..
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:46 -1 Initializing ACE...
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:46 -1 Cblmanger, shutdown Immenient: started.
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:46 -1 Cblmanger, shutdown Immenient: complete.
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:46 -1 Cblmanger, check shutdown Ready: started.
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:46 -1 Cblmanger, check shutdown ready: complete.
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:47 -1 Initializing work queue...
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:47 -1 Read from Registry: DBTimeoutInSec=30 ServerInternal
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:47 -1 Server Connection String = Application Name=BEWS Ser
ver;Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=False;Ini
tial Catalog=BEDB;Data Source=caedc1\BkupExec;Locale Identifier=1033;
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:47 -1 Initializing Persistent Store (CAEDC1\BkupExec, BEDB
, Backup Exec Server, 30 seconds)...
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:47 -1 Attemp to GetMyPartition ComputerName=CAEDC1 Partiti
onID=0 PartitionGUID=2a68db89-1467-4803-8472-12d34e9dc00c
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:47 -1 InitializePartition() Data partition ID from registr
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:47 -1 GetMyPartition() Data partition to use for 'CAEDC1'
is 0
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:47 -1 InitializePartition() returning 0x0
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:47 -1 Successfully GetMyPartition ComputerName=CAEDC1 Part
itionID=0 PartitionGUID=2a68db89-1467-4803-8472-12d34e9dc00c
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:47 -1 InitializePartition() ok, partitionID=0, oldComputer
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:47 -1 Creating Business Objects...
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:47 00 VSN BO Initialization succeeded.
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:47 -1 Server Configuration: Getting network configuration.
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:47 -1 UpdateDynamicInfo: cluster open unsuccessful.
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:47 -1 ServerName:CAEDC1, ActiveNodeName:,
InstanceName:BkupExec, DatabaseName:BEDB.
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:47 01 Server Configuration: BEServer schema version checks
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:47 01 Server Configuration: Initialization Complete.
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:47 02 Ownership: Initialization Complete.
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:47 03 JobManBO: starting initialization...
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:47 03 JobManBO: initialization complete...
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:47 04 CAuditLogBO: Initialization completed.
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:47 05 LoginAccount: Initialization Complete. BO=5.
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:47 06 Resource: Initialization Complete.
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:47 07 ServersBO: Initialization Complete.
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:47 08 CMediaServerPoolBO: Initialization completed.
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:47 09 ScriptMgrBO: Initialization Started. BO=9.
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:47 -1 Operation: Verify default availability window.
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:47 -1 Operation: success.
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:47 09 ScriptMgrBO: Initialization Complete.
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:47 10 MessageQueue: Initialization Started.
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:47 10 MessageQueue: Shrinking DAT files.
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:47 10 MessageQueue: Start Dump of Original File.
MSGQ Data File: 0: msgq0000000000.dat
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:47 -1
Entering CMQBO : DumpMsgQContents.
MSGQ Data File: 0: msgq0000000000.dat
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:47 -1 There are 1 allocated items in the machine's memory
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:47 -1 There are 0 allocated items in the queue's memory po
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:47 -1 There are 0 allocated items in the message's memory
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:47 -1
The ??????????%*.*f allocator is NOT full.
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:47 -1
NextMsgID:853451106,  OrigMsgID:853451106.
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:47 -1 No machine data found.
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:47 -1 Leaving CMQBO : DumpMsgQContents
MSGQ Data File: 0: msgq0000000000.dat
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:47 -1
NextMsgID:853451106,  OrigMsgID:853451106.
Sorted: 0: msgq0000000000.dat
MSGQ Data File: 0: msgq0000000000.dat
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:47 -1 CMsgReader, Rewriting data but no machine records we
re read in.
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:47 10 MessageQueue: Start Dump of new MODIFIED file.
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:47 -1
Entering CMQBO : DumpMsgQContents.
MSGQ Data File: 0: msgq0000000000.dat
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:47 -1 There are 1 allocated items in the machine's memory
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:47 -1 There are 0 allocated items in the queue's memory po
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:47 -1 There are 0 allocated items in the message's memory
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:47 -1
The ??????????%*.*f allocator is NOT full.
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:47 -1
NextMsgID:853598006,  OrigMsgID:853451106.
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:47 -1 No machine data found.
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:47 -1 Leaving CMQBO : DumpMsgQContents
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:47 10 MessageQueue: Shrinking DAT files Completed.
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:47 10 MessageQueue: Not licensed for DDM.
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:47 10 MessageQueue: Initialization Complete.
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:47 11 Djm: ComputerName:CAEDC1, NodeName:CAEDC1. CASServer

[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:47 11 Djm: pMMSFeature is NOT installed, setting mmsUsable
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:47 11 Djm: pCASOFeature is null, casoUsable set to FALSE.
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:47 11 Djm: mmsUsable is FALSE, so setting DjmEnabled to FA
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:47 11 Djm 3: DjmMgr:0, DjmClient:0.

[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:48 01 UpdateDynamicInfo: cluster open unsuccessful.
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:48 01 UpdateDynamicInfo: cluster open unsuccessful.
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:48 01 UpdateDynamicInfo: cluster open unsuccessful.
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:48 11 DjmBO, Initialize, Not a CASO and NOT an MMS, deleti
ng all DJM MsgQ for this machine.
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:48 10 CMQBO : Validate() (CAEDC1)-(DjmJRQ) Unknown Error !
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:48 -1 Error(10/77): -536837656:CAEDC1
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:48 11 CQueueWrapper: DestroyQ,  Failed delete: CAEDC1, Djm
JRQ, 0xe00081e4.
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:48 10 CMQBO : Validate() (CAEDC1)-(DjmStatQ) Unknown Error
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:48 -1 Error(10/77): -536837656:CAEDC1
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:48 11 CQueueWrapper: DestroyQ,  Failed delete: CAEDC1, Djm
StatQ, 0xe00081e4.
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:48 10 CMQBO : Validate() (CAEDC1)-(DjmVsnQ) Unknown Error
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:48 -1 Error(10/77): -536837656:CAEDC1
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:48 11 CQueueWrapper: DestroyQ,  Failed delete: CAEDC1, Djm
VsnQ, 0xe00081e4.
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:48 10 CMQBO : Validate() (CAEDC1)-(DjmJobQ) Unknown Error
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:48 -1 Error(10/77): -536837656:CAEDC1
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:48 11 CQueueWrapper: DestroyQ,  Failed delete: CAEDC1, Djm
JobQ, 0xe00081e4.
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:48 10 CMQBO : Validate() (CAEDC1)-(DjmAlrQ) Unknown Error
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:48 -1 Error(10/77): -536837656:CAEDC1
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:48 11 CQueueWrapper: DestroyQ,  Failed delete: CAEDC1, Djm
AlrQ, 0xe00081e4.
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:48 10 CMQBO : Validate() (CAEDC1)-(DjmMms2Cas) Unknown Err
or !!!
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:48 -1 Error(10/77): -536837656:CAEDC1
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:48 11 CQueueWrapper: DestroyQ,  Failed delete: CAEDC1, Djm
Mms2Cas, 0xe00081e4.
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:48 10 CMQBO : Validate() (CAEDC1)-(DjmJobViewQ) Unknown Er
ror !!!
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:48 -1 Error(10/77): -536837656:CAEDC1
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:48 11 CQueueWrapper: DestroyQ,  Failed delete: CAEDC1, Djm
JobViewQ, 0xe00081e4.
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:48 11 DjmBO=11. : Initialization Complete.
CASO:0, APPO:0, DjmEnabled:0, Mgr:0, Clt:0, CasoServer:. nRetval=0x0.
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:48 12 AdammAdminBO: Initialization Start.
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:48 01 UpdateDynamicInfo: cluster open unsuccessful.
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:48 12 AdammAdminBO::Execute() - ADAMM_ADMIN_QUERY_ENTITY_B
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:48 12 AdammAdminBO::Execute() - hr = 0x0
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:48 01 UpdateDynamicInfo: cluster open unsuccessful.
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:48 12 AdammAdminBO::Get() - Parent = NULL , Entity = DEVIC
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:48 12 AdammAdminBO::Get() - hr = 0x0
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:48 12 AdammAdminBO::Get() - Parent = NULL , Entity = MEDIA
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:48 12 AdammAdminBO::Get() - hr = 0x0
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:48 12 AdammAdminBO: Initialization Complete.
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:48 13 AdammUtilBO: Initialization Complete.
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:48 14 Reports: Using default language = ENU

[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:48 14 Reports: Initialize for language = 1

[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:48 14 Reports: Setting remote server locations.
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:48 14 Reports: Failed to localize.
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:48 14 Reports: No report label DLL available.
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:48 -1 Business Object 14 failed to initialize:10
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:48 -1 RpcXfaceServiceMain: InitializeBOs() failed, BO:14,
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:48 -1 Sending stop pending status to SCM...
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:48 -1 RpcXfaceServiceMain exited.
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:48 01 Server Configuration: All clients (0) disconnected.
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:48 -1 Cblmanger, shutdown Immenient: started.
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:48 -1 Cblmanger, shutdown Immenient: complete.
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:48 -1 Cblmanger, shutdown: closing thread pool...
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:48 -1 Core::WorkerThreadPool::close( )
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:48 -1 *** WorkerThreadPool BEGIN ***
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:48 -1     Core State: 1; Thread Count: 24; Messaging Type:
 3; CPU Count: 8
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:48 -1 Pool Contents:
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:48 -1 *** WorkerThreadPool END ***
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:48 -1 Core::WorkerThreadPool::close, timer queue done.
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:48 -1 *** WorkerThreadPool BEGIN ***
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:48 -1     Core State: 1; Thread Count: 24; Messaging Type:
 3; CPU Count: 8
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:48 -1 Pool Contents:
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:48 -1 *** WorkerThreadPool END ***
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:48 -1 Core::WorkerThreadPool::close, threads terminated.
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:48 -1 Core::WorkerThreadPool::close( )
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:48 -1 Cblmanger, check shutdown Ready: started.
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:48 -1 Cblmanger, check shutdown ready: complete.
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:48 -1 SPNBO: Shutdown.
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:48 -1 SPNBO: Shutdown.
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:48 -1 MediaSettingsBO: Shutdown.
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:48 -1 MediaSettingsBO: Shutdown.
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:48 -1 VirtualMediaBO: Shutdown.
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:48 -1 VirtualMediaBO: Shutdown.
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:48 -1 MediaUtilityBO: Shutdown.
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:48 -1 MediaUtilityBO: Shutdown.
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:48 -1 DeviceUtilityBO: Shutdown.
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:48 -1 DeviceUtilityBO: Shutdown.
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:48 -1 NdmpServerBO: Shutdown.
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:48 -1 NdmpServerBO: Shutdown.
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:48 -1 LibrarySlotBO: Shutdown.
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:48 -1 LibrarySlotBO: Shutdown.
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:48 -1 LibraryPartitionBO: Shutdown.
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:48 -1 LibraryPartitionBO: Shutdown.
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:48 -1 MediaVaultBO: Shutdown.
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:48 -1 MediaVaultBO: Shutdown.
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:48 -1 MediaSetBO: Shutdown.
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:48 -1 MediaSetBO: Shutdown.
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:48 -1 MediaBO: Shutdown.
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:48 -1 MediaBO: Shutdown.
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:48 -1 Nrds: Shutdown Complete.
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:48 -1 AdammCacheBO: Shutdown.
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:48 -1 AdammCacheBO: Shutdown.
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:48 -1 DataEncryptionKey: Shutdown Complete.
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:48 -1 BackupToDiskBO: Shutdown.
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:48 -1 BackupToDiskBO: Shutdown.
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:48 -1 LibraryBO: Shutdown.
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:48 -1 LibraryBO: Shutdown.
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:48 -1 DriveBO: Shutdown.
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:48 -1 DriveBO: Shutdown.
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:48 -1 DevicePoolBO: Shutdown.
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:48 -1 DevicePoolBO: Shutdown.
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:48 -1 AdammMachineBO: Shutdown.
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:48 -1 AdammMachineBO: Shutdown.
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:48 -1 ImageMgmtBO: Shutdown Complete.
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:48 -1 CDsssBO: Shutdown completed.
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:48 -1 CMSGroupBO: Shutdown completed.
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:48 -1 CDebugBO: Shutdown Complete.
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:48 -1 CAuditConfigurationBO: Shutdown completed.
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:48 -1 Copy Job: Shutdown Complete.
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:48 -1 PersistentStore: shutdown complete...
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:48 -1 Catalog BO shutdown succeeded.
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:48 -1 JobLogBO: Shutdown Complete.
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:48 -1 ServerObjects: Shutdown Complete.
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:48 -1 Usershares: Shutdown Complete.
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:48 -1 CAlertBO: Shutdown completed.
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:48 -1 CAlertConfigurationBO: Shutdown completed.
[8144] 09/30/09 10:25:48 -1 App stopped: SCM pending thread exiting...
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:48 -1 Notification: Shutdown Complete.
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:48 -1 JobManager: shutdown started...
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:48 -1 JobManager: shutdown complete.
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:48 -1 Job History: Shutdown Complete.
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:48 -1 Job Completion BO: Shutdown Complete.
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:50 14 Reports: Engine failed to shutdown.
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:51 13 AdammUtilBO: Shutdown Complete.
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:51 12 AdammAdminBO: Shutdown Complete.
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:51 12 AdammAdminBO: Shutdown Complete.
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:51 -1 Djm: Shutdown started.
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:52 -1 Djm: Shutdown Complete.
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:52 10 MessageQueue: Shutdown Started.
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:52 10 MessageQueue: Normal Shutdown - Resetting Delete Cor
rupt Pfiles.
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:52 10 MessageQueue: Shutdown Complete.
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:52 09 ScriptMgrBO: Shutdown Complete.
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:52 08 CMediaServerPoolBO: Shutdown completed.
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:52 07 ServersBO: Shutdown Complete.
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:52 06 Resource: Shutdown Complete.
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:52 05 LoginAccount: Shutdown Complete.
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:52 04 CAuditLogBO: Shutdown completed.
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:52 03 JobManBO: shutdown complete...
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:52 02 Ownership: Shutdown Complete.
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:52 01 Server Configuration: Shutdown Complete.
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:52 00 VSN BO shutdown succeeded.
[8000] 09/30/09 10:25:52 -1 5000 contexts allocated during process lifetime
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:52 -1 Uninitializing ACE...
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:52 -1 BEServer shutdown completed.
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:52 -1 Cblmanger, shutdown Immenient: started.
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:52 -1 Cblmanger, shutdown Immenient: complete.
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:52 -1 Cblmanger, check shutdown Ready: started.
[7552] 09/30/09 10:25:52 -1 Cblmanger, check shutdown ready: complete.


Level 6
Employee Accredited Certified
I hope you did try this tech note mentioned in my previous post:


Level 3
Yes and Port value with a DWord value of 1d97 in hex or 7575 in decimal does indeed exist. Does the output I pasted above point to anything else?

Level 6
Employee Accredited Certified

Go to c:\program files\symantec\backup exec\data folder and delete any file with name msgq*** and then try starting the service. If this does not work, we might have to reinstall Backup Exec, after backing up the database and catalogs. Le tme know the results of deleting msgq files.


Level 3
Same exact error. Since I can't open the program what files (XML?) have the job data?