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Exchange 2007 SP1 + OWA Extensions

Level 5
We have just installed SP1 for Exchange 2007 and have found that the OWA Extensions no longer function, in fact it completly shafts OWA if you reinstall them ontop of SP1.
Does anyone know when SP1 will be supported?

Message Edited by Marcrp on 12-02-2007 01:05 PM

Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified
Hi there

SP1 is not supported yet.
Please monitor this file, as it gets updated with this information as soon as it is supported:


cloudficient - EV Migration, creators of EVComplete.

Level 2
Marcrp - Have you found a work around yet?  I have been waiting a long time for Exchange 2007 SP1 so that I cam use the S/MIME capability in OWA.  It has been holding up the completion of our Exchange 2007 implementation.
As anxious as I am to install Exchange 2007 SP1, I don't want to break Enterprise Vault because then I would really be screwed.
We called into Symantec support and they said that it will be a minimum of 14 days before Exchange SP1 is officially supported - although they have not had any "known" issues with it so far.  Looks like your may be a first.
What has support told you?  Are they willing to help out?  I once again have my hands tied because I now need to wait for Symantec to catch up and support Exchange 2007 SP1.  I have a feeling that 14 days will be more like 2 months before it makes the supported platforms list.

Level 6

@MichelZ wrote:
Hi there

SP1 is not supported yet.

They better soon, I think everyone and their mother is chomping at the bit to get SP1 applied. The features finally make Exchange 2007 what it should have been at RTM.

Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified
I'm sure you first have to test SP1 in your test environment...
So 2 weeks won't be much of a difference, right? :)

cloudficient - EV Migration, creators of EVComplete.

Level 5

Unfortunately I have found no work around. For us it's not too bad because not many people use KVS from OWA.
I haven't bothered to waste my time with support as they give the usual answers. I just hope that they are doing some testing and plan to release a patch soon.

Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified

I'm sure they will.
But to speed up this process, you should open a case with them.

I think if they hear a real need for this, they may speed up the process :)


cloudficient - EV Migration, creators of EVComplete.

Level 6

@MichelZ wrote:
I'm sure you first have to test SP1 in your test environment...
So 2 weeks won't be much of a difference, right? :)

Thankfully we didn't make the jump to 2007 at RTM due to lack of some features, but I know numerous people out there slapping SP1 on immediately to get back many features they had in 2003 SP2, then lost by going to 2007 RTM (SMIME in OWA, PF access through OWA being two huge ones).

Level 4
Partner Accredited
For me it worked after I de- and Reinstalld the OWA 2007 Extensions.
Exchange SP1 replaced the web.config file (remove the enterpisevault confiuration).
According to Symantec support Exchange 2007 SP1 will be supported in eVault 2007 SP2.

Level 5
martin are you saying you had to remove or edit the web.config in any way?
If so could you let me know what you did!

Level 2
Looks to me like he installed SP1 then uninstalled the OWA 2007 extensions on his CAS server and then reinstalled the OWA 2007 extensions.
Is that the process that you followed Marcrp or did you just try to reinstall the OWA 2007 extensions for EV?

Level 5

Unfortunately I did do what you have mentioned with no luck.


The messages in the inbox show up with correct icons and can be opened but if you try and click into say your sent items or deleted items you get an error about "Outlook webaccess encoutered a problem".


It seems to totally screw up the front end of OWA.

Level 2
Marcrp - go ahead and generate the error again.  You should be able to click a link to display the error that OWA is throwing.  If so, please paste it here.  I may have had a similar issue.

Level 5

Here is the error - A long one:


Client Information
User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0; SLCC1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.04506; InfoPath.2; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)
CPU Class: x86
Platform: Win32
System Language: en-gb
User Language: en-gb
CookieEnabled: true
Mime Types:

Exception Details
Date: Thu Dec 6 16:05:08 UTC 2007
Message: 'a_sLstFCC' is undefined
Url: http://london/owa/
Line: 153

Call Stack
 sT = 2
 iM = 2
 sT = 'IPF.Contact'
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  shwCM = function (oF) {
    if(!oF._fS) //OWA script call
        //Check if we've already looked at this folder
            if(EVFolderNonDeletable(divTr.gtSelNd()))//OWA script call
                //Setting _fS on the object indicates it is a system folder to OWA
                //so delete and rename are disabled.
                oF._fS = 1;
            oF._fEVNonDeletableChecked = 1;
    //Call the original handler

    //Hide the archive folder options
    var bHide = !g_bEVArchiveOnCM;
    showEm(divEVAF,bHide); //OWA script call
    showEm(divEVS,bHide);  //OWA script call   
  getMdNm = function (sT) {
    if(sT == g_sEVT_EVSEARCH)
        return g_sEVStringSearchArchives;
        return owafunction_getMdNm(sT);
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Dump Event
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 errorMessage = 'a_sLstFCC' is undefined
 errorUrl = http://london/owa/
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 errorCode = 0

Level 4
Partner Accredited
No, I just de-installed the OWA 2007 Extensions (Control Panel, Add & Remove Programs) and did a fresh install afterwards. This fixed the web.config.

Level 5
If anyone is interested I managed to get the extensions to work error free by modifying the policy.
In the policy for OWA I removed Search Archives, Archive Explorer and Help and then sync the changes. OWA then worked without any errors.

Level 4
Partner Certified
Im experiencing the exact problem, Incase i changned the value of Archive Explorer,Search Archives and Help to off it didn't changed the situation,
Did you change any other value of OWA policies?

Level 2

We also had the problem that the OWA buttons were disappeared. After an uninstall and a reinstall of the plugin on both the CAS servers, everything was OK again, we thought.

But when some users browse to folders in their mailbox the get : Outlook Web Access has encountered a Web Browsing Error. In details it's the same error like Marcrp : 
'a_sLstFCC'  is undefined

Opening archives is no problem, it are just some folders....

Anyone an idea?

Thanks in advance!

Level 4
Partner Accredited
Enterprise Vault 2007 SP2 ist already available from
This should fix the problem.

Level 2
hi guys,
im having the same issue here too,
had loads of issues with the OWA icons for vault, i have now got them up but cant get into the calendar etc.. as i get the same error.
im guessing installing sp2 for vault will solve this problem ? (we have exchange 2007 sp1)
i just spoke to tech support and was told its an exchange issue now nothing to do with them!
many thanks