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using remote agent on server with two network cards

Level 3
Veritas 10.0, Windows Server 2003.

I am trying to create a selecting list and back up drives C and W on a server with
the remote agent installed. This server has two active nic's with two different ip's. When the drives appear under the server all I see is C$ and W$ (not C and W). They are greyed out and when I fly over them the message says "selection of this item is disabled" and lists several reasons for the problem. I have another server running Backup Exec and tried to select the C and W drives and the same thing happens so it appears to be something with the server that has the remote agent (I have other servers using the remote agent and I can select the drives from them fine).

The remote agent server is running IIS and is my WEB/FTP server along with using Symantec SMTP Gateway.

Any suggestions is appreciated!


Level 3
If you were to try to do an ad-hoc backup can you right click on the server and check the version of the agent? For example, after selecting Backup, then expand the Remote Selection list, right click on the server in question, and select Properties. If communication from Backup Exec to that server is going well then you should quickly get a response back that will list the version of the agent in the lower section of the dialog. If it is not able to determine the version or if the agent is running then you have a problem.

I have encountered this issue on a Windows 2003 server and found it to be related to the Restric Anonymous setting. I changed this on the server I was trying to backup AND on the Backup Exec server. I also had to restart the Remote Agent service on the server to be backup up, as well as the Backup Exec services on the Backup server.

Level 3
Sorry, forget to add link for the Restrict Anonymous configuration:

Level 6

Also check for the port 10000, whether it is free on both the servers

Go to command prompt and "netstat -an"

Update us on the same and revert for any further Query

Thank you

Level 3
Thanks for the suggestions.

I created an ad-hoc backup and when I right click on the remote server the version says 'not available'. So I ran the Backup Exec Utility on the Backup server and checked the 'enable restrict anonymous support' checkbox. Then on the remote server I changed the value in the registry (there was no beutility.exe file on the remote server). I then stopped and started the Backup Exec services on both servers, but still have the same problem.

Also port 10000 is listening.

One thing I forgot to mention is the Backup Exec server is running Microsoft Exchange. Not sure if that makes a difference or not.

Any other ideas?

Level 3
Do you have enough licenses for the remote clients/servers? Does the account the BackupExec Server services are running under have the appropriate rights to this server?

As for the different IP's/nics, only one of them should have a default gateway. If one is an external IP (or NAT'ed to an external IP) and one is a private IP, is the Backup Server on the same network segment as the private IP (i.e., no router needed to get from Backup Server to remote firewall between)?

If the remote server has the Windows Firewall running, can you temporarily turn it off (and disable the external IP if there is one) to see if it is an issue? There should be an exception for BEREMOTE and for port 10000.

Also, the remote agent can seem to install fine when in fact it has had an issue. You have to look at the bkupinst.log file (in the Windows directory, or WINNT, ...). The latest entries will be at the bottom. If there was an error it will be in there.

Level 6
Could you Update us ??


Level 3
Yes I have enough remote licenses on the Backup Exec server.
Yes the account has appropriate rights to the server.
Only one of the NIC's has a default gateway.
Both servers are on the inside of my routers, firewalls, etc.
The firewall feature is not turned on on the remote server.
On the remote server port 10000 is using BEREMOTE and listening.
There are no errors in the log, the remote install agent completed successfully.

Again thanks for your time and thought. If anyone has any other ideas please let me know.
