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Anyone ever tried to automate Dtrace?

Level 4
Hi everyone,

We're trying to troubleshoot a really weird, intermittant issue and I was wondering if there was a way we could write a script or batchfile or something that could let one of our non-EV admins kick off a dtrace just by running the script/batfile. I want to catch my server acting up while it's in the act but I'm not always around when that happens. Would be nice if I could batchfile it and not have to teach all the other server operators how to run a dtrace.

I have not had much success with this but I also haven't spent a ton of time working on it. Any suggestions?


Level 6
Have you considered triggers?

Level 6
Use the MOM admin pack...better reporting. :)


Level 4
Oh my boss totally hates MOM!
Will experiment with triggers but not sure if that is going to be the ticket as we're not sure what we're looking for in the DTrace.

Level 6
Why all the MOM hatred? I don't personally use it, but it seems like a pretty robust error log reporting tool?


Level 4
In our case, it's just how our big-bosses are very anti-Microsoft. Anything we can migrate to a non-Windows environment makes them very happy, even if it costs a lot to actually do it and support it. Our CIO is a huge fan of UNIX/Linux and his dream would be a Linux mail server that did all the stuff that Exchange does. We actually had an exploratory panel about a year ago looking into deploying GroupWise and migrating away from Exchange but thankfully that went nowhere!

So our reluctance to bring in anything new from Microsoft is pretty much coming from the CIO and trickling down.

Level 6
Well, I'm all for dumping bad MS products...but MOM isn't really one of them. In the grand scheme of all the reporting tools, MOM's pretty good. As long as you're running SQL of course. So yeah, I'd actually recommend MOM over some of the other free linux/bsd/etc solutions.
