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Vxdiskadm Replace disk does not show my failed disk

Level 3

Hello all,


i would like to replace my failed disk via the vxdiskadm utility


EMMDPD04:/# vxdisk list
DEVICE       TYPE            DISK         GROUP        STATUS
c0t0d0s2     auto:sliced     rootdisk     rootdg       online
c0t1d0s2     auto:sliced     rootmirror   rootdg       online
c0t2d0s2     auto            -            -            error
c0t3d0s2     auto:none       -            -            online invalid
emcpower0s2  auto:sliced     bgw1dgemcpower0  bgw1dg       online shared
emcpower1s2  auto:sliced     ora1dgemcpower7  ora1dg       online shared
emcpower2s2  auto:sliced     fmm1dgemcpower6  fmm1dg       online shared
emcpower3s2  auto:sliced     bgw1dgemcpower1  bgw1dg       online shared
emcpower4s2  auto:cdsdisk    -            -            online
emcpower5s2  auto:cdsdisk    -            -            online
emcpower6s2  auto:sliced     lic1dgemcpower5  lic1dg       online shared
emcpower7s2  auto:cdsdisk    -            -            online
emcpower8s2  auto:sliced     bgw1dgemcpower8  bgw1dg       online shared
emcpower9s2  auto:sliced     bgw1dgemcpower9  bgw1dg       online shared
emcpower10s2 auto:sliced     bgw1dgemcpower10  bgw1dg       online shared
emcpower11s2 auto:sliced     bgw1dgemcpower11  bgw1dg       online shared
emcpower12s2 auto:sliced     bgw1dgemcpower12  bgw1dg       online shared
emcpower13s2 auto:sliced     bgw1dgemcpower13  bgw1dg       online shared
emcpower14s2 auto:sliced     bgw1dgemcpower14  bgw1dg       online shared
emcpower15s2 auto:sliced     bgw1dgemcpower15  bgw1dg       online shared
EMMDPD04:/# vxdiskadm
Volume Manager Support Operations
Menu: VolumeManager/Disk
 1      Add or initialize one or more disks
 2      Encapsulate one or more disks
 3      Remove a disk
 4      Remove a disk for replacement
 5      Replace a failed or removed disk
 6      Mirror volumes on a disk
 7      Move volumes from a disk
 8      Enable access to (import) a disk group
 9      Remove access to (deport) a disk group
 10     Enable (online) a disk device
 11     Disable (offline) a disk device
 12     Mark a disk as a spare for a disk group
 13     Turn off the spare flag on a disk
 14     Unrelocate subdisks back to a disk
 15     Exclude a disk from hot-relocation use
 16     Make a disk available for hot-relocation use
 17     Prevent multipathing/Suppress devices from VxVM's view
 18     Allow multipathing/Unsuppress devices from VxVM's view
 19     List currently suppressed/non-multipathed devices
 20     Change the disk naming scheme
 21     Get the newly connected/zoned disks in VxVM view
 22     Change/Display the default disk layouts
 23     Mark a disk as allocator-reserved for a disk group
 24     Turn off the allocator-reserved flag on a disk
 list   List disk information
 ?      Display help about menu
 ??     Display help about the menuing system
 q      Exit from menus
Select an operation to perform: 4
Remove a disk for replacement
Menu: VolumeManager/Disk/RemoveForReplace
  Use this menu operation to remove a physical disk from a disk
  group, while retaining the disk name.  This changes the state
  for the disk name to a "removed" disk.  If there are any
  initialized disks that are not part of a disk group, you will be
  given the option of using one of these disks as a replacement.
Enter disk name [<disk>,list,q,?] list
Disk group: rootdg
dm rootdisk     c0t0d0s2     auto     80321    583834230 -
dm rootmirror   c0t1d0s2     auto     80321    583850295 -
Disk group: bgw1dg
dm bgw1dgemcpower0 emcpower0s2 auto   96130    1312574752 -
dm bgw1dgemcpower1 emcpower3s2 auto   96130    1310486288 -
dm bgw1dgemcpower8 emcpower8s2 auto   96130    1576844000 -
dm bgw1dgemcpower9 emcpower9s2 auto   96130    1576844000 -
dm bgw1dgemcpower10 emcpower10s2 auto 96130    1576844000 -
dm bgw1dgemcpower11 emcpower11s2 auto 96130    1576844000 -
dm bgw1dgemcpower12 emcpower12s2 auto 96130    1314695328 -
dm bgw1dgemcpower13 emcpower13s2 auto 96130    1293746560 -
dm bgw1dgemcpower14 emcpower14s2 auto 96130    1576844000 -
dm bgw1dgemcpower15 emcpower15s2 auto 96130    1576844000 -
Disk group: fmm1dg
dm fmm1dgemcpower6 emcpower2s2 auto   80065    104711648 -
Disk group: lic1dg
dm lic1dgemcpower5 emcpower6s2 auto   67324    2019328  -
Disk group: ora1dg
dm ora1dgemcpower7 emcpower1s2 auto   80065    419280416 -
Enter disk name [<disk>,list,q,?] c0t2d0s2                
  VxVM  ERROR V-5-2-400
There is no disk named c0t2d0s2 in any disk group configuration.
  To get a list of disks enter "list".
Enter disk name [<disk>,list,q,?] q
Is this the proper way or is there any other way to replace my spare disk?

Level 6
Employee Accredited Certified



  In vxvm admin guide document, there is a chapter for replace  disks, Except upper operation, you need run some os commands to clean device tree.


You can access  to check document.



Level 6
Employee Accredited Certified

Level 3

Hi starflyfly,


when i use the vxdiskadm command, is says it needs a diskgroup the problem is that the spare disk has no diskgroup

Level 5

Hi Chunckchang23,

Did you try menu option 5 VolumeManager/Disk/ReplaceDisk? It is used for your condition. smiley


Menu: VolumeManager/Disk/ReplaceDisk
  Use this menu operation to specify a replacement disk for a disk
  that you removed with the "Remove a disk for replacement" menu
  operation, or that failed during use.  You will be prompted for
  a disk name to replace and a disk device to use as a replacement.
  You can choose an uninitialized disk, in which case the disk will
  be initialized, or you can choose a disk that you have already
  initialized using the Add or initialize a disk menu operation.

Level 3


Hi Starflyfly
I cannot proceed with this step due to the error can't be detected.
Pls see output of vxdiskadm
Replace a failed or removed disk
Menu: VolumeManager/Disk/ReplaceDisk
  Use this menu operation to specify a replacement disk for a disk
  that you removed with the "Remove a disk for replacement" menu
  operation, or that failed during use.  You will be prompted for
  a disk name to replace and a disk device to use as a replacement.
  You can choose an uninitialized disk, in which case the disk will
  be initialized, or you can choose a disk that you have already
  initialized using the Add or initialize a disk menu operation.
  VxVM  INFO V-5-2-396
There are currently no devices that are failed or removed.
Hit RETURN to continue.

Level 5
Partner Accredited

Make sure your OS can see the c0t2d0s2 disk BEFORE you try any volume manager actions.

Does 'prtvtoc /dev/rdsk/c0t2d0s2' show you the contents of the label, or an error?

If an error is shown, you need to fix your OS to be able to see your disk; try 'devfsadm -Ccv disk', then try the prtvtoc command again, and depending on if that work or not, you might try to format the disk, then make sure you can prtvtoc it. 

If that doesn't work, you may need to physically replace the drive (or is that what you have already done)?

You sould also keep on eye on the OS console log (/var/adm/messages) and address any errors reported there.

Only after you have fixed and/or proven access from the OS level should you start using VxVM tools on the device. 

Once your OS tools can successfullly see the disk, you should do 'vxdisk scandisks' (or 'vxdctl enable') so that VxVM can refresh his device tables with the new and/or fixed devices. 


Level 3

Hi kjbss

It can be seen with the prtvoc command.


EMMDPD03:/# prtvtoc /dev/rdsk/c0t2d0s2

* /dev/rdsk/c0t2d0s2 partition map
* Dimensions:
*     512 bytes/sector
*      63 sectors/track
*     255 tracks/cylinder
*   16065 sectors/cylinder
*   36350 cylinders
*   36348 accessible cylinders
* Flags:
*   1: unmountable
*  10: read-only
* Unallocated space:
*       First     Sector    Last
*       Sector     Count    Sector 
*           0     16065     16064
*                          First     Sector    Last
* Partition  Tag  Flags    Sector     Count    Sector  Mount Directory
       3      9    00      16065  10490445  10506509   /opt/bmc
       6     11    00   10506510 573424110 583930619   /backup
       8      1    01          0     16065     16064

my problem is that when i list down all disks, it shows the disk with an error state,


EMMDPD04:/# vxdisk list
DEVICE       TYPE            DISK         GROUP        STATUS
c0t0d0s2     auto:sliced     rootdisk     rootdg       online
c0t1d0s2     auto:sliced     rootmirror   rootdg       online
c0t2d0s2     auto            -            -            error   <---------------------- Error disk
c0t3d0s2     auto:none       -            -            online invalid
but when i try to fix this, it can't be shown on the VVM. Hope you could help me clear the error


Level 6
Employee Accredited Certified


  The disk is in error state, so you can't use replace  failed disk procedures to replace it.


  the error state is because you have no partition 2  in this disk.

   If you dont' need keep original data on this disk,

  use format  to create partition 2 for this disk, which  from 0 to last  sector.

 then , run:

  vxdctl enable,

  it should in  online invalid state.

 Be careful when do operation, make sure backup data if needed, and run vxdctl enable in non business time.


Level 3

Hello Starflyfly,


Thank you for the input. I'm starting to understand what's going on :)


Since my goal is to reformat the disk and create partition, how do i make sure that files under the disk are not lost(if there are any?)



EMMDPD03:/# vxdisk list c0t2d0s2
Device:    c0t2d0s2
devicetag: c0t2d0
type:      auto
flags:     error private autoconfig
pubpaths:  block=/dev/vx/dmp/c0t2d0s2 char=/dev/vx/rdmp/c0t2d0s2
guid:      -
udid:      LSI%5FMR9262-8i%5FDISKS%5F600605B002952B10167068FF1DB9ECA3
site:      -
Multipathing information:
numpaths:   1
c0t2d0s2        state=disabled
pubpaths are already defined, is this ok?

Level 6
Employee Accredited Certified


 You should use format to add partition 2, with full disk capacity, then run vxdctl enable, it will change to "online invalid"  state.

Here is my test log, hope you can first finish test in your bed.



root@hostAAA # prtvtoc /dev/rdsk/c2t500601603022FB3Fd17s2
* /dev/rdsk/c2t500601603022FB3Fd17s2 partition map
* Dimensions:
*     512 bytes/sector
*      10 sectors/track
*      64 tracks/cylinder
*     640 sectors/cylinder
*   32768 cylinders
*   32766 accessible cylinders
* Flags:
*   1: unmountable
*  10: read-only
* Unallocated space:
*       First     Sector    Last
*       Sector     Count    Sector 
*           0      6400      6399
*    10492160   8389120  18881279
*                          First     Sector    Last
* Partition  Tag  Flags    Sector     Count    Sector  Mount Directory
       3      9    01       6400  10485760  10492159
       4      0    01   18881280   2088960  20970239   /test1
       6      0    01   10492160   8389120  18881279   /test
       7     15    01          0  20970240  20970239
root@hostAAA # vxdisk -eo alldgs list
DEVICE       TYPE           DISK        GROUP        STATUS               OS_NATIVE_NAME   ATTR        
emc_clariion0_37 auto           -            -           error                c2t500601603022FB3Fd17s2 lun RAID_5  <<<< 
select  disk
partition> p
Current partition table (unnamed):
Total disk cylinders available: 32766 + 2 (reserved cylinders)
Part      Tag    Flag     Cylinders         Size            Blocks
  0 unassigned    wu       0                0         (0/0/0)            0
  1 unassigned    wu       0                0         (0/0/0)            0
  2 unassigned    wu       0                0         (0/0/0)            0
  3 alternates    wu      10 - 16393        5.00GB    (16384/0/0) 10485760
  4 unassigned    wu   29502 - 32765     1020.00MB    (3264/0/0)   2088960
  5 unassigned    wu       0                0         (0/0/0)            0
  6 unassigned    wu   16394 - 29501        4.00GB    (13108/0/0)  8389120
  7 unassigned    wu       0                0         (0/0/0)            0
partition> 2
Part      Tag    Flag     Cylinders         Size            Blocks
  2 unassigned    wu       0                0         (0/0/0)            0
Enter partition id tag[unassigned]: backup
Enter partition permission flags[wu]: 
Enter new starting cyl[0]: 
Enter partition size[0b, 0c, 0e, 0.00mb, 0.00gb]: fie
Please specify units in either b(blocks), c(cylinders), e(end cylinder),
m(megabytes) or g(gigabytes)
Enter partition size[0b, 0c, 0e, 0.00mb, 0.00gb]: 32766c<<<<last partition number
partition> p
Current partition table (unnamed):
Total disk cylinders available: 32766 + 2 (reserved cylinders)
Part      Tag    Flag     Cylinders         Size            Blocks
  0 unassigned    wu       0                0         (0/0/0)            0
  1 unassigned    wu       0                0         (0/0/0)            0
  2     backup    wu       0 - 32765       10.00GB    (32766/0/0) 20970240
  3 alternates    wu      10 - 16393        5.00GB    (16384/0/0) 10485760
  4 unassigned    wu   29502 - 32765     1020.00MB    (3264/0/0)   2088960
  5 unassigned    wu       0                0         (0/0/0)            0
  6 unassigned    wu   16394 - 29501        4.00GB    (13108/0/0)  8389120
  7 unassigned    wu       0                0         (0/0/0)            0
partition> label
Ready to label disk, continue? 
Ready to label disk, continue? y
partition> q
        disk       - select a disk
        type       - select (define) a disk type
        partition  - select (define) a partition table
        current    - describe the current disk
        format     - format and analyze the disk
        repair     - repair a defective sector
        label      - write label to the disk
        analyze    - surface analysis
        defect     - defect list management
        backup     - search for backup labels
        verify     - read and display labels
        save       - save new disk/partition definitions
        inquiry    - show vendor, product and revision
        volname    - set 8-character volume name
        !<cmd>     - execute <cmd>, then return
format> q
root@hostAAA # vxdisk list
DEVICE       TYPE            DISK         GROUP        STATUS
emc_clariion0_37 auto            -            -            error   <<<<<
root@hostAAA # vxdctl enable     <<<<<
root@hostAAA # vxdisk list
DEVICE       TYPE            DISK         GROUP        STATUS
emc_clariion0_37 auto:none       -            -            online invalid<<<<<

Level 6
Employee Accredited Certified

 if  you like do vxdisksetup for this disk, the data in the old file system will lost.


Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified

I wonder why you tried to replace disk. There are no "failed" disk media in "vxdisk list" output. c0t2d0s2 is in error state, but it just mean c0t2d0s2 is not initialized at OS level for use of VxVM.

By prtvtoc output, c0t2d0s2 is used without VxVM, so do not format it by format command or vxdisksetup. Ignore 'error' status and keep it as it is.

   VIP    Certified


If a disk is in error state, the two main causes that drills down are:

1. disk partition table has issues

2. paths to disk are disable .

I agree with starflyfly's advice, you need to fix the partition table & get the disk to online invalid state. If the disk had data before & you want to recover data, you need to ensure that partition table is restored correctly as it was before & while intializing disk in veritas, you need to restore exsting configuration of privlen, publen attributes .. you can use this options with vxdisk init or vxdisksetup..


Level 3

Hi Gaurav, 


is there a way to check if the disk partition has files before?

Level 5
Partner Accredited

If you *know* that the disk used to be managed by VxVM, then you would need to get the partition layout as it was back then and reapply that exactly to the disk, as Gaurav says.  

Interestingly, from the prtvtoc output you provided, partition 7 has the VxVM Tag (15) and points to the entire disk, so in that way it does appear that it was at one time a VxVM managed disk.

However, the prtvtoc output also now shows two slices (4 and 6) with Mount Directories associated with them, and so it looks like this disk was *last* used as a test disk outside of VxVM management:

*                          First     Sector    Last
* Partition  Tag  Flags    Sector     Count    Sector  Mount Directory
       3      9    01       6400  10485760  10492159
       4      0    01   18881280   2088960  20970239   /test1
       6      0    01   10492160   8389120  18881279   /test
       7     15    01          0  20970240  20970239

We can see that slices 4 and 6 were likely used for testing purposes, but if you really want to see the files in those partitions:

...Taking slice 6 as an example:

Check to see if it is a mountable partition:
  $ fstyp /dev/rdsk/c2t500601603022FB3Fd17s6

If it shows to be a filesystem on there, like ufs or vxfs, sanity-check the filesystem:
  $ fsck -F <FStype> -y /dev/rdsk/c2t500601603022FB3Fd17s6

Make a temporary mount point for it:
  $ mkdir /tmp_test

Mount it:
  $ mount -F <FStype> /dev/dsk/c2t500601603022FB3Fd17s6 /tmp_test

Inspect it however you want to...
  $ ls -l /tmp_test

Level 5
Partner Accredited

Hi again chuckchang23 --

I just noticed I based my last advice to you on the prtvtoc output from starflyfly's test envrionment!

Naughty of me; sorry about that...

The pertinent section of your 'prtvtoc /dev/rdsk/c0t2d0s2' output shown below:

*                          First     Sector    Last
* Partition  Tag  Flags    Sector     Count    Sector  Mount Directory
       3      9    00      16065  10490445  10506509   /opt/bmc
       6     11    00   10506510 573424110 583930619   /backup
       8      1    01          0     16065     16064

Well, it would appear to me that this disk never had VxVM management on it, or at least has been reformatted since.

The point is, if you want to see the data on there...:

(Using slice 3 as the expample, which seems to contain BMC software data (/opt/bmc) data on there)...

Check to see if it is a mountable partition:
  $ fstyp /dev/rdsk/c0t2d0s3

If it shows to be a filesystem on there, like ufs or vxfs, sanity-check the filesystem:
  $ fsck -F <FStype> -y /dev/rdsk/c0t2d0s3
Make a temporary mount point for it:
  $ mkdir /tmp_opt_bmc

Mount it:
  $ mount -F <FStype> /dev/dsk/c0t2d0s3 /tmp_opt_bmc
Inspect it however you want to...  
  $ ls -l /tmp_opt_bmc


Level 3

Hi kjbss,


The first command issued an error on my faulted disk



EMMDPD03:/# fstyp /dev/rdsk/c0t2d0s2
hsfs fstyp: cannot open </dev/rdsk/c0t2d0s2>
/dev/rdsk/c0t2d0s2: I/O error
udfs fstyp: cannot open </dev/rdsk/c0t2d0s2> errorno <5>
/dev/rdsk/c0t2d0s2: I/O error
UX:vxfs fstyp: ERROR: V-3-20003: Cannot open /dev/rdsk/c0t2d0s2: I/O error
open64: I/O error
Unknown_fstyp (no matches)
EMMDPD03:/# fsck -F ufs -y /dev/rdsk/c0t2d0s2
Can't open /dev/rdsk/c0t2d0s2: I/O error


Level 5

Hi chuck,

The I/O error indicate that there is I/O problem with the disk /dev/rdsk/c0t2d0s2.

You should check on the I/O error first for HW issue or link problem.

Level 5
Partner Accredited

chuckchange23 -

It would seem that you have transient access to disk /dev/rdsk/c0t2d0s2, because on your 10 May 2013 post above, you show 'prtvtoc  /dev/rdsk/c0t2d0s2' working -- this would not have worked if you had I/O errors to that disk, as shown in your 22 May 2013 post.

As stinsong points out, you need to investigate and resolve your I/O errors first.

Do you have this drive on an array that has active/passive support to your host?  Maybe another host has the active path to the drive, or some other kind of SAN zoning preventing you from accessing that drive from your EMMDPD03 host on the 22 May.