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IPMultiNICB resource faulting when MultiNICB resource in another group faults

Not applicable

As background, we are implementing a shared MultiNICB resource using Veritas Storage Foundation HA 5.0 on Solaris 10 5/09.

I am having a problem with an IPMultiNICB resource (IPMNICB_app) faulting when its proxy (ProxyMNB_app) of the shared MultiNICB resource (MNB_ora) faults due to network failures.  This fault must be cleared manually.  This only happens for the IPMultiNICB resource (IPMNICB_app) that is tied through the proxy to the MultiNICB resource (MNB_ora) in the other group.  The IPMultiNICB resource (IPMNICB_ora) in the group with the MultiNICB resouce (MNB_ora) never faults.

I am looking for a solution that either:
a) prevents IPMNICB_app from faulting when MNB_ora faults, or
b) automatically clears IPMNICB_app's fault when MNB_ora's fault clears.

Any ideas would be appreciated.


Here is my, for reference

include ""
include ""
include ""
include ""
include ""

cluster imaginet (
        UserNames = { root = GjkFkiIrgDgfFg }
        Administrators = { root }

system xhispap2x (

system xhispap3x (

group grp_imaginet (
        SystemList = { xhispap2x = 0, xhispap3x = 1 }
        PrintTree = 0
        AutoStartList = { xhispap2x, xhispap3x }

        DiskGroup dg_app (
                DiskGroup = appdg

        HNChange hnchange (
                NewName = hip-da01

        IPMultiNICB IPMNICB_app (
                BaseResName = MNB_ora
                Address = ""
                NetMask = ""

        Imaginet medi_adm (
                Critical = 0
                Description = "Admin Server"
                StartScript = "/usr/tamar.root/bin/admin_boot.scr"
                StopScript = "/usr/tamar.root/bin/admin_boot.scr"
                MonitorStr = admin_server
                WaitPeriod = 30

        Imaginet medi_ar (
                Critical = 0
                Description = AutoRouter
                StartScript = "/usr/algotec/autorouter/scripts/autorouter.scr"
                StopScript = "/usr/algotec/autorouter/scripts/autorouter.scr"
                MonitorStr = "/usr/algotec/autorouter/scripts/../jre/bin/java"
                WaitPeriod = 60

        Imaginet medi_loader (
                Critical = 0
                Description = "Remote Loader"
                StartScript = "/usr/tamar.root/cfg/Tmr/loader_boot.scr"
                StopScript = "/usr/tamar.root/cfg/Tmr/loader_boot.scr"
                MonitorStr = loader
                WaitPeriod = 30

        Imaginet medi_main (
                Description = "Main Imaginet"
                StartScript = "/usr/tamar.root/cfg/Tmr/ms_boot.rc"
                StopScript = "/usr/tamar.root/cfg/Tmr/ms_boot.rc"
                MonitorStr = "mvsmain$ httpd bin/msd lmgrd Djava.util.logging.manager=org.apache"
                WaitPeriod = 60

        Imaginet medi_mdl_cnvrt (
                Critical = 0
                Description = Medilink
                StartScript = "/export/home/algotec/medilink/bin/converter_boot"
                StopScript = "/export/home/algotec/medilink/bin/converter_boot"
                MonitorStr = "DIMAGINET_SERVER_LOG=TRUE"
                WaitPeriod = 60

        Imaginet medi_mdl_lsnr (
                Critical = 0
                Description = Medilink
                StartScript = "/export/home/algotec/medilink/bin/listener_boot"
                StopScript = "/export/home/algotec/medilink/bin/listener_boot"
                MonitorStr = "keyStoreType=pkcs12"
                WaitPeriod = 60

        Imaginet medi_ris_sync (
                Critical = 0
                Description = "Ris Synchronization"
                StartScript = "/usr/tamar.root/bin/ris_sync_boot.scr"
                StopScript = "/usr/tamar.root/bin/ris_sync_boot.scr"
                MonitorStr = ris_sync
                WaitPeriod = 30

        Imaginet medi_secured_mvs (
                Critical = 0
                Description = "MVS MAIN SSL"
                StartScript = "/usr/tamar.root/cfg/Tmr/mv_secured_boot.scr"
                StopScript = "/usr/tamar.root/cfg/Tmr/mv_secured_boot.scr"
                MonitorStr = "mvsmain[[:space:]]_ssl"
                WaitPeriod = 30

        Mount mnt_disk01 (
                MountPoint = "/disk01"
                BlockDevice = "/dev/vx/dsk/appdg/vol02"
                FSType = vxfs
                MountOpt = rw
                FsckOpt = "-y"

        Mount mnt_disk02 (
                MountPoint = "/disk02"
                BlockDevice = "/dev/vx/dsk/appdg/vol03"
                FSType = vxfs
                MountOpt = rw
                FsckOpt = "-y"

        Mount mnt_disk03 (
                MountPoint = "/disk03"
                BlockDevice = "/dev/vx/dsk/appdg/vol04"
                FSType = vxfs
                MountOpt = rw
                FsckOpt = "-y"

        Mount mnt_export_home (
                MountPoint = "/export/home"
                BlockDevice = "/dev/vx/dsk/appdg/vol01"
                FSType = vxfs
                MountOpt = rw
                FsckOpt = "-y"

        Proxy ProxyMNB_app (
                TargetResName = MNB_ora

        Volume vol_disk01 (
                Volume = vol02
                DiskGroup = appdg

        Volume vol_disk02 (
                Volume = vol03
                DiskGroup = appdg

        Volume vol_disk03 (
                Volume = vol04
                DiskGroup = appdg

        Volume vol_export_home (
                Volume = vol01
                DiskGroup = appdg

        requires group grp_ora online global firm
        IPMNICB_app requires ProxyMNB_app
        hnchange requires IPMNICB_app
        hnchange requires mnt_disk01
        hnchange requires mnt_disk02
        hnchange requires mnt_disk03
        hnchange requires mnt_export_home
        medi_adm requires hnchange
        medi_ar requires hnchange
        medi_loader requires hnchange
        medi_main requires hnchange
        medi_mdl_cnvrt requires hnchange
        medi_mdl_lsnr requires hnchange
        medi_ris_sync requires hnchange
        medi_secured_mvs requires hnchange
        mnt_disk01 requires vol_disk01
        mnt_disk02 requires vol_disk02
        mnt_disk03 requires vol_disk03
        mnt_export_home requires vol_export_home
        vol_disk01 requires dg_app
        vol_disk02 requires dg_app
        vol_disk03 requires dg_app
        vol_export_home requires dg_app

group grp_ora (
        SystemList = { xhispap3x = 0, xhispap2x = 1 }
        PrintTree = 0
        AutoStartList = { xhispap3x, xhispap2x }

        DiskGroup dg_ora (
                DiskGroup = oradg

        GDVerify gdv_database (
                Critical = 0

        IPMultiNICB IPMNICB_ora (
                BaseResName = MNB_ora
                Address = ""
                NetMask = ""

        Mount mnt_backup (
                MountPoint = "/backup"
                BlockDevice = "/dev/vx/dsk/oradg/vol04"
                FSType = vxfs
                MountOpt = rw
                FsckOpt = "-y"

        Mount mnt_db01 (
                MountPoint = "/db01"
                BlockDevice = "/dev/vx/dsk/oradg/vol02"
                FSType = vxfs
                MountOpt = rw
                FsckOpt = "-y"

        Mount mnt_db02 (
                MountPoint = "/db02"
                BlockDevice = "/dev/vx/dsk/oradg/vol03"
                FSType = vxfs
                MountOpt = rw
                FsckOpt = "-y"

        Mount mnt_dba (
                MountPoint = "/dba"
                BlockDevice = "/dev/vx/dsk/oradg/vol01"
                FSType = vxfs
                MountOpt = rw
                FsckOpt = "-y"

        MultiNICB MNB_ora (
                UseMpathd = 1
                MpathdCommand = "/usr/lib/inet/in.mpathd -a"
                ConfigCheck = 0
                Device @xhispap3x = { nxge0 = "", nxge1 = "" }
                Device @xhispap2x = { nxge0 = "", nxge1 = "" }
                NetworkTimeout = 600
                OfflineTestRepeatCount = 5

        Netlsnr listener (
                Owner = oracle
                Home = "/dba/oracle/product/9.2.0"
                TnsAdmin = "/dba/oracle/product/9.2.0/network/admin"
                Listener = LISTENER

        Oracle ora_mst1 (
                Sid = mst1
                Owner = oracle
                Home = "/dba/oracle/product/9.2.0"
                Pfile = "/dba/oracle/product/9.2.0/dbs/initmst1.ora"
                User = vcs
                Pword = vcs
                Table = vcstable

        Oracle ora_rc01 (
                Critical = 0
                Sid = rc01
                Owner = oracle
                Home = "/dba/oracle/product/9.2.0"
                Pfile = "/dba/oracle/product/9.2.0/dbs/initrc01.ora"
                User = vcs
                Pword = vcs
                Table = vcstable

        Volume vol_backup (
                Volume = vol04
                DiskGroup = oradg

        Volume vol_db01 (
                Volume = vol02
                DiskGroup = oradg

        Volume vol_db02 (
                Volume = vol03
                DiskGroup = oradg

        Volume vol_dba (
                Volume = vol01
                DiskGroup = oradg

        IPMNICB_ora requires MNB_ora
        gdv_database requires listener
        listener requires IPMNICB_ora
        listener requires ora_mst1
        mnt_backup requires vol_backup
        mnt_db01 requires vol_db01
        mnt_db02 requires vol_db02
        mnt_dba requires vol_dba
        ora_mst1 requires mnt_backup
        ora_mst1 requires mnt_db01
        ora_mst1 requires mnt_db02
        ora_mst1 requires mnt_dba
        ora_rc01 requires mnt_backup
        ora_rc01 requires mnt_db01
        ora_rc01 requires mnt_db02
        ora_rc01 requires mnt_dba
        vol_backup requires dg_ora
        vol_db01 requires dg_ora
        vol_db02 requires dg_ora
        vol_dba requires dg_ora


Level 3
Employee Accredited Certified
By right, if MultiNICB resource faulted, all IPMultiNICB resources, no matter in the same group or in a different group, should be faulted also.
But your configuration is not very right logically: MutiNICB resource should be online on all relavent nodes in the same time, so should be put into a parallel group (and add a Phantom resource for the group).