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EV Tip:How to move Enterprise Vault to a new server

Level 3


The objective of this technical note is to address the steps to move a single Enterprise Vault (EV) directory server environment


Procedure for Same Name Server

1. Allow the Microsoft Message Queue (MSMQ) to empty before moving Enterprise Vault to another server. Stopping the Task Controller service will normally allow the MSMQ's to be processed by the Indexing and Storage services.

2. Once the MSMQ's are empty, stop all EV services.

3. Export the registry key 'HKEY_Local_Machine\Software\KVS\Enterprise Vault' from the original server.

4. Examine the following registry keys. If they exist, make the appropriate changes to the new server:

- Opportunistic Locking
DWord: OplocksDisabled
Value: <value>

- Memory management registry keys
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\<Memory Management>
DWord: PoolUsageMaximum Value: <value>
DWord: PagedPoolSize Value: <value>

5. If using Journaling Connector, copy the file <path>:\Program Files\Enterprise Vault\JournalTask.exe.config.

Note: Unless otherwise stated, do not start any Enterprise Vault service until all the steps of this recovery procedure have been completed.

Things to consider:

By default there are certain files that are typically located on the EV server and thus must be placed on the new server in the same location (that includes the drive letter). Those items are:

· Vault Stores
· Indexing files
· Shopping files
· Reports

If any of these items are currently located on the original EV server, they must be restored to the new server.

6. Installing software on the servers. All the data relating to your previous Enterprise Vault installation needs to be recovered onto new servers. For each server that has failed, set up a new computer. Ideally, set up each computer with the same name as the original computer that it is replacing. Note: If this is not possible, the recovery steps 'Procedure for Renamed Servers' indicate what to do to accommodate a change in computer name. Build each new system, starting with the installation of Windows and then all the prerequisites for Enterprise Vault. Refer to the Enterprise Vault documentation if unsure which prerequisite software that needs to be installed on each computer. When the correct prerequisite software has been set up on each server, install Enterprise Vault on the server.


· Install Enterprise Vault on each new server, into the same folder as on the original server.
· Install the same version of Enterprise Vault as is being used in the current environment.

Do not run the Configuration Program at the end of completing the installation of the Enterprise Vault software.

7. Point the EV Alias entry in DNS to the new server Internet Protocol (IP) address

8. Start the EV services

9. If using Journaling Connector, Install the Journaling Connector and restart the EV services.
Note: If the Journaling Task fails after installing the Journaling Connector, copy the file from step 5 to its original location.

10. Verify the services are running correctly

11. Export the registry key 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\KVS\Enterprise Vault' from the new server and keep in a safe place in case it becomes necessary to restore.

12. Restore the registry key from step 3 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\KVS\Enterprise Vault' from the original server onto the new server

13. Restart the EV services

14. Verify the services are running correctly

Procedure for Renamed Servers

Ideally, each server should set up with the same name as the original server that it is replacing. However, if this is not the case, the following extra procedure must be performed.

· Warning: If Enterprise Vault is running in a clustered environment, do not perform this operation unless Symantec Support advises to do so.

1. Repeat the following steps for each server that is being recovered:

a. Run SQL Query Analyzer and connect to the server that is running the Enterprise Vault Directory service.

b. Enter and run the following SQL command:

USE EnterpriseVaultDirectory
UPDATE ComputerEntry
SET ComputerNameAltername = '<Name of new server>'
WHERE ComputerNameAlternate = '<Name of old server>'

2. Check that the DNS alias that was set up for the old server points to the name of the new server. If unsure what the DNS alias is, run the following SQL query against the EnterpriseVaultDirectory database.

USE EnterpriseVaultDirectory
SELECT ComputerName FROM ComputerEntry

3. If recovering the system that used to run the Directory service, and this server has been renamed, point the vault site alias (a DNS alias that points to the Directory computer) at this new server. To do this:

a. Run SQL Query Analyzer and connect to the server running the Enterprise Vault Directory service.

b. Enter and run the following SQL command:

USE EnterpriseVaultDirectory
SELECT SiteEntryId
FROM SiteEntry

The value returned contain the vault site alias at the end of a long string of numbers. For example, if the command returns the following then the vault site alias is alias.example.local:


· In DNS, change the DNS alias so that it points at the server running the Directory service.


Level 6
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Level 3

I'm working on moving our Enteprise Vault installation from one server to another.  (To take advantage of better, stronger, faster hardware.) 


I followed the technote / guide (DocID:293911) for the server move, but am having some issues.  I'm to the point where I have installed EV on the new server, but I have not run the Configuration Program. 


I have the registry key exported from the old system, as well as the files for the Vault Stores, Indexing files, Shopping files, and Reports all copied to the new system.  The new system has the exact same name and IP address of the old system. 


The only EV service present is the Enterprise Vault Admin Service. 


When I import the registry key from the old system and restart the Admin service, I keep seeing errors in the Event Viewer of, "DirectoryService: CreateDirectoryService number of tries: : 6".  Nothing else happens at this point.


Am I missing a step somewhere?  Should I be exporting the EV services from HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services and bring those over to the new system?  Or should the Admin service create those?




Message Edited by Thomas Blackerby on 07-18-2008 03:57 PM

Level 3

UPDATE:  We ended up running the Configuration Program after step 12 in the original instructions.  The Configurator asked a couple of questions and then recognized that this system should be an Enterprise Vault directory server.  It apparently read the registry and database configuration(s) and created the missing EV Services. 


EV seems to be running fine.  Tasks all fired over the weekend and I'm not seeing any errors in the Event Viewer.  Clients are able to access vaults as usual. 


I'm going to try this again in the lab just to make sure I have all the steps correct for when we do production.  




Level 4
The link for the support DOC is no longer available, Is it available elsewhere?