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DLO7.0 backup job will hang the applications on clients like MSoutlook,IE....

Level 6
We are facing a couple of client machine hang situation when it runs the DLO backups. It is intermittent issue because sometime it is working but most of the time it will hang MSoutlook and then if we jump to another application like IE, it will also get hang. Unfortunately, It is not creating any minidump DMP file because there is no blue screen issue. When I checked under task manager DLO service was using very minimal resources but SVChost.exe was trying to use more memory like around 1.5gb ram. There was a MCaffee service was also showing. I tried to exclude the dlo folder and dudf from the virus scanner but it didnt help.
Here is our environment details.
DLO 7.0 (migrated from BE2010R2 DLO because we had same problem in BE2010R2DLO)
Client machines are win7 64bit

Level 6
Partner Accredited

 The local AntiVirus application may be slowing down the process.  Try disabling AntiVirus and observe the performance of the next backup job.


Level 6

Hello Inn_kam,


Thank you for your quick response.

I already followed this article but got no luck. Antivirus thing somebody else also told me and then I tried to exclude the dlo related folders from our antivirus but I am at same issue. Can you check with your sources if anyone has seen this problem and if it has any other workaround to fix current issue....