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Archiving Task Issue

Level 2
We have just implemented EV 6.0 SP1 on our network in the last two weeks. Although it is in production right now, we only have 3 of the Exchange administrators' mailboxes enabled to archive.

I am having a communicate problem with one of our Exchange Servers that I can't seem to find any information on. If anyone could help, it would be greatly appreciated.

Here is the error message:

Category: Archiving Task
Event ID: 3310

There was a problem accessing a network service or resource. The dispenser will re-queue the current item and sleep for 10 minute(s).

Task: Mailbox Archiving Task for REGCORP02

For more information, see Help and Support Center at

REGCORP02 is the Exchange Virtual Server name and it is up and running without any issues (this is where my mailbox is).

Level 6
Partner Accredited
Ya know,
I just saw this error at one of my client sites. If someone figures it out, I'd be much obliged. I figured that it was a communications fault, based on timeouts.

Are your servers local?


Level 2
Yes, Micah, our servers are all local right here in our data center and it is only happening with this one Exchange virtual server. We've also got a lot of message queues held up in the private queues where I have manually achieved items from my own mailbox. The icons in Outlook stay in a pending state and I think this has to do with the communications with the server.

Level 6

So this is a clustered Exchange server. What version and SP of Exchange is it?

Turn on dtrace of archivingtask and restart the task. Then look in the output trace file for the error you mentioned and post the 20 or so lines above the error if you see what I mean.

Level 4
Does the service account have correct permissions to the Exchange Server from the top down in ESM?

Level 2
Everyone, I figured out the problem. The Archiving Task for my REGCORP02 server was pointed to the wrong service account! Once I changed that, everything was fine. Should have found that immediately but like I said, this is a new implementation and we are new to EV. '

Thanks for everyone's help. Great forum.

Level 3
I had this problem as well, and I had difficulty getting it resolved through the support group. I just "fixed" it yesterday and I thought I'd post the steps we took, just in case anyone is reading through these forums looking for possible hints or solutions (as I certainly was a few days ago!)

After upgrading to EV 6.0 and CA 6.0, we noticed that we were seeing this same 3310 error. We're using win2k server SP4, archiving from exchange2k SP3. It seemed no matter what we tried, we were unable to get the Journal Task to properly archive anything from our journaling mailbox. the Archiving Tasks all worked fine- no problems there. As the Journal Task is what feeds our email compliance system, this was a bit of a problem, to say the least.

We would see messages pile up in the journaling service j2 MSMQ queue, until it hit 1000 (the default service limit). at that point, it would continually error out, and only process one or two messages from the queue before it would error again. Many different attempts were made to clear this up, including removing/readding MSMQ, fiddling around with service account permissions, and other things- none of which seemed to work.

Backed up everything, and upgraded to EV6 SP2. problem still was there. In a fit of desperation, I moved the journaling mailbox to a different mailserver (14.5GB mailbox transfer takes a little while!) To make it start journaling from this mailbox, I had to go into the vault control panel, add the new server as an archiving target, add the new journaling mailbox to it, and delete the old one. I also created a new Journal Task for the KVS server prior to this (which won't populate with a target until you do the above steps) so I'm not sure if creating a new archiving target/journaling mailbox will do that step for you or not.

Anyway, this is the point at which I start to feel rather stupid, as I see it immediately start chewing through thousands of emails, doing it's job quite properly. The solution (for me) seemed to be the re-creation of the Journal Task, I think- the old one in MSMQ was called "journaling service" whereas the new one is called "Journaling Task", more in line with the new names for things. not sure if it's a remnant from upgrades, or just coincidence, but if you're having this problem it might be worth a few minutes of your time to try recreating the Journaling Task. I don't think the mailbox move is necessary, although it was convenient for me to do so, so I did it anyway.

My 2 cents on solving this problem. hopefully it is helpful for someone.

(posting this message to this thread as well- covering the two threads that mention this problem.)