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Database Error

Level 6

Hello There


Testing an upgrade from EV7 SP3 to EV7.5(2007) SP3 - have run deploy scanner and am getting the following error:-


EnterpriseVaultMonitoring, Table: MonitoringConfig , Column: StringValue ; - mixed SQL collation found.


SQL 2005 on a sparate server.


Anyone seen this error and can anyone please advise a solution.


Many thanks








Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified

I ran in to this problem this weekend also.  This doc helped me fix it:


You will want to make sure to use the collation that your master DB is using.  The deployment scanner won't show an error if the EV DBs don't match the SQL server master DB collation, but the upgrade will fail if they don't.  Make sure when you are following the steps in the support doc that you enter the collation of the master.  The support doc says to use Cyrrillic_General_CI_AS (for SQL 2005), but don't use that if your master DB is different.

Level 6

I had this too.  From the doucment above:



Running the deployment scanner on a fresh installation of EV 2007 will show mixed collations in the EnterpriseVaultFSAReporting and EnterpriseVaultMonitoring Databases.
This is a bug where the tables within those databases has been hardcoded on the SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS collation. This will not affect any upgrades and can be ignored