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Confused about the dns alias role in migrating EV 9.0.2 /32bit 2003 server to 10.0 /64bit 2008 R2 server

Level 6
Partner Accredited

Okay, so I'm getting ready to migrate EV 9.0.2 that currently runs in 32 bit 2003 server to EV 10.0 that is going to run in 64 bit 2008 R2 server. The part about dns alias is just plain confusing... It says in Installing_and_Configuring manual that:

Creating Enterprise Vault DNS aliases
It is good practice to create a DNS alias for each Enterprise Vault server computer.
You are asked to enter the unqualified alias, for example "evserver1", when you
run the Enterprise Vault Configuration wizard. When you configure Enterprise
Vault on the first computer in a site, Enterprise Vault automatically creates a
vault site alias using the DNS alias entered for that computer. The vault site alias
is used by the Enterprise Vault software to refer to the Enterprise Vault site.
The DNS alias must not contain special characters. As defined in RFC-1034, only
the following characters are permitted: [a-z], [A-Z], [0-9], hyphen (-), and period
(.). The last character must not be a hyphen or period.
Using an unqualified DNS alias allows future flexibility if you change the computer
that is running the Enterprise Vault services.

Since running SQL query

USE EnterpriseVaultDirectory
SELECT ComputerName FROM ComputerEntry
produces : sitename.domainname

So i guess that means that it's this one:

"You are asked to enter the unqualified alias, for example "evserver1", when you
run the Enterprise Vault Configuration wizard. When you configure Enterprise
Vault on the first computer in a site, Enterprise Vault automatically creates a
vault site alias using the DNS alias entered for that computer."

So that is the Vault site alias...

Where and how do I do this:

Before you import the migration package on the target server, you should update
the source server’s DNS alias to point to the target server.

Enterprise Vault best practice recommends that you create a DNS alias to point
to each Enterprise Vault server. For more information, see Installing and

the "instructions" paragraph from the Installing_and_Configuring manual does not tell me a squat about how to creat server dns alias... it simply states that Vault site alias is created...

How do I check IF a server has dns alias and where it point's to and how do I change all the necessary stuff from the migration point of view... I don't get it at all...


Hopefully some one can help me...

Sani B.



Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

Hi Sani,

Check this:

I made screenshots of the process, that might help.

Regards. Gertjan

Level 6
Accredited Certified

Hi Sani,

Just my two cents.

Normally, DNS alias should be configured, EV Site alias --> EV Servers alias --> EV Server host name. So when you ping EV site or EV server alias you will get replies from EV host name with it's IP address. The purpose of the DNS aliases are for ease of EV failover USL (Update Services Locations) and DR.

Prior to EV2007 (I think), when you configure EV for the first time you can use alias without using FQDN, this causes a problem later when you do EV migration etc. so they have changed the configuration wizard so that you have to use FQDN for server alias etc. from EV8 onwards.

The alias is very important as this will form the Default WebAppUrl, when you run the EV configuration wizard for the first time it will ask you for the EV server alias and it will add it with your domain name (you don't get to choose for this option), for example, your EV server alias is server1 (hostname is EVsvsr1) and domain is domain.local and therefore your Default WebAppUrl will be http://evserv1.domain.local/enterprisevault. This get written to the DefaultWebAppUrl in the SiteEntry table in the EV Directory database. But in here you only see /Enterprisevault, and if you change EV to use https you will see that this column will change into <https>\enterpriseavult etc.

So to answre your question for the last part. You need to look up in DNS to find out what alias you have noting down what your EV site alias  and EV server alias from the EVAC.

You should try and run EV setup for the first time in your lab, configure the alias stuff to see what is happening. This does not really answer your entire question specifically but hope it help you understand EV alias a little more.

JW3 (Alex) will probably give you a much better explanation with DNS alias etc. especially if you have multiple EV sites and EV servers. :)

Level 6
Partner Accredited


GertjanA: Found the pictures very helpful but need to verify that you didn't have to do any "changing server dns alias" due to the fact that you had the "EV Site alias"? Is that correct?

And LCT:

"Prior to EV2007 (I think), when you configure EV for the first time you can use alias without using FQDN, this causes a problem later when you do EV migration etc. so they have changed the configuration wizard so that you have to use FQDN for server alias etc. from EV8 onwards."

So, now that the "Site alias" has to be created, does that take care of this and I don't need to worry about this server dns if it's already created or not...?

Maybe it's the wording that confuses me... "Creating Enterprise Vault DNS aliases" This means the site alias? not the one that need to be configured from DNS? And there is no need for the one configured from DNS if I have 9.0.2 version of EV I'm migrating from because it did insist me to create the site dns at one point...?

It would seem so because the query:

USE EnterpriseVaultDirectory
SELECT ComputerName FROM ComputerEntry

produces : sitename.domainname


Sani B.