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Can not find data from imported PST when performing search.

Level 3
Yesterday we imported some PSTs into a Vault mailbox archive. When I search via the browser search or Discovery Accelerator, I do not see any results from the recently imported data. I searched the Partition and found that the DVS files are there for the imported data. It's like the Index doesn't know about the new messages. Any Ideas as to how to correct this?
I've checked the indexing service and it is running. I dont see any suspicious messages in the event logs. I also checked the Journal and we are able to search for newly added messages in that Archive.

Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified
What versions are you using? 
Are you doing wide open searches or using content such as phrases?
What index level are you using?
Are there shortcuts in the mailbox?  Do they work?

Level 3
7.0 for EV and DA
We were doing a complex contex search, but we weren't even geting any results when searching for just the email address in the from field for the PST that had been imported.
The import is of a PST with no shortcuts. It is for administrative search, and is not putting any shortcuts into a user mailbox either.
We are using Medium Indexing.
I created a new Archive and imported a copy of the original PST to that archive and have no problems searching for the desired data.
It is like the index for this one archive is not being updated.  We have no problems searching for new items in any of our other archives.

Level 6
Have you thought about rebuilding the index?

Level 6
Don't do a rebuild, just do an update from the indexvolume utility.

Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified
Remember with medium index level you can not phrase search, so you can either update the index, or if you want to change the level to full to do a phrase search then you should rebuild it.
I would update the index first and then test the search of it.

Level 3
It turns out that the historical PSTs only had the Display Name in the metadata, and not the email address. I had assumed that when you set up a target in EVDA that it takes this into account as it requres you to expicitly list the first and last name. Putting both email address and "Last, First" as separate possible email address corrected the issue.