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Archiving issue, scheduled archiving vs. Run Now

Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified

Hi all,

Don't think I've seen this issue before but would like some ideas if you have any.

IHAC that have created a "leavers" group, with a policy to archive everything that is older than 0 days.

So far so good, the provisioning assigns the correct policy to this group.

But for some reason the users in this group don't get their items archived through the scheduled run, actually other groups/users have the same issue but it's especially important for this group since they want to delete users from the AD/mailbox after x weeks, after they have been added to this group. It's also easy to follow the archiving since "everything" should be archived.

They are not hidden or disabled, if I do a report run the report will run fine and the column with "items ready to be archived" match the column for "Items available" (more or less, 1 or 2 items difference, possibly some other message class). E.g. Items available 300, Items Ready 298.

If I run the following query:

LEFT(MbxDisplayName,20) AS 'Mailbox',
ExchangeComputer AS 'Exchange Server',
MbxItemCount AS '#Items (Mailbox)',
VS1.ArchivedItems AS '#Items (Archive)',
MbxSize/1024 AS 'Mbx Size (MB)',
VS1.ArchivedItemsSize/1024 AS  'Archive Size(MB)',
(mbxsize+VS1.ArchivedItemsSize)/1024 AS 'Total Size(MB)',
VS1.CreatedDate AS 'Archive Created',
VS1.ModifiedDate AS 'Archive Updated',
MbxExchangeState AS 'Exchange State'
EnterpriseVaultDirectory.dbo.ExchangeMailboxEntry AS EME,
EnterpriseVaultDirectory.dbo.ExchangeServerEntry AS ESE,

MBXVS.dbo.ArchivePoint AS VS1
EME.DefaultVaultID  = VS1.ArchivePointID AND
EME.MbxDisplayName LIKE '%smith%'

The result of the Archive Updated column may show that it haven't been updated in a week or even as far as a month.

Which doesn't suggest an issue were EV haven't had the time to process the message queues and archive the mailbox :)

If I however do a Run Now and select the same users mailbox, it will archive the mailbox successfully and the Archive Updated entry will match the Run Now.

Haven't seen any events in regard to the scheduled run and it is not just one user that show the same behaviour.

The customer is running EV9.0.2, one EV server aprox 2800 users, they have been running EV for years so it's not a question of a large backlog either.

What I would like but not sure if it's possible, is to populate the A5 queue with just one of these mailboxes :)

Or to find out if the mailbox was processed but didn't archive anything anyway.

So any ideas on what to try next ?





Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified

so i guess the question is do people on the same archiving task get archived no problem?
is the archiving window big enoug to accomodate them?
Maybe its queueing them up but never has time to get to them, you'd see this by looking at the "Process Mailbox" messages in your A5 queue in the morning after an archive run

Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified

Will double check the A5 queues.

Will probably not have an answer on this before next week but will update this thread when I do.

Level 6

Sounds like they aren't getting touched in the window allocated. You could try reducing the number of items per pass, this will then ensure that more mailboxes are at least touched.