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Discovery Accelerator

Level 3
Hi all

I was wondering if anyone could help me out with discovery accelerator. I want to install the software on a seperate server ( rather then on the EV server) the problem that I am incontering is that when I install the software and attempt to run the application the web browser stats that the page cannot be found.

During installation of the product it asks me for EV services, it also asks for the CDO file (this is strange because I have outlook installed on the machine) I have tried instyalling both with and without the ev service and it does not work. same error as mentioned above.

However is I install the discover software on the ev server it works like a charm.

AM I doing something wrong?


Level 6
Are you licenced?

Level 4
Employee Accredited Certified
Could be a few things. Need some more info.

What version?

Did you follow all of the Pre-Requisites - did you install EV on the DA box and set admin service to disabled? Did you copy the MAPISVC.INF? Any other warning during install (like WebControls)

Does the page fail immediately, before you even configure DA?

Does it fail if you use http://locahost\evdiscovery? If so you have a DNS problem


Level 4
For discovery accelerator you have to install a base installation of Enterprise Vault on the server where DA will reside. You don't have to configure it, and you can disable the EV Admin servcie. But you must run through the installation. After you complete the EV installation, reboot, then run the DA setup.

Level 3
thanks guys for all your input, I am thinking that it is the dns error, I followed all of the pre installation config and am still having the problem.

Yes it is licenced and I am running ev 6 on server 2003.

Well let you know if I caome up with a solution

Level 2
Hi Rob i agree with Mike, version 6 needs to be installed on the cdiscovery accelerator machine ( however not configured). Had the same problem as you are experiancing, installed EV. Worked like a charm.

Level 4
Employee Accredited Certified
Does is fail on the DA box itself to http://locahost\evdiscovery? (See my earlier post).

You should be able to use IP address / FQDN or DNS alias to get to the site from a client. If they fail then you likely need to add the sites to trusted sites in IE (depending on your IE lockdown)

Level 4
Coming in late on this post. You definately need all the pre-requisites for Enterprise Vault including CDO, along with pre-requisites for Discovery.

If running EV6, you must be on DA SP3, and I reccomend getting the post SP3 hotfixes from support for the export to PST enhancement.

Lastly, did you get a seperate license for that server? You only need a license for DA as the EV services will not need to be run. Once you have a license, ensure the service starts.