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Enable zapped mailbox

Level 6

We've just upgraded to EV9SP2 using EV9 client on Office 2003/2010.  I've got a few users who do not get the EV icons (but others do when they log on to those PCs).  I did some log checking (LoggingLevel=3) for the EV client and it looks like for those users it's trying to load EV7 which I believe is set in the hidden messages in the mailbox.

Error in the client log is: "This version of the Enterprise Vault add-in is not compatible with the Enterprise Vault server (V7)" 

So, I ran EVPM with zap=true for the users archive, ran a sync and then clicked Enable Mailboxes, but the zapped mailbox does not appear, it says there are no new mailboxes that can be enabled. 

How long do you have to wait until it appears as a new mailbox? 



Accepted Solutions

Level 6

Fixed.  Turns out to be an issue with the hidden files and AD.  The user's hidden files were indicating they were running v7.5, which is incompatible with EV9 backend, hence the error on Outlook startup.  The errors on the server during provisioning indicate it could not update the database with the users information, and hence could not update the hidden files to tell them they are now v9.  The cause of this was in the user's AD account.  The field "Title" on the organisation tab had over 62 characters, too long for the EV databse.  Removed this, reran provisioning, no errors.  Users now log in without issue and see their icons. 

Thanks for everyone's responses.

View solution in original post


Level 4
Employee Accredited Certified

Zap deletes the hidden message it will not disable the mailbox.  The next synchronization will put the provisioning group specified policies back in place.

The hidden message has nothing to do with the client version.  It sounds like some of you clients did not get the 9.x software update.

Level 6
Partner Accredited

Yeah agreed. I would run the provisioning task and a Sync against the exchange server. 

Level 6

All the PCs got the updated client.  It doesn't matter where these people log on, it doesn't work for them. 

The provisioning task ran overnight, and I checked the provisioning task log.  Against these users, including the one i zapped, is the error:

"Error processing user: Failed to update a record: The EnterpriseVault.DirectoryConnection object reported an error"

Seen this before?

Level 6
Partner Accredited

did you disable the users before you ran the zap?

Level 6
Partner Accredited
Hi SortID Can you run the following SQL script? USE EnterpriseVaultDirectory SELECT * FROM ExchangeMailboxEntry WHERE (LegacyMbxDN LIKE '%USERNAME%') If you don't mind letting me know what the results are that would be great.

Level 6
Partner Accredited
Please backup the SQL databases before you start. 1. Determine the number of entries for this user in the ExchangeMailboxEntry Table using the following script: Use EnterpriseVaultDirectory Go Select * From ExchangeMailboxEntry Where Firstname = '' AND Lastname = '' Repalce above where is the first name of the user and Where is the last name of the user If more than 1 record exists, ensure that they relate to the same user by checking the LegacyMailboxDN name. When we checked this, there were 3 records appearing in which all 3 records showed that the entry for the MbxExchangeState was 1. This means that the mailbox is hidden. however, we have determined from the GAL that the mailbox is NOT hidden. 2. Delete all entries for the user as appearing in the above step by using the DELETE statement 3. Open the Provisioning Group and locate the group in which this user is assigned to and ensure that the option to "Automatically Enable Mailboxes" on the Archiving Defaults tab is NOT selected 4. Run the Provisioning Task and ensure that the Event id 41102 and 41104 appear in the EV event log stating that the provisioning task started and completed successfully. Note: make sure that there were no other Event logs generated between the 2 event id's shown above. 5. If step 4 is correct, then run the SQL command shown in step 1 above again and validate that there is now only one record appearing in this table and that the MbxExchangeState shows as 0 and the MbxArchivingState shows as 0 or 3 6. Now proceed to attempt to enable the user by using the "Enable User" wizard. The user should now appear ready to be enabled. At this step, if not already shown, select "Select Archive" button to re-associate the existing archive to the user mailbox and then proceed as normal through the remainder of the wizard to completion. 7. The mailbox will have now been successfully re-enabled.

Level 6

Thanks for your replies.

I removed the user from the sql database using the delete function, disabled automatic enabling, and reran the provisioning task.  I still get a lot of errors.  There are 33 users with this issue.  Each user generates 5 errors (see below) and does not repopulate the database.

Event Type: Error
Event Source: Enterprise Vault
Event Category: Directory Service
Event ID: 13360
Date:  29/09/2011
Time:  7:49:09 AM
User:  N/A
Computer: server
An error was detected while accessing the Vault Database 'EnterpriseVaultDirectory' (Internal reference: CADODataAccess::ExecuteSQLCommand .\ADODataAccess.cpp [lines {1407,1409,1424,1461}], built Mar 14 10:54:54 2011):


String or binary data would be truncated.
SQL Command:
 INSERT ExchangeMailboxEntry (ExchangeMailboxEntryId, LegacyMbxDN, MbxDisplayName, MbxAlias, MbxNTUser, MbxNTDomain, MbxArchivingState, MbxExchangeState, ExchangeMbxType, MbxWarningLimit, MbxSendLimit, MbxReceiveLimit, MbxSize, MbxItemCount, DefaultVaultId, City, Company, Country, Department, EmployeeType, FirstName, LastName, Office, State, Title, UseQuota, LastModified, PolicyEntryId, PSTPolicyEntryId, PolicyTargetGroupEntryId, PolicyTargetMemberEntryId, ADMbxDN, ExchMbxGUID, MbxStoreIdentity, ADMbxFlags, DesktopPolicyEntryId) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
Additional Microsoft supplied information:
Source:       Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server
Number:       0x80040e57
SQL State:    22001
Native Error: 00008152
HRESULT  0x80040e57

For more information, see Help and Support Center at

Event Type: Error
Event Source: Enterprise Vault
Event Category: Directory Service
Event ID: 13360
Date:  29/09/2011
Time:  7:49:09 AM
User:  N/A
Computer: server
An error was detected while accessing the Vault Database 'EnterpriseVaultDirectory' (Internal reference: CADODataAccess::ExecuteSQLCommand .\ADODataAccess.cpp [lines {1407,1409,1424,1461}], built Mar 14 10:54:54 2011):


The statement has been terminated.
SQL Command:
 INSERT ExchangeMailboxEntry (ExchangeMailboxEntryId, LegacyMbxDN, MbxDisplayName, MbxAlias, MbxNTUser, MbxNTDomain, MbxArchivingState, MbxExchangeState, ExchangeMbxType, MbxWarningLimit, MbxSendLimit, MbxReceiveLimit, MbxSize, MbxItemCount, DefaultVaultId, City, Company, Country, Department, EmployeeType, FirstName, LastName, Office, State, Title, UseQuota, LastModified, PolicyEntryId, PSTPolicyEntryId, PolicyTargetGroupEntryId, PolicyTargetMemberEntryId, ADMbxDN, ExchMbxGUID, MbxStoreIdentity, ADMbxFlags, DesktopPolicyEntryId) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
Additional Microsoft supplied information:
Source:       Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server
Number:       0x80040e57
SQL State:    01000
Native Error: 00003621
HRESULT  0x80040e57

For more information, see Help and Support Center at


Event Type: Error
Event Source: Enterprise Vault
Event Category: Directory Service
Event ID: 8391
Date:  29/09/2011
Time:  7:49:09 AM
User:  N/A
Computer: server
The EnterpriseVault.DirectoryService object reported an error.
Continuing will cancel the connections.

For more information, see Help and Support Center at


Event Type: Error
Event Source: Enterprise Vault
Event Category: Exchange Provisioning Task
Event ID: 8390
Date:  29/09/2011
Time:  7:49:09 AM
User:  N/A
Computer: server
The EnterpriseVault.DirectoryConnection object reported an error.
Continuing will cancel the connections.

Internal references:
Error 0x80040e57
CDirectoryConnectionObject::CreateEntry .\DirectoryConnectionObject.cpp [lines {123,149,150,151,165}], built Mar 14 10:55:02 2011

For more information, see Help and Support Center at


Event Type: Error
Event Source: Enterprise Vault
Event Category: Exchange Provisioning Task
Event ID: 41111
Date:  29/09/2011
Time:  7:49:09 AM
User:  N/A
Computer: server
The Exchange mailbox provisioning task failed during processing of a mailbox. The task is continuing.

Task: Exchange Provisioning Task for afp.le

User: CN=doe\, John,OU=Nat,OU=Nat1,DC=domain,DC=local

Mailbox: /o=domain/ou=National/cn=Recipients/cn=jdoe

Provisioning group: Whole Exchange Organization

Group member: Whole Exchange Organization

Error: Failed to insert a record:The EnterpriseVault.DirectoryConnection object reported an error.

Continuing will cancel the connections.


For more information, see Help and Support Center at

Trace:    at KVS.EnterpriseVault.Common.DirEntry.CreateRecord()
   at KVS.EnterpriseVault.ExchangePolicySync.ExchangePolicySynchronization.CreateMailboxEntry(UserProperties userProps, PolicyTargetInfo targetInfo, Int32 storeID, String defaultVaultId, String& newMbxEntryId)
   at KVS.EnterpriseVault.ExchangePolicySync.ExchangePolicySynchronization.ProcessCreateOrUpdateMailboxEntry(UserProperties userProps, PolicyTargetInfo targetInfo)
   at KVS.EnterpriseVault.ExchangePolicySync.ExchangePolicySynchronization.WorkerThreadFunc()

For more information, see Help and Support Center at

Level 6

I've open a case with Support so will see what they say.

Level 6

Fixed.  Turns out to be an issue with the hidden files and AD.  The user's hidden files were indicating they were running v7.5, which is incompatible with EV9 backend, hence the error on Outlook startup.  The errors on the server during provisioning indicate it could not update the database with the users information, and hence could not update the hidden files to tell them they are now v9.  The cause of this was in the user's AD account.  The field "Title" on the organisation tab had over 62 characters, too long for the EV databse.  Removed this, reran provisioning, no errors.  Users now log in without issue and see their icons. 

Thanks for everyone's responses.