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Archiving MailBox

Level 3

Hi everyone,


first of all i want to thank all technical support team for thier support.


i have created mailbox archive task for single mailbox the archive process done successfuly and the mails in the mailbox archived. mu issue that when i create the mailbox archive task and syn the target mailbaox the shortcuts of the evault dont appear (search, store.....). and i have been enabled the option of remove safty copies in the mailbox store and the mails from outlook still open from exchange instead of the evault store. i chek the physical location of the store there is data and i opened more than mails from there and it is open fine.


the Ev 2007

exchange 2007

outlook 2007


can any one help me in this issue because i will apply the archive mailbox in more than 1500 mailoxes.


best regardrs...



Level 5

How is your mailbox archiving policy setup?  Check the "Archiving Actions" tab of the policy to make sure that the following options are enabled:

* Delete original item after archiving

* Create shortcut to archived item after archiving 




Level 3


I checked that and the settings ok.


now the mails opened from evault but i still cant view the icons of evault ( search , store and restore) although i have syncronize this mailbox.and the shortcuts dont appear which indicate the status of the mail in outlook ( archived, waiting .....).outlook version 2007.


in the same site when i crated outllok profile 2003 on the Evault Server and which i used as Journal MailBox Syncronization on the Task View The Buttons shortcuts (search ....) and The Enterprise in tools menu.



Level 3

Hi ....


I checked my mailBox size there is no change in size and i saw that the mail size increase one kilobyte after it archived the mail. and it is now opened from the evault store ... even if the policy delete mail after archiving and the settings of the store to remove safty copies after backup....




i need your help this an urgent issue.


Level 6

did you install the EV Client first????


By the way, Enterprise Vault in short is called EV, not Evault... :)




Level 3

yes i did.


i installed all the outlook add-in Clients (EVClient_en.msi and the EVClientHttp msi).


about the delete the mails from mailbox after archived i solved it with change the vault store remove safty copies from remove after backup to remove imaidiatly after archive (what is the backup mean here ).. any way now the pending is the buttons " search , store and restore "  and no menu item "Enterprise Vault" added to the tools menu.


best regards...



Level 3
Can you help me ..........

Level 5
Employee Accredited Certified

In the mailbox policy, make sure the show restore button, show archive button..etc are set to 'show both'.

Also, if you have multiple policies, make sure you are changing the correct policy.

When doing a sync, select the specific mailbox you are working on. Close outlook and reopen it again. If working in cache mode, try disabling it.

Level 3

i cheked the policy before it is set for restore and search "show both " and when i make sync i select the mailbox which is the first one i did as test mailbox then i will apply the same policy to 1500 mailbox every things ar ok but the binding the buttons.


in past i asked you that the archived mails dont delete from exchange even if i set to delete archived mails but whwn i change the store property " remove safty copies .. from    After bachup(immediate for Journalin)   to  Immediately after archived ... the mails deleted from exchange and the size in outlook appear in kilobytes and this is done for new mails bcz the old mails are archived but still in exchange with the original size and shortcut appear as to fix this issue ????



for the archive mailbox task .. to run the task i have to press run now although i set schadule time..


i need to run the task from 6 moorning to 6 evening.. can you help me ....


thank you very very much....



best regards... 

Level 4

If you have "remove safety copies after backup" selected, you must make sure that the location where the .DVS files are stored (the storage location where your partitions are setup) is backed up after archiving has taken place.


If this is a NTFS disk, then make sure the backup software reset the Archive bit. If you don't have this attribute set, the "safety copy" (which is the Pending icon) will always remain. The "Safety Copy" is in fact the original message. This only gets taken out and replaced with your Shortcut text AFTER the .DVS files have been backed up.


Please take some time to read through this article

Level 3



thank you so much, all the information you provieded was clear and the document of  Backup procedures for Enterprise Vault will help me to perform the backup in the correct way.


I need to run the task of the mailbox archive in schedule time. Although i set the schedule to run the task in the duration of 6AM to 6PM for new mails in the mailbox i have to perform "Run Now" operation of the task to archive the mails. if you can tell me how can i fix this i will be Grateful.


what about the search, store and restore buttons on outlook 2007...


Best Regards. 


Level 3

hi all.....


i need to colse this issue.

Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified

Hi there


Is this still a problem?


I noticed that you installed the light Outlook client as well as the http only client.

Don't do this...  only one of them is needed, and I'm not sure that they won't "fight" each other ;)




cloudficient - EV Migration, creators of EVComplete.