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EV - who's mailbox did it actually archive? and at what time??

Not applicable
Having just implemented EV8.0SP4 I must say the reporting side if it is rubbish! we are about to embark on a national rollout, and need more visibility of what EV did during overnights archiving task, than just 2 entries in the Event Viewer (ie Archiving Started, Archiving Stopped). Is there any way to determine things like 10pm archiving task started 10:01 - connect to (exchange server #1) 10:02 - connect to mailbox - Joe Blow 10;05 - disconnect from mailbox- Joe Blow 10:06 - connect to mailbox xxxx We have no way of knowing just exactly who's mailbox was archived overnight, and the only report of ANY use is the Items Archived Per Hour BUT that doesn't tell us whose it was, or any way to determine whose was skipped if the archiving task schedule window was too small. Ringing each end user, who was enabled yesterday, to ask them if their mailbox ACTUALLY got archived overnight , is not good enough (not to mention very unprofessional) Given the scale of the rollout - it needs to be staged, and carefully managed in the initial phases, and I just can't find any useful information to help me do this. I'm thinking of possibly writing custom SQL queries if I can get the schema from Symantec, but does anyone else have better ideas? Ian

Accepted Solutions

Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified
This has been coverd many times before. Check out EV Dashboard -

I have posted many SQL scripts that get stats, check out here and on
This SQL Script will get all List of all Archives and dispaly the following: 

  • Mailbox Name
  • Exchange Server
  • Number of Items (Mailbox) 
  • Number of (Archive)
  • Mailbox Size (MB) 
  • Archive Size (MB)
  • Total Size (MB) 
  • Archive Created
  • Archive Updated
LEFT(MbxDisplayName,20) AS 'Mailbox', 
ExchangeComputer AS 'Exchange Server',
MbxItemCount AS '#Items (Mailbox)', 
VS1.ArchivedItems AS '#Items (Archive)',
MbxSize/1024 AS 'Mbx Size (MB)', 
VS1.ArchivedItemsSize/1024 AS  'Archive Size(MB)',
(mbxsize+VS1.ArchivedItemsSize)/1024 AS 'Total Size(MB)', 
VS1.CreatedDate AS 'Archive Created',
VS1.ModifiedDate AS 'Archive Updated', 
MbxExchangeState AS 'Exchange State'
EnterpriseVaultDirectory.dbo.ExchangeMailboxEntry AS EME,
EnterpriseVaultDirectory.dbo.ExchangeServerEntry AS ESE,
EVVaultStore01..ArchivePoint AS VS1
EME.DefaultVaultID  = VS1.ArchivePointID AND
EME.ExchangeServerIdentity = ESE.ExchangeServerIdentity 

View solution in original post


Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified
This has been coverd many times before. Check out EV Dashboard -

I have posted many SQL scripts that get stats, check out here and on
This SQL Script will get all List of all Archives and dispaly the following: 

  • Mailbox Name
  • Exchange Server
  • Number of Items (Mailbox) 
  • Number of (Archive)
  • Mailbox Size (MB) 
  • Archive Size (MB)
  • Total Size (MB) 
  • Archive Created
  • Archive Updated
LEFT(MbxDisplayName,20) AS 'Mailbox', 
ExchangeComputer AS 'Exchange Server',
MbxItemCount AS '#Items (Mailbox)', 
VS1.ArchivedItems AS '#Items (Archive)',
MbxSize/1024 AS 'Mbx Size (MB)', 
VS1.ArchivedItemsSize/1024 AS  'Archive Size(MB)',
(mbxsize+VS1.ArchivedItemsSize)/1024 AS 'Total Size(MB)', 
VS1.CreatedDate AS 'Archive Created',
VS1.ModifiedDate AS 'Archive Updated', 
MbxExchangeState AS 'Exchange State'
EnterpriseVaultDirectory.dbo.ExchangeMailboxEntry AS EME,
EnterpriseVaultDirectory.dbo.ExchangeServerEntry AS ESE,
EVVaultStore01..ArchivePoint AS VS1
EME.DefaultVaultID  = VS1.ArchivePointID AND
EME.ExchangeServerIdentity = ESE.ExchangeServerIdentity 

Level 6
There have been many requests in the past for the archiving report to be produced for a full archiving run, as well as for a run in report mode (just like tasks like the FSA tasks do)..  Unfortunately this is still on the wish-list of things to do.

Until it's implemented there are scripts like Wayne has done, and it might also be possible (though not particularly clean, or desirable) to do a DTRACE filter to see the task touching each Mailbox.
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