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Discovery Accelerator - Replace customer page

Level 5
DA 6, with EV 6, SP3. Does anyone know the right way to replace a Customer page and keep the existing database?
Also, can the 'C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\Temporary ASP.NET Files\evbadiscovery' temp folder be renamed, and be automatically recreated when DA is next started (without problems arising)?
Thank you.

Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified
I am not sure what you are trying to do. Do you want to remove your existing customer and recreate using the existing db's?

You can create/remove customers on the http:\\daservername\EVBAAdmin page.

Also, that folder is created by the install. I think you will see errors if you rename it, but I am not 100% sure. (I never tried it. :) )

Level 5
I have 2 customer pages that I am using. I am applying legal hold on cases in both pages. One page stopped applying holds, and the other is OK. Comparing settings in IIS on both pages shows nothing. In my test box, I can rename that temp folder (there's one for each customer page), and restart the DA services. When I open the customer page, that temp folder is recreated automatically, and all seems to be OK. I'm thinking that I may have a file in that temp folder that is hosed. I wanted to see if anyone else has had experience with this.
I can try recreating the customer page with the existing SQL DB, but I was hoping to narrow down the problem a little closer. Replacing the page seems a little drastic, if that fixes it. If it doesn't, then I may have a corrupt SQL DB.


Level 5
I am getting lots of ID 42076, and ID 42027 errors. 42076 says (in part) that a sync error ocurred, and cannot connect to the SQL box.
42027 says (in part) that an error occured while clearing the item locks. I'll send the full text if you want it..