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Desktop and Laptop Option

Discussion Posts

Useful Desktop Laptop Option 9.7 Links

DLO Readme : v9.7DLO License GuideDLO Install Prerequisites : v9.7Quick Reference Guide for DLO Installation and Configuration : v9.7Administrator's Guide (EN) : v9.7Software Compatibility List : v9.7Hardware_Compatibility_List : v9.7How to use VxUpd...

klauskresnik by Moderator
Employee Accredited Certified
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Insufficient Free Disk Space

Hi, I have created a folder for storing the backups NUDF in NAS box with space of 1TB. The warrning occurs as in the screenshots.  Its is testing only am checking with 3 user even though this error occur

SURA by Level 4
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Activation DLO 7.6 SP1

Bonjour,   J'ai besoin de vos lumières svp.   En effet, j'ai installé il y a 2 semaines sur un nouveau serveur Win 2012 R2 x64 le produit DLO 7.6 SP1. J'ai commencé à le paramétrer et l'installer sur environ 70 clients. Il est aujourd'hui en prod...

Bug de l'interface de restauration de Symantec DLO 8

Bonjour, J'ai récemment mis à  niveau Symantec DLO 7.6 vers SDLO version 8 (sur windows server 2012 R2 standard) , La mise à niveau s'est très bien passé. Sauf que  maintenant lorsque je fais une restauration de données, il y a l'interface de restau...

Mams by Level 2
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DLO 7.6 Agent MSI Install

Hello, I am trying to install the DLO agent with the MSI. The eventual goal is to install the MSI with SCCM. I am following the instructions on page 29 an 30 in teh DLO Administration Guide. When the command is run there is a popup stating to ru...

InsentraCameron by Level 4
Partner Accredited Certified
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DLO not responding

Hi. I have problem with DLO, im install spector aplication in 10 cpu and on 2 computer there was a problem. DLO not backup C:\Windows folder and i dont know why i get error. I took svrltmgr64 to exclude files in DLO and 1 cpu is fix but another 1 st...

cinq2 by Level 2
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Win server 2012 DLO 7.5 migration

Hi All, I have been following this article ( to migrate our DLO 7.5 to a new server (both on server 2012). I have managed to get all the way to the point 12 (12) On the old Server use the ...

Move DLO storage to new location on VM's

Hi. First post, so please be gentle ;) Current configuration. We have a Windows 2008 server running DLO7.5 with about 900 users (lets call it SRV-A), this server does NOT hold the user backup data. All data is backed up via a share to another serv...

Redwolf by Level 3
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Resolved! Language pack

How do we change the language for Sdlo console and online guide? Is it installed according to the OS locale? The installation setup won t ask me anything about the language.

Resolved! Unable to connect to DLO Media Server using Mac

Hi I am getting the below message when launching DLO from a Mac which is joined to the domain:      Unable to connect to Media Server. Either you are not connected to the network or te Server it not      responding. DLO need to be able to contact ...

smithj by Level 6
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Ayud con exclusion de carpeta

Buenas tardes estimados, ojala me puedan ayudar. Necesito crear un profile de Backup, que respalde todo el disco "C:", pero que además me excluya toda la carpeta windows, o los archivos de windows. Esto porque tengo usuarios que usan el mismo PC y c...

Dlo7.6.1 agents stopping randomly

Hello I have a customer with 150 machines running the Dlo agents. Now and then some of the agents stop doing their job and he needs to restart them. He gets alerts concerning licenses problems. I have gathers the logs from his Dlo server with DloG...

DLO can´t set up storage

Hi, I can´t set up a local storage folder on the server where DLO is running. I launch DLO as Domain Admin, SQL user has only user rights. Target folder for storage is fully opened for all and everything I get from it is .     Could I ask you for ...

LEADFOOT by Not applicable
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DLO 7.5 local profile issue

Hi All, For some unknown reason this morning the DLO agents have decided thaty they want to backup the local profiles for all users that have ever logged onto the device (As below) rather than just the current logged in user. I am currently unable t...

DLO Storage Migration

Hi What is the fastest way to migrate user NUDFs from one location to another? We want to migrate from a NetApp filer to cDOT storage. I have tried this out before where the DLO server is based in California and I had to migrate users from Minnesot...

smithj by Level 6
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Issue running DLO 7.6 SP1 Agent on Mac

Hi We have several Macs in our company which are not connected to our domain. So, we use a local account on the Mac and then use a VPN client to connect to domain resources using a domain account. We have just recently upgraded a test DLO server to ...

smithj by Level 6
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Resetting DLO user accounts

I am changing the backup selections on our profile and I am testing the changes on a few users before I roll them out site wide. I would like to start their backups from scratch so I am deleting the user object in DLO and recreating it manually. Howe...